(redirected from Fédération Vaudoise des Vignerons)
FVVFakulteta za Varnostne Vede (Slovenian: Faculty for Security Studies; University of Maribor)
FVVFestival Van Vlaanderen (Dutch: Festival of Flanders; Mechelen, Netherlands)
FVVFédération Vaudoise des Vignerons (French: Vaud Winemakers Federation; Vaud, Switzerland)
FVVFichier des Véhicules Volés (French: Stolen Vehicle File)
FVVFixed Visit Verification (Texas)
FVVFrankfurter Volleyball Verein (German: Frankfurter Volleyball Association)
FVVForschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen eV (Germany)
FVVFédération Valaisanne des Vignerons (French: Valais Winemakers Federation; Valais, Switzerland)
FVVFraunhofer Verbund Verkehr (German: Fraunhofer Traffic and Transportation)
FVVFeste Virtuelle Verbindung (German: Solid Virtual Connection)
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