(redirected from Fédération Belge des Podologues)
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FBPFolate Binding Protein
FBPFructose Bisphosphate
FBPFiltered Back Projection
FBPFiltered Back-Projection (algorithm)
FBPFédération Belge des Podologues (French: Belgian Federation of Podiatrists)
FBPFood by Prescription (healthcare)
FBPFinal Boiling Point
FBPFederal Bureau of Prisons
FBPFédération Belge des Psychologues (French: Belgian Federation of Psychologists; Belgium)
FBPFrance Business Partner
FBPFédération Belge des Photographes (French: Belgian Federation of Photographers)
FBPFriends of the Border Patrol
FBPFracture Breakdown Pressure (geomechanics)
FBPFee Basis Provider (US DoD)
FBPFlexible Benefit Plan (insurance)
FBPFringe Benefit Pool (various organizations)
FBPFinal Bulk Product
FBPFleet Boat Pool (US Navy)
FBPFull Blood Picture
FBPFluid Bed Processor (materials processing)
FBPForeign Buyer Program
FBPFlamenco Black Pearl (Honda paint color)
FBPForeign Bills Purchased (banks)
FBPFactory Based Price
FBPFluid Balance Panel (medical tests)
FBPFires Behavior Prediction (forestry industry)
FBPFederal Business Practice(s)
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