(redirected from Consolidated Improvement Preservation Fund)
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CIPFCanadian Investor Protection Fund
CIPFConvención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria
CIPFCentre d'Immunologie Pierre Fabre
CIPFCapital Improvement and Preservation Fund
CIPFCentro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmacéuticas
CIPFCouncil for International People’s Friendship (Sudan)
CIPFCamden & Islington Providers Forum
CIPFConditional Iterative Proportional Fitting (algorithm)
CIPFCommission for the Inter Parish Finance
CIPFConsumers' Interest Protection Forum (Nepal)
CIPFConsolidated Improvement Preservation Fund
CIPFConfiguration Interaction method involving Pauli-Fock atomic orbitals
CIPFCentre Indépendant de Promation Fourragère
CIPFCentros de Información y Planificación Familiar
CIPFClinical Illness Promoting Factor
CIPFCommunity Improvement Projects and Funding
CIPFConfederación Internacional del Comercio en Pajas y Forrajes
CIPFCorporate Integrated Planning Framework
CIPFCouncil of Investigating Production Forces
CIPFCompetitive price with Income and Population determinates on the expected Future
CIPFCapital Improvement Project Fund
CIPFCongresul International al Profesorilor de Franceza (Romania)
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