(redirected from Consider It Sold)
Category filter:
CISCommonwealth of Independent States (formerly the USSR)
CISCompuServe Information Service
CISComputer Information Systems
CISCustomer Information System
CISCenter for Imaging Science (Johns Hopkins University)
CISCenter for Immigration Studies
CISComputer and Information Science (University of Pennsylvania)
CISComputer Information Science
CISCancer Information Service (National Cancer Institute)
CISConstruction Industry Scheme (UK)
CISCareer Information System
CISCitizenship and Immigration Services (US Department of Homeland Security)
CISCouncil of International Schools
CISContinuous Ink System
CISCrime in Sports (podcast)
CISContact Image Sensor
CISCongressional Information Service
CISCenter for International Studies (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
CISCenter for Internet Security
CISChief of Service (various organizations)
CISCanadian Ice Service (government agency)
CISCentre International de Séjour (French: International Center for Living; est. 1979)
CISCenter for Industrial Services
CISCanadian Interuniversity Sport
CISCentre for Independent Studies (Australia)
CISCard Information Structure
CISCenter for Internet and Society (Stanford Law School)
CISCentre d'Incendie et de Secours (French: Fire and Rescue Center; various locations)
CISCarcinoma in Situ
CISCluster Ion Spectrometry experiment (Cluster spacecraft)
CISCanadian Industry Statistics
CISComplete Internet Services
CISCanadian International School
CISCMOS Image Sensor
CISComputational Intelligence Society (IEEE)
CISClinical Information System
CISComputational Intelligence and Security (IEEE conference)
CISChange in Status
CISCentre for International Studies
CISComodo Internet Security (software)
CISChiba Institute of Science (Japan)
CISCable Inlay System (various companies)
CISComparative and International Studies (Switzerland)
CISContinuous Interleaved Sampling (cochlear implants)
CISClient Information Sheet
CISChristians in Sport (UK)
CISCloud Infrastructure and Services (course)
CISCommunications Infrastructure and Services (industry sector)
CISCurrent Index to Statistics
CISConfederacy of Independent Systems (Star Wars)
CISChildcare Information Service (UK)
CISComposite Information Server (Composite Software Inc.)
CISCapita Insurance Services (UK)
CISCatholic Institute of Sydney (Sydney, Australia)
CISChartered Institute of Stockbrokers (Nigeria)
CISCitizen Information Service
CISCommercial Internet System
CISCommercial Internet Service
CISCenter for Internet and Society
CISContext Information Store
CISComputer Information System
CISCommon Internet Services
CISCooperative Information Systems
CISContent Identification System
CISCustomer Intercept Service
CISCollaborations in Internet Security
CISContent Immutable Storage
CISComputer Interface Station
CISCollective Investment Scheme (Citibank)
CISCorporate Identity System
CISClinically Isolated Syndrome
CISCombined Independent Schools (Australia)
CISConsular Information Sheets
CISChildhood Immunization Status (various locations)
CISCritical Incident Stress
CISBureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (US Department of Homeland Security)
CISConcordian International School (Thailand)
CISCommunication and Interpersonal Skills
CISConsider It Sold (Colorado)
CISCardiovascular Institute of the South
CISCommunity Innovation Survey
CISCatholic Information Service (Knights of Columbus)
CISCenter for Integrated Systems (Washington Community and Technical Colleges)
CISCorporate Information Services
CISConfederation of Independent States (former Soviet Union)
CISChristians in Science (UK)
CISCorporación Interuniversitaria de Servicios (Spanish: Interuniversity Services Corporation; Colombia)
CISCape Instrument Services (South Africa)
CISConsumer and Industry Services
CISComponent Integration Services
CISCentre d'Information sur la Surdité (French: Information Center on Deafness)
CISConstruction Industry Software
CISCommunity Integrated Services (various locations)
CISCopper Indium Selenide (compound semiconductor)
CISCopenhagen International School
CISChemical Inventory System
CISCancer Information Specialist
CISCorporate Information Security
CISCivil Infrastructure Security
CISCustoms Information System (US Customs)
CISConsumer Information Source (National Association of Insurance Commissioners)
CISComite Internacional de Seguimiento (Spanish: International Monitoring Committee)
CISCentral Information System
CISCommunity Information System
CISCustomer Interaction Software
CISCentral Intermediate School (various locations)
CISClinical Immunology Society
CISCertificate of Indian Status (Canada)
CISCorporate Information System
CISComputational and Information Sciences
CISChemical Information System
CISComponent Information System
CISCriminal Intelligence Section (police incident code; New Zealand)
CISCenter for Information Services (Washington Community and Technical Colleges)
CISCommand Information System
CISCommunication Information Systems (SHAPE)
CISCourse Instructor Survey
CISCanada Investment and Savings (government)
CISCompletely Integrated Solution
CISCommunity Information Service
CISCombat Intelligence System
CISClose Interval Survey (oil and gas industry)
CISCompetitive Intelligence Solution (aka Competitive Response Solution)
CISChinese International School
CISChongqing Iron & Steel (China)
CISCivil Infrastructure System (various organizations)
CISCerberus' Internet Scanner
CISCommunications & Information Systems
CISCandidate Information Sheet
CISCentro de Intercambio y Solidaridad (Center for Exchange and Solidarity)
CISCatastrophic Incident Supplement (National Response Plan)
CISCommunications Interface Shelter (US DoD)
CISCentralized Interim Storage (nuclear energy)
CISContinuous Injection System
CISCentral Index System
CISCo-operative Insurance Society, Ltd. (UK)
CISCommunauté Israélite de Strasbourg (French: Jewish Community of Strasbourg; Strasbourg, France)
CISCustomer Interactive Solutions (various locations)
CISCorporate Identity Solutions (various locations)
CISCenter for Instructional Support
CISCentre International d'Informations de Sécurité et de Santé au Travail (French: International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre; Switzerland)
CISCountryside Information System
CISCity Information Systems
CISChartered Institute of Secretaries
CISComunita degli Stati Indipendenti (Italian: Commonwealth of Independent States)
CISCops in Schools
CISCentral Indiana Section (IEEE)
CISCompetitive Impact Statement
CISContrarian Investment Strategy
CISCentre for Intercultural Studies
CISCargill Investor Services
CISCenter for Islam and Science
CISCenter for Insect Science (University of Arizona)
CISCrime Information System
CISCentral Intelligence Service (Privateer 2 PC game)
CISCiticorp Investment Services
CISColombo International School (Sri Lanka)
CISCASE Integration Services
CISCancer Information System
CISCritical Issues Symposium (various organizations)
CISCompany Information System
CISContent Intelligence Services (Documentum product)
CISCivil Society Initiative (WHO)
CISCenter for Injury Sciences (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
CISCenter for Ignatian Spirituality (Los Angeles, CA)
CISConstruction Information Sources
CISCarlisle Indian School (Pennsylvania)
CISChemical Injection System
CISConference of Independent Schools of Ontario
CISCombat Identification System
CISCentre Ingénierie et Santé (French: Engineering and Health Center)
CISContinuous Improvement System (total quality management system)
CISCluster Ion Spectrometer
CISComposite Image Systems
CISCustomer Inquiry System (various businesses)
CISCriminal Information System
CISCurriculum and Instructional Services
CISComponent Interface Specification
CISCombat Information System
CISComputer Information Service
CISCommercial Industrial Services
CISCorrections Information System
CISComunidad Israelita de Santiago
CISContent Integration Server
CISCommunication Interface System
CISCollection Information System
CISCenter for Ideas and Society
CISCard Information System
CISCatering International and Services
CISConventional Inertial System
CISChina Inspection Services (Beijing, China)
CISCommunites in Schools
CISCorinthian Internet Services (AU)
CISCertification Information Service
CISContracts Information System
CISCalifornians for Inclusive Schools
CISComptroller Information System
CISCore Integration System
CISCabinet d'Investigations de Strasbourg (French: Office of Investigations in Strasbourg; private investigation agency; Strasbourg, France)
CISCertified Investment Specialist
CISCryptology Information Security (publication)
CISPegasus Construction Industry Solutions (UK)
CISCollege Independent Study
CISCorrespondence Imaging System
CISCommemorative Integrity Statement (Canada)
CISCatalogue Item Subscription
CISChinese Ichthyological Society (fish)
CISCombined Influence Sweep
CISCommunities in Schools Academy (Durham, NC)
CISClass Interface Size
CISCarnet Indemnity Scheme (UK)
CISConductor Insulator Semiconductor
CISContainment Isolation System
CISCastelli International School
CISCast Iron Sleeve (engine part)
CISContinuous and Intermittent Simulation (auditing)
CISCard Information Services
CISContact Image Sensing (scanner technology)
CISCommon Item Support
CISCombat Instruction Set
CISComplex Interactive System
CISCertified Investment Strategist
CISCustomer Interface System
CISCareer Information Specialist
CISCentral Iowa Symphony (Ames, IA)
CISCalcul Intensif et Simulation (French: Intensive Computing and Simulation)
CISContractor's Information Submittal
CISCentre for Intergroup Studies (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
CISContract Instruction Services
CISCentral Integration Site
CISCommand Instrument System (aviation)
CISCodefusion Internet Services
CISCentral Integration Site (NASA)
CISChemical Imaging System
CISCentral IFF System
CISChange Impact Summary
CISConsolidated Investment Services Inc.
CISChair Indicate Stopped
CISCenter for Imaging and Sensing (WPI Metal Processing Institute; Worcester, MA)
CISContractor Information Service
CISComponent Identification Sheet
CISCanadian Inspection Service
CISClinical Information Study
CISCareer Information Services, Inc (Atlanta, GA)
CISCommunity and Industry Services
CISCommercial Imagery Strategy
CISCustomized Information System
CISCore Instrumentation Subsystem
CISCatalogue Interoperability Subsystem
CISCosine plus i (imaginary number) sine
CISColliery Information System (UK)
CISContel Information Systems Incorporated
CISCochannel Interference Suppression
CISConvergent Internet Solutions LLC
CISCommunication Informatique Service (French: Computer Communication Service)
CISContractor Information Systems
CISCorrosion Inhibiting Substance
CISCatalytic Investment Strategy
CISCommunications Interface Specification
CISComputer Intrusion Section (FBI)
CISCharacteristic Isochromat Spectroscopy
CISCASE Information Services
CISContainer Identification System
CISCustom Internet Solutions, Inc.
CISConstruction Imaging System (software)
CISComputer Intelligence System
CISCryptographic Interoperability Strategy (US NSA)
CISControl Indicator Set
CISCritical Information Shortfall
CISCell Input Switch
CISCommunications Information Software, Inc.
CISCertificate Issuance Software
CISCouncil on Invasive Species
CISCombat Intelligence Squadron
CISCombat Integration/Identification System
CISCryptologic Interface Station
CISCorriente de Integración Sindical (Spanish: Current Integration Association; trade union; Colombia)
CISCreative Intelligent Systems (Workshop)
CISCentre d'Informations Scientifiques (French: Center for Scientific Information)
CISCorporate Implementation System
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