(redirected from Congress of Residential Architecture)
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CORACentral Ohio Reef Aquarists
CORAConfiguration and Resource Allocation
CORAComputer Orientated Reproducer Assembly
CORAComputerized Registration and Approval
CORACincinnati Off-Road Alliance (Cincinnati, OH)
CORACommunity Overcoming Relationship Abuse (San Mateo, California)
CORACommon Raven
CORACongress of Residential Architecture
CORACommission on Religion in Appalachia
CORACertificate of Risk Acceptance (safety)
CORACalifornia Outdoor Rollerskating Association
CORACorporate and Regulatory Affairs
CORACoordinating Responsible Authority
CORAConflict Resolution Assistant
CORACorporación de la Reforma Agraria (Spanish: Corporation of the Agrarian Reformation, Chile)
CORACost Of Remedial Action
CORAComputer - Oral Response Activated
CORACost of Risk Allocation
CORACorrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity Act (Connecticut)
CORACanadian Ocean Resource Associates, Inc.
CORACourt of Restitution Appeals (Nuremberg, Germany)
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