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References in periodicals archive ?
Department of Agriculture," 29 August 1963, frames 01228--01231, reel 38, The Papers of the Congress of Racial Equality, 1941-1967 (Sanford, 1980), microfilm (hereafter cited as CORE Papers); Sweet Potato Alert Proposal, Progress Report, 30 May-3 July 1966, 2, file 3, box 1, Zippert Papers; Zippert interview.
However Coonskin originally encountered extreme controversy before its original theatrical release when the Congress of Racial Equality strongly criticized the content as being racist, although none of the group's members had actually seen the film.
Du Bois; James Farmer, co-founder of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam; Pan-Africanist and black repatriation advocate Marcus Garvey; voting rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer; former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson; filmmaker Spike Lee; Malcolm X; Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall; Black Panther founder Huey P.
Supporting the appellants in an amici curiae brief to overturn the code of the District of Columbia were the attorneys general of 13 states, and representatives of the Second Amendment Foundation, the Congress of Racial Equality, the American Civil Rights Union, and the National Rifle Association.
Her life changed while an undergraduate at Florida A&M University in the summer of 1959, when she and her sister Priscilla attended a meeting about nonviolent direct action conducted by CORE, the Congress of Racial Equality, one of the leading civil rights groups of the time.
The response to this slow process of re-integration was increased external pressure from both the black press and civil rights groups, like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).
The Congress of Racial Equality discontinued its internship program after being told by the New York State Department of Employment that it must pay interns minimum wage.
I sketched his important role in the labor movement of the 1920s and 1930s when, before the rise of the CIO, militant industrial unionism had been labeled "Musteism," his brief career as a Trotskyist, his reconversion to Christian pacifism, and his subsequent work for the Fellowship of Reconciliation, where he helped found the Congress of Racial Equality.
The coverage is broad enough to include such possibly unexpected topics as the Asian Exclusion Act, apartheid, The Birth of a Nation, black nationalism, the Communist Party, Duke Ellington, Mahatma Gandhi, Haiti, humor and comedic traditions, the Industrial Workers of the World, Japanese internment, Jews in the South, Latin America, Native Americans and football alongside such expected topics as the Congress of Racial Equality, W.E.B.
For instance, the Congress of Racial Equality, which had helped organize the integrationist Freedom Rides in the early '60s had by mid-decade become resolutely separatist.
And he was saying, "Hey, listen, there's this interesting technology of passive resistance, of civil disobedience, and do you think it might work in America?" And they began trying it out in Chicago restaurants to see what would happen, and they founded the Congress of Racial Equality. And they experimented with this in freedom rides in the late 1940s and the 1950s.
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