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CONGUCouncil of National Golf Unions
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He has also posted a blog to spark debate around golfing issues - with more than 1,800 reading his thoughts on the Congu handicap system.
The new CONGU manual is in the process of being published and is the culmination of a four-year review cycle with the aim of assisting club members to have handicaps which truly reflect their playing ability.
Dubai Two local golf officials have defended the decision taken over a year ago to switch from CONGU handicapping to a computerised USGA scoring format, despite teething problems reported by the UAE's clubs.
Members of the golf club can benefit from some of the following - unlimited access to the challenging nine-hole course, unlimited access to USGA short game area, half-price balls for the driving range, pounds 5 guest fees for friends and family, a '-hour indicatory golf lesson courtesy of Adam Hunter Golf, the chance play in club competitions and 18-hole medals, gain an official CONGU handicap plus one month's free as standard - all for only pounds 395, or as little as pounds 1 a day over the 13 months.
The CONGU (Council of National Golf Unions) handicap limit is 36.
The changes have been brought in by CONGU, the Council of British Golf Unions, and will last until 2012, affecting both men and women in the same way.
Publie en 1946 par le Conseil canadien pour l'avancement de l'education et du civisme et reproduit sous forme d'edition bon marche en 1948 et 1952., le recueil A Pocketful of Canada, reunissant des documents litteraires, historiques et visuels, a ete congu en vue << d'attirer l'attention du monde sur le mode de vie des Canadiens >>.
L'edifice du Palais legislatif du Manitoba a ete congu par Frank Worthington Simon, assiste de Henry Boddington III, deux architectes de Liverpool en Angleterre.
The certainty of paternal parentage rested as of old on moral conviction at best, and in order to solve the irreconcilable contradiction, the code Napoleon decreed in its article 312: 'L'enfant congu pendant le marriage a pour pare le mari' (the child conceived during marriage has for its father the husband).
Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, le droit a la sante tel que congu par les regles de droit international ne peut s'exercer sans la participation de l'Etat.