(redirected from Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services)
AWASAustralian Women's Army Service
AWASAnsett Worldwide Aviation Services (New York, NY)
AWASAlluvial Water Accounting System (river analysis tool; Colorado)
AWASAngkatan Wanita Sedar
AWASAnalysis of Wire Antennas and Scatterers
AWASAutomated Weather Advisory Station (aviation)
AWASAutomated Work Administration System (Verizon)
AWASAtmos Wave Acquisition System (Atmos International)
AWASAsia Women and Shelter Network (India)
AWASAcademy of Wrestling Arts & Science
AWASAssembly Wireless Alarm Systems (Slovakia)
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References in periodicals archive ?
As of February 27, 2012, the carrier has operated 360 flights and carried over 40,000 passengers, operating leased Airbus A320-200 jets from ALAFCO, GECAS, Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services. Sep 24, 2013 AirGuideBusiness ISSN 1939-666X Copyright [c] 2013 AirGuide Business / Pyramid Media Group.
The new aircraft, the seventh 737 in Okay Airways' fleet, is under lease from AWAS (Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services) and is also the first new aircraft delivery for Okay Airways and the first new aircraft delivery in four years for AWAS, an aircraft leasing company based in Dublin, Ireland.
Half the share capital of Sydney-based Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services (AWAS) fell into TPG's hands in December 1996, when the latter bought the Australian express courier services firm TNT.
Royal Jordanian has taken delivery of one Airbus A321 and one A320, under lease from Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services (AWAS).
Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services has requested that CAMAIR return one Boeing 767-300 and two Boeing 757-200s after it defaulted on three monthly payments.
MSDW Aircraft Holdings, a subsidiary of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co, has acquired Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services, an Australian aircraft leasing company from News Corp Ltd and TNT Post Group.