Anserov, Nikolai Ivanovich

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Anserov, Nikolai Ivanovich


Born Dec. 29, 1893 (Jan. 10, 1894), in the village of Kotel’niki, Moscow District; died July 5, 1944, in Moscow. Soviet anthropologist and anatomist.

Anserov was a professor in the medical department of the University of Perm’ (1923–26), the University of Azerbaijan (1927–37), and the Third Medical Institute in Moscow (1937–44). He conducted extensive anthropological research on the population of Azerbaijan, studying some groups for the first time. Anserov connected his anthropological data with the ethnogenesis of some of the researched groups. He developed a method for studying the blood supply to the skeleton with the aid of special so-called clarified preparations; he also made important contributions in age morphology.


Tiurki Sovetskogo Azerbaidzhana. Baku, 1930.
Talyshi: Mediko-antropologicheskoe issledovanie. Baku, 1932.
Arterial’naia sistema skeleta cheloveka. Moscow, 1939.


Ocherki zhizni i deiatel’nosti gistologov i anatomov Moskvy. Moscow, 1967.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.