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  • Installing and Uninstalling

    How to Install
    Installing this mod follows the status quo for installing almost all BG3 mods. I've included a brief summary below, but for thorough installation instructions, including details on where to find BG3 path locations and so on, this is a great resource: BG3 wiki. 

    BG3 Mod Manager
    The recommended way to install this is with LaughingLeader's BG3 Mod Manager. 
    Choose the Manual Download option from the Files tab on this Nexus page, then in BG3 Mod Manager, go to File -> Import Mod...
    To activate this mod, simply drag it from the right-hand panel to the left-hand panel in BG3 Mod Manager. 
    Don't forget to click the Export icon, to apply the changes to modsettings.lsx.

    If you are comfortable with Vortex, t...

  • Cloned Items and Unique Rewards

    Items from later acts brought to earlier acts:

    Myconid Beastmaster      Marksmanship Hat                            3bccf482-0a65-47da-85df-9710df5248e7
    Githyanki Creche Guard   Gauntlets of Surging Accuracy         8070069f-1565-4b5f-872c-0073c9481575
    Monk                                  Servitor of the Black Hand Gloves   746f08c0-007d-4831-a5f3-62fd7d31204b
    Kuo Toa (Hag Swamp)     Sickle of BOOOAL                              4e08801a-564c-44a6-93b8-29e2d9106230
    Sharran Eldritch Knight    Charge-Bound Warhammer              aabb5048-3c3a-4a75-ba80-95366622b660
    Sharran Ranger                 Sword of Clutching Umbra               e71b5c16-d74f-4b41-94ff-c1...

  • Death Soul - Traduccion ES

    Traducción al español del mod Death Soul....

  • Gunslinger mod requirements

    Mod Requirements

    These mods are absolutely required. Many different things will not work without them.

    Elemental Spells - Chromatic Spells
    Shivero's Icon Library
    VFX Library by Shivero (Part 1)
    Vlad's Grimoire - Spell VFX Library

    These mods may be optional depending on which subclass you are playing.

    Valkrana's Spellbook - required for DIRGE only

  • Flat Chest Equipment Race IDs

    Dwarves Flat Chest Masc (DWR_FCM):

    GUID: f31efee6-b709-427c-b7c4-fee93c812064
    Parent Race: Dwarves Flat Chest (DWR_FC)
    Parent GUID: ba3e49bd-614f-4b8b-81c1-7af6bb4c8f01
    Character Visual ID: 56172187-51fb-4d7f-9e5e-a99e0a727d18

    Dwarves Flat Chest (DWR_FC):

    GUID: ba3e49bd-614f-4b8b-81c1-7af6bb4c8f01
    Parent Race: Dwarves Female (DWR_F)
    Parent GUID: b4a34ce7-41be-44d9-8486-938fe1472149
    Character Visual ID: ad6a1376-a18a-40c6-92e2-8383124ddaa0

    Elves Flat Chest Masc (ELF_FCM):

    GUID: 2dbb8f1a-136f-4d9e-bb6c-c33eefe78205
    Parent Race: Humans Flat Chest Masc (HUM_FCM)
    Parent GUID: e7...

  • Additional Enemies Extended -Version FR

    Traduction du mode Additional ennemies Extended en français....

  • Order of the Kraken Cloak and Trident 1.1 Update

    Cloak Features
    Superior Darkvision (24m range)
    +1 AC and all Saving Throws
    +1 spell save DC and melee and ranged spell attack modifiers
    Resistance to Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Thunder damage
    Hoarfrost Balance: Immunity to falling prone on ice
    Electrocution Immunity: Immunity to the Electrocuted condition
    Cunning Brume: Disengage action creates a fog cloud to blind enemies during your escape
    Snowburst: Dealing any source of Cold damage creates a circle of Ice around the target. It will also freeze wet surfaces and give Wet creatures the Frozen status.
    Electrify Water: DURING COMBAT, standing in water electrifies the water. Any creatures standing on the electrified water surface will take 1d4 Lightning damage at the start of their turn, ...

  • Order of the Kraken Cloak and Trident 1.1 Update

    Cloak Features
    Superior Darkvision (24m range)
    +1 AC and all Saving Throws
    +1 spell save DC and melee and ranged spell attack modifiers
    Resistance to Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Thunder damage
    Hoarfrost Balance: Immunity to falling prone on ice
    Electrocution Immunity: Immunity to the Electrocuted condition
    Cunning Brume: Disengage action creates a fog cloud to blind enemies during your escape
    Snowburst: Dealing any source of Cold damage creates a circle of Ice around the target. It will also freeze wet surfaces and give Wet creatures the Frozen status.
    Electrify Water: DURING COMBAT, standing in water electrifies the water. Any creatures standing on the electrified water surface will take 1d4 Lightning damage at the start of their turn, ...

  • Deadeye

    A Deadeye uses Dexterity as their primary ability score.

    Progression is mostly like Rogue Assassin with some extra goodies thrown in.

    This subclass shares all the same proficiencies as Rogue, with the addition of Heavy Crossbow which is the "real" weapon type behind the 2h guns.

    Deathwish and Heartpiercer
    The Deadeye begins the game with a "western" sniper rifle called "Deathwish" and a pistol/blade called "Heartpiercer" which is equipped in the melee slots (much like the Gunbreaker). You will want to summon the Deadeye armory chest asap to get a second Heartpiercer so you can dual wield them. These weapons will level scale with you well into Act 3 where you can purchase a final Legendary version from a vendor in Lower City....

  • Load Order and Prerequisites

    Follow this guidance for proper load order and general Subclass mod requirements.  Subclass mods will require several things to work with other Subclass mods.  If you experience any issues with this Subclass not appearing, etc, it will likely be because you are missing one of these components, or you have a Subclass mod loaded that is not using the generally accepted compatibility practice.

    First and foremost, please check the tagged requirements when you download this mod file.  It should tell you what other mods and/or external resources are needed.  

    1. You will need Script Extender.  If you use BG Mod Manager, it will be included and will update on launch.  If you use Vortex or manual installation, I do not know how to help you unfortunately, as I hav...

  • Ulitharid - playeble Mind Flayer RU

    Русский перевод Ulitharid - playable Mind Flayers's race by JBJ_3Dart для Baldur's Gate 3...

  • Solutions For The Scavenger Hunt

    This article contains spoilers for the locations of each of the books found in the mod!

    Part 0 of 4: Found in your camp chest on loading a save, delivered by AV Item Shipment Framework.

    Part 1 of 4:

    Clue from the previous book:

    "I've entrusted the first part of this tale with a young man not far from here. Be careful of the other goods he's selling - many of them are counterfeit. He's not quite the scoundrel he seems, however. He may make an excellent member of the Baker Street Irregulars yet."

    Merchant that has the book:

    Mattis, one of the tiefling kids in Emerald Grove.

    Part 2 of 4:

    Clue from the previous book:

    "You'll find the next chapter of this story with the on...

  • Release - Order of the Kraken Cloak 1.0

    My first mod, inspired by the 2024 Modathon and Ginny Di's Kraken Week!

    As a late entrant, I only had about 1 day to learn how to do this and turn this project around, so I was a bit rushed.
    If you notice any visual problems let me know! Most of the species and size models should work like a normal cloak item. The mechanical effects should have no problems as only vanilla mechanics and effects are used.

    The Order of the Kraken Cloak is imbued with several empowering magical enchantments of the Deep:
    Superior Darkvision (24m)
    +1 to AC and Saving Throws
    +1 to Ranged and Melee spell attacks
    Resistance to Cold, Fire, and Thunder damage
    Improved Critical Hit (crit on a 19 or 20, stacks with other effects)
    Veil of the Wind (+3m ...

  • Narrater Forsen

    Forsen is Naratter Okayeg....

  • Alibaba's Key

    Alibaba's Key汉化...

  • Class Description and Progression

    Mind Weaver

    Level 2

    Mind Surge
    +1 Mind Surge
    Level 3

    Ethereal Mastery
    Level 4

    Level 8

    Level 12


    Psionic Warden

    Level 1

    Light Armor, Simple and Martial Weapons
    Cerebral Enhancement (Level 1)
    Mind Blade
    Level 2

    Select 2 spells
    Level 3

    +1 Mind Surge
    Select 2 spells
    Cerebral Enhancement (Level 1)
    Level 4

    +1 Mind Surge
    Select 1 spell
    Level 5

    +1 Mind Surge
    Psionic Synergy
    Select 1 spell
    Cerebral Enhancement (Level 2)
    Mind Blade enhancement
    Level 6

    Select 1 spell
    Level 7

  • Passives

    Level 1 Passives (Level 1-4)

    Psionic Blade Infusion: With Psionic Blade Infusion, you channel psionic energy into a melee weapon, transforming it into a magic weapon and causing it to shimmer with an ethereal, violet aura. Intelligence becomes the ability score used for attack and damage rolls.

    Mind Over Matter: Harness the power of your intellect to bolster your defenses. Your Armor Class is increased based on your Intelligence modifier, reflecting your ability to use mental acuity to anticipate and avoid attacks. When not wearing armor or using Light Armor you use your Intelligence Modifier for your Armour Class.

    Intellectual Agility: Your sharp intellect enhances your reaction speed, improving your initiative based on your Intelligence Modifier. St...

  • Spells


    Mind Blade: Strike with a blade imbued with psychic energy, dealing weapon damage as Psychic damage and imposing Disadvantage on Intelligence Saving Throws. (At level 5 deals additional 1d4 Psychic damage, At level 10 additional 1d8 Psychic damage)

    Psychic Shock: Overwhelm the target's mind with a surge of psychic energy, dealing 1d8 Psychic damage and impairing their focus, inflicting Disadvantage on their Attack Rolls.

    Cerebral Blast: Channel a concentrated burst of psychic energy at a single target dealing 1d10 Psychic damage

    Level 1 Spells

    Psionic Devastation: Unleash a wave of psychic energy in a cone, dealing 3d6 Psychic damage to all enemies caught within its range. The overwhelming mental force disrupt...

  • LordoftheMysteries_Spectator

