Post news Report RSS The challenge of Adblock

A call to arms for our community - whose support we depend on to grow and prosper.

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Since 2002 ModDB and IndieDB have been helping developers promote their craft to our amazing community of gamers. Today we reach 7.7million people who download over a petabyte of content every month. It has been an amazing journey and more than we ever could have imagined, and we aim to stay online forever.

of our visitors use adblock

However a challenge that all web communities face today, for better or worse is a dependence on advertising. Our aim has always been to show as few, as classy and relevant advertising as we can and we continue to fight that battle. But with adblock penetration exceeding 50% this is a challenging task. For large companies like Google this isn't a problem, because they pay adblock to allow their ads by default. But for us we are left in a tricky place.

Adblock or not we still love yoooou and will always welcome all visitors, but if you don't mind seeing ads every now and then, we ask for your support by whitelisting and

If you like the site, we are testing out a subscription system which you can join above. In return you will see no ads for a year, and we offer a warm fuzzy feeling that you are helping us feed the beast (the 15 servers we have pushing out content). We welcome all suggestions so please don't hesitate to share - our aim is to give all game and mod developers a voice free from editors/gatekeepers, as we succeed when we help you succeed.

UPDATE: responding to are our ads safe

So a lot of people in the comments are saying they would like to whitelist us (thanks!) but want to know if our ads are safe, don't play noise or do annoying things. I just want to respond to this by saying we value our community above all else, which is why we work with Gamer Network on all ads. Our policy is to whitelist and only traffic acceptable ads. You should never experience ads which don't comply with these rules, as we want people to love browsing here and for the ads to complement your experience not push you away. We hope more sites follow our lead, so you feel good about whitelisting us and other deserving sites on the internet.

Post comment Comments  (100 - 150 of 885)
Guardian_2194600 - - 235 comments

The reason I Use Adblocker, is that some ads like ones quoted "Around the web" frigging creep me out and look inappropriate (Many appear on this site for me). I don't want to see that stuff browsing the web. Like the one Gunship MKII posted

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Wintch - - 13 comments

Sorry, but i don't get the benefit of viewing this ads.
I will never click em. Simple, i just don't like to see grandmas on my monitor.
Donation? Not a problem, maybe you could consider some additional options also.
Like paid support for people that donate some important amount, etc.
I like indiedb/moddb and will collaborate, but not by disabling ABP, it's not an option for me

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ippiki - - 19 comments

Didn't even think about this. Disabled it without a second thought.

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hugocosta - - 1 comments

I don't mind ads! My problem is with all the tracking, that's why i use ad blockers.
I think content providers that use ads to monetize could also be part of the solution, please find ad agencies that provide ads without all the tracking, and provide feedback to the ones that do track saying that their ads are being blocked because of this.
I rather pay for it and i just did that. :)

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Jesusfreak - - 770 comments

I'm guilty of using adblock on here too. I'll remove it immediately and also subscribe to this wonderful community website.

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Guest - - 699,916 comments


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BlackMoons - - 121 comments

Id like to see one time payment options instead of a sub.

I won't allow ads due to the risk they pose to my computer and the fact that websites and ad providers are still not held liable for the damages they do, so they have 0 incentive to screen the ads.

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MindRiot - - 1,843 comments

I love this site and everything but i will not disable adblock until as others have mentioned the screen hogging ones that hijack the site such as

Are removed from the site.

I didnt even click on anything or hover over it. It just took over the page.

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NuclearPhoenixx - - 94 comments

Hopefully this site can provide all the awesome content also in the far-away future =)
I love this page, use it daily and whitelisted it on addblock.

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wheelmandan - - 1,312 comments

but if i turn it off then i get all those add and hey click here for this or your going to dl this click on this i get it you need money ad all just don't like having adds man,

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Pyrodaimon - - 340 comments

Frankly, most of the ads of the pages and sites I browse get blocked by NoScript rather than APB. That's why, even when I disabled APB for ModDB, my NoScript add-on still blocked the ads by targeting the scripts of,, and

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x4j5asj3hfas5 - - 44 comments

i stopped using adblock at this site
it is little but something

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The_Traveler - - 707 comments

would it not be easier to disable Ad-block for this site? i tend to only run Ad-blocker on YouTube.

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Hezus - - 567 comments

Just the ads in the frame where they are supossed to be wouldn't be a problem for me but I just whitelisted you guys and the minute I did that, a huge ad popped up in the middle of the screen blocking the entire site. Clicked the X and it disappeared only to retun at the bottom of the website, blocking the content I was about to read, once again!

They're just too freaking annoying.

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MindRiot - - 1,843 comments

That's exactly what happened to me when i tried to whitelist it.

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ShrikeGFX - - 331 comments

If you want users to unblock, show them how its done in your ad window, instead of only asking them

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Elitic - - 209 comments

I have 50 tabs open on Firefox (1,5Gb Ram)+Unity+3dsMax+PS if I didn't use adblock - the computer would die on 25th tab or so...(damned flash ads)
I will donate for mod/indiedb after I release my first game on steam and Desura, but until then I'm 0$/hour dev :)

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Unikraken - - 3,221 comments

This is why I used adblock:

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Clonetrooper163 - - 810 comments

I turn adblocker off for you guys and now if i leave moddb open in a tab a wild ad appears and start playing sound this is not what i turned adblocker off for so remove video ads or i put it back on.

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Reborn:X - - 3,456 comments

I am not sure what you exactly mean.

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Clonetrooper163 - - 810 comments

When i open moddb and check my updates then go and open another tab to like facebook or whatever a video in the moddb tab somehow gets unmuted when i'm not even on the moddb tab making me close it.

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SantaofDeath - - 710 comments

I'll white-list moddb, it is the least bit I can do.

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sharky70 - - 5 comments

I just whitelisted, but I'm still seeing the same messages asking me to consider whitelisting, did I do something wrong?

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Denker - - 26 comments

Same here.

Even though i disabled adblocker on moddb, i still don't get ads... it's the only site that i white listed and it didn't work, on youtube i get them ads.

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SinaCutie - - 70 comments

You guys ask so nicely about this! Every website that has politely asked and made sure that there are minimal invasive ads (like those awful and loud Flash ones) always get whitelisted.

When I can afford, I will have no problem subscribing; this website has been a huge resource for me for many years. <3

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Guest - - 699,916 comments

If anyone is having issues with evasive flash ads that are very annoying for everyone. Go to your plugins and set to ask to activate. This is the most secure thing anyone can do for their own protection. As a precaution I always have flash set to ask and silverlight set to ask. This is by no means what so ever towards reputable companies like & I thank you folks for all the great content you all are kicking out :)

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8472 - - 860 comments

Donating to ModDB is the least I can do. I've been here over ten years and its largely because of this site that I received any kind of audience for my hobby projects. That's not even mentioning some of the amazing mods I've discovered, which alone is worth the subscription. Long live ModDB!

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Aro - - 1,971 comments

If I had as much money spare as I'd like, then I'd happily donate to ModDB and PPM on a regular basis, which is why I have said sites whitelisted. ModDB's advertisements can be interfering and annoying sometimes, particularly those with music or voiceovers, but given how beneficial the site has been for me and Twisted Insurrection, whitelisting is the very least I can do, and that should be the same for all mod leaders hosted here.

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jungleboy1971 - - 2 comments

OK I disabled ABP on this page - you are the first I whitelisted.

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Guest - - 699,916 comments

This was a very respectful way to ask. I have whitelisted you, since I am new, but I would gladly pay $10 year for a website I used daily. Now, about your website looking like it was loaded inside an Xbox 360....

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dumpydoodaa - - 1,141 comments

send me 10$ a month please

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fleet84 - - 158 comments

i have white listed you, now you dont advertise any more SCAMS!

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Guest - - 699,916 comments

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GrosBedo - - 4 comments

Is there an automatic detection of Adblock Plus that shows the whitelisting message instead of ads, regardless to the fact that one has whitelisted moddb? Because I have Chrome and I disabled Adblock Plus for this website, but the ads are still replaced by the message asking about whitelisting in Adblock Plus...

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Sparktank - - 2 comments

Hmm. Using latest firefox version (of this time: 36.0) with add-ons disabled. I still get the ads blocked.
Between "Spybot - Search & Destroy 2" (for hosts file "immunize feature") and "SpywareBlaster" (another hosts file blacklisting function) and MalwareBytes' "Anti-Malware" and "Anti-Exploit", something's still blocking ads.
However, I'll look into subbing this week after I get some other things done.

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Guest - - 699,916 comments

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BobplaysNOTHING - - 47 comments

How do i whitelist? I'll watch ads if i have to. No ads come up, but i have no adblock

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CadianConscript - - 3,116 comments

I'll leave the adblock on no matter what. Internet was the only place where one could not be bothered with advertising... that was until recently though. I've seen websites out there which will deny you access to contents if you use adblock. Are you going to walk on the same path? No, I don't want to "find hot singles in my area" and NO, I don't want "enlarge my *****" I'm fine as it is. Adblock stays on.

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sharky70 - - 5 comments

Until recently? You're kidding yourself. Did you see the internet in the 1990's? If anything, it was worse. I don't care about your stance on blocking ads either way, but that statement in particular was just flat out false. Good day.

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CadianConscript - - 3,116 comments

Oh, you are an American =) Gotcha. You are spoon-fed advertising your entire life, I kinda feel for you, but not all websites were like that you see. In my region most websites were ad-free. 10 years ago people became aware of the fact that they can advertise really aggressively on the internet and there it all began to evolve. If anything I went to internet because I had instant access to the things I like without advertising interruptions like on the TV or the radio. The last 5 years things went almost unbearable. TV, Internet or on the street - doesn't matter - advertising is everywhere popping in your face. Next time you read a comment on the net you might want to think about what you are about to say. Internet wasn't even a thing in my country before 99' and now we have fiberoptic cables and 150mb/s for the equivalent of 10 USD a month, believe it or not. I know my internet history well enough.

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Lacedaemonius - - 510 comments

I block ads specifically because of external datamining scripts and other unscrupulous ******** that permeates the modern web. Only one website has convinced me to unblock ads, and it's the lparchive for its very plain and straightforward commitment to non-intrusive banner ads ONLY.

If moddb would offer me the same respect: no scorecardresearch, no quantserve, no datamining, and no flash/popup ads I would consider unblocking to. But the little message doesn't say that, it just asks me to unblock out the goodness of my heart.

But here's a question: why am I seeing ads at all when I've already bought multiple games off Desura? :3

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dumpydoodaa - - 1,141 comments

"Google this isn't a problem, because they pay adblock to allow their ads by default. "

Google can be and is blocked too.

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Mongolranger - - 228 comments

If I didn't just quit my job, I would totally sub. Haha. This is an amazing website. I visit it more then daily. Thank you so much for making this in the first place. Defiantly white-listed. Wish you guys all the best!

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RalphRoberts - - 44 comments

Whitelisted, I love Moddb.

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Smokinkai - - 10 comments

Added indiedb & moddb on the whitelists of adblock & adblock plus.


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ChrisTeister - - 1 comments

Whitelisted IndieDB :)

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RealApprentice - - 96 comments

No and No, not with the way Aaron decides to "treat" certain customers here. Ironic though, that ModDB is asking for your money in this fashion . . .

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Nanoelite001 - - 530 comments

Only just getting this notice now for some reason, I use both adblocker and blur, because honestly, f*ck some of these ads and their devious tricks. But I get paid tomorrow, so even though I won't be white-listing I'm definitely going to be subscribing, this is my second most used site and I'll be happy to support it with some dosh :)

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mawhrin-skel - - 522 comments

Big sub here - worth every penny (though I wish you would pull your fingers out publishing news!)

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Nierven - - 87 comments

Okay guys, I've withlisted ModDB, but if it's too have that ... :

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