Post news Report RSS The challenge of Adblock

A call to arms for our community - whose support we depend on to grow and prosper.

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Since 2002 ModDB and IndieDB have been helping developers promote their craft to our amazing community of gamers. Today we reach 7.7million people who download over a petabyte of content every month. It has been an amazing journey and more than we ever could have imagined, and we aim to stay online forever.

of our visitors use adblock

However a challenge that all web communities face today, for better or worse is a dependence on advertising. Our aim has always been to show as few, as classy and relevant advertising as we can and we continue to fight that battle. But with adblock penetration exceeding 50% this is a challenging task. For large companies like Google this isn't a problem, because they pay adblock to allow their ads by default. But for us we are left in a tricky place.

Adblock or not we still love yoooou and will always welcome all visitors, but if you don't mind seeing ads every now and then, we ask for your support by whitelisting and

If you like the site, we are testing out a subscription system which you can join above. In return you will see no ads for a year, and we offer a warm fuzzy feeling that you are helping us feed the beast (the 15 servers we have pushing out content). We welcome all suggestions so please don't hesitate to share - our aim is to give all game and mod developers a voice free from editors/gatekeepers, as we succeed when we help you succeed.

UPDATE: responding to are our ads safe

So a lot of people in the comments are saying they would like to whitelist us (thanks!) but want to know if our ads are safe, don't play noise or do annoying things. I just want to respond to this by saying we value our community above all else, which is why we work with Gamer Network on all ads. Our policy is to whitelist and only traffic acceptable ads. You should never experience ads which don't comply with these rules, as we want people to love browsing here and for the ads to complement your experience not push you away. We hope more sites follow our lead, so you feel good about whitelisting us and other deserving sites on the internet.

Post comment Comments  (50 - 100 of 885)
DevinShadowV - - 532 comments

The only reason I actually use adblock just because most of them use flash and it crashes my website looking so that's the only reason and having a yearly subscription based without ads is fine with me and of course don't pay you get the ads so I'm all for it if I had the money right now.

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

Appreciate your support whether you subscribe or not. I do notice that some ads are quite resource intensive. We always strive for quality ads, and I will always try and stop those that are slow, loud or obnoxious

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boimolo - - 3 comments

I have adblock installed, but i have some exceptions like this site. Adblock is supposed to eliminate malware add's, which popups on whole screen, and You cant close it without opening it. Ad's on Moddb are not invasive, so there is no purpose to block ad's here. I guess that more than half of this people dont even realize that they are blocking moddb, so the best way is just ask.

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Vicyous - - 106 comments

This!, i just turned off Adblock for Moddb,i didnt even realised!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Chompster - - 4,309 comments

While every now and then i keep getting these pretty annoying and really large ads which i have to X to close, moddb was still the first site to go on my whitelist when i decided to whitelist a bunch of sites i wanted to "support".

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swefan - - 4 comments

Whitelisted moddb ;)

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Dark_Sentinel - - 132 comments

I use AdBlock 'cause well, I hate the ads.
There was only one website before that asked _nicely_ - "would you please concider"?
Same here. Whitelisting.

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taintxs - - 164 comments

Subbed because I love Moddb and it has helped me with getting my content out there!

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von_lidl - - 39 comments

Damn, I didn't even notice this site had ads, and I didn't see that grey box telling me I should turn it off until I saw this. It's off for this domain now.

Moddb should make that message a little easier to see.

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Dune_Jumper - - 1,586 comments

It wasn't a thing until yesterday.

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SPAAAARTAAAA - - 42 comments

I am blocking all google scripts\ads\other stuff. I am allowing moddb ads\scripts\anything. Just for statistic. I love moddb and i am allow that ads stuff at all. Because moddb deserves it. Totally.

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Shrektacular - - 151 comments

On TV there are legal restrictions on how many ads, how long ads are, how invasive ads are so that we don't see nothing but ads.

On the internet there are no restrictions, when I turn adblock off I see nothing but ads ads ads ads, stupid animated ads that pop out and make sounds, take up broadband and cause lag.

I hate ads and I'll never turn adblock off, sorry but I hate looping flashing animations at either side of text when i'm trying to read.

edit: If you changed the adverts to non-animated ones I would whitelist moddb.

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NekoGenijalan - - 857 comments

How do I white list? Send me a PM with explanation, whoever has time

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Dead|Wing - - 3,064 comments

Will sub up tomorrow, anything to keep this awesome site alive.

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Lesbian_Owl - - 136 comments

i dont use Blocker cause the Ads are toleratable, no scary popups or "close" ****! Its just quiet with ads! I love it! :3

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Purifier752 - - 20 comments

Exactly now I've turned off Adblock, and I'm happy to see that the ads on this site aren't invasive, so I've decided to whitelist I love this site, and I think you deserve the support from all the community.

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rockford - - 7 comments

I use Ghostery and I just added Indiedb in the whitelist :)
Can see the ads now, and will click on some time to time.

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Gunship_Mark_II - - 4,864 comments

Whitelisted :3 I would really love to donate, but my country doesn't support PayPal :c

Some ads are freaking horrifying though

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
JakePlantagenet - - 11 comments

Sorry I use Adblock to stop and block any malicious ads on any site I understand you need ads to survive but I cannot choose money over safety plus ads generate lag a lot of the time so its very annoying.

Also My Adblock Has Blocked Googleads completely so even if there paid to block those ads you can block them at the source.

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V.Onus - - 9 comments

I don't run adblock on here anymore, but i use to run it mainly because of the massive ads that would popup and hijack my entire monitor.

I'm definitely gonna sub soon to help support, don't know what i would do without indiedb D:

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DoctorSpanky - - 1,733 comments

Honest to god I don't mind getting adds themselves it's just the adds that I get are absolutely monstrosities that run back to hackers, frauds and other scum... if I just got an add for something like Snickers or something random like that but no all I get is pure internet cancer... if I was in a financial situation to Sub I would honestly do so but I'm not even able to find a job for half a year now ;\

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SamuelSousa - - 17 comments

White listed ;)

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yhoyhoj - - 67 comments

I use Adblock and other extensions not only to hide ads but also to avoid tracking. I don't want all those big firms to know where I am surfing and sell these informations to their clients.
I was going to add an exception for IndideDB but I can't find what to deactivate (you have got a ton of trackers), the message asking me to whitelist your website is always showing up.

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medve - - 1,475 comments

thats not adblocker dude, thats disconnect

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yhoyhoj - - 67 comments

I use Ghostery (for Firefox). In case you don't know some ads (if not all) are also tracking you. Ghostery blocks these ads and other trackers. I also use an alternative to Adblock to remove remaining ads (I don't know if it's necessary now but when I started using Ghostery it didn't block all the ads).

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Dragonlord - - 1,934 comments

Just to stick to this point some more meet Ghostery does block at this very time viewing this website 6 trackers. And that's not counting those hidden in ads blocked by other extensions. Ads are one thing... trackers hell of something else.

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medve - - 1,475 comments

i got tired of moving annoying flash game ads and/or "70 year old mom looks like 11 with magic potion". also if someone uses a mobile browser, more precious download speed is wasted on these ads. thnak god for android fox adblocker.

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Ultimate_Yaro_Gander - - 511 comments

I realized then that I was advertising, adblokk problem? if so how it vyklyuchirt, I knew that sales ene enabled

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Olku_ - - 2,077 comments

ti kaeps ouy od hsilgne

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Tomah_Errazurih - - 243 comments

When I whitelisted, Adtech (one of the ad companies, I believe) was promoting itself here. Have we come full circle?


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Sph!nx - - 722 comments

Whitelisted. Done it before but for some reason it was turned back and I didn't pay any attention to it. Keep my eye on it for now.

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chris_coma - - 162 comments

I have nothing against ads at whole (if they are non-invasive beautifully crafted static images which doesn't try to mislead me into clicking). But ads on moddb have sound, videos and god knows what else. Plus a lot of static images are downright disgusting, dumb and ugly. So I'll be either using ad-block or will not visit moddb at all. Your choice.
Moddb somehow got all of the crap (worse than on porn-sites, porn ads don't bother me more than freaking Warcraft video with sound). People block ads because they want comfort. So work with your ads providers.

p.s.: Now funny story why I use adblock in the first place. I installed adblock because of that WoW ad with sound. Yeah, here on moddb. Oh, the irony.

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Auxor - - 241 comments

I didn't even realise the site had ads. There's no harm in it I suppose and this place has always been good to me.

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PixelPlanetGames - - 1 comments

I disabled adblocked on indiedb. Then the page load time was a lot slower.
And the performance of the website was very slow. (Too much JS mb?)

Sorry guys. I can't use the website with ads if it destroys the visitor experience.

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DaveFace - - 392 comments

I think more selective advertising is the way to go - if they weren't annoying flash ads, I would consider whitelisting. It's also worth noting that if you only use text based ads, you can get on Adblock's whitelist which is enabled for most users and encourages non-intrusive advertising.

However - when I whitelisted on Adblock and Ghostery, Ghostery reported up to 72 trackers active on the site., thanks.

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Milanium - - 453 comments

You used very aggressive ads that played videos including speech (especially annoying when you are trying to watch a trailer here). They were also non-targeted so I got really silly ones. No wonder everyone is blocking those. The subscription should be more than just ad-free without a browser addon otherwise you are not really selling something of real value for end users. The site should be non-annoying by default and premium useful for subscribers.

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TheManWhoFlewAway - - 168 comments


A small price to pay for such a great website: keep on being awesome IndieDB :)

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freeman2001 - - 37 comments

Get rid of AdChoices. That's all I ask...
It doesn't matter what other service you use, just get rid of AdChoices. They're annoying, and have been exploited in the past to allow malware to be pushed to clients' computers. I have good antivirus, and I'm sure most others here are, too, but this is a risk you guys really shouldn't be taking.

Still whitelisting you, but seriously. Just something to consider. You guys aren't like Game Banana, who it doesn't matter how many times they nag me, I'm not disabling AdBlock. I actually HAVE been infected by them before, and their ads obstruct the page and/or make sound.

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Nuttah - - 1,201 comments

Oh, well, since you asked nicely, and can't really do jack **** to support the site otherwise, I'll whitelist for now.
Though, I'll probably turn the thing back on in a week, at most, when I want to straight up murder people over the horrible and repetitive adds, and the fallout on my browser/connection/something that they manage to brutally murder for me. (Though, the little trial run before this comment wasn't that terrible...yet.)

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Sph!nx - - 722 comments

I have a question about the donation, cause I'd like to donate. I will mostly do it for the warm fuzzy feeling, but the disabled adds is a welcome bonus! ;-)

What if my paypal email is not the same as the one on my Indiedb account? Should I contact someone to inform the account they need to make add free?

Thanks in advanced!

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Sph!nx - - 722 comments

I've sought contact with management so for anyone else wondering this; If you make the subscription, be logged in in IndieDb/ModDb and it will register to the right account!

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Thib - - 1,690 comments

Thank you for your support Sph!nx ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Sph!nx - - 722 comments

No problem. Happy to help!

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wheelmandan - - 1,312 comments

what Hexere said with all thoe damn pop ups for porn and odd crap flashing on my screen if y ou say for sure it will not take over the hole screen and what ever i love your websight it made me love playing games that feel new with mod that some of these people have skills my hats off too thoes guys the skill the art work. will thoes guy get something from the spam will get i mean think about it do you want your sight full of spam click on this and porn spam. have you guys thought how bad would it be i mean if its nice thing like help people from fires or something like taht the red cross things like that i can get behind and say ok too. but if it spam and things that for people that are older kind of thing. if its for a good thing then maybe cuz i really had popups that why i use firefox

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Hexereticdoom - - 429 comments

So, asking for whitelisting you in AdBlock? Hmmmm, let's see...

If you're going to leave only pure text ads (and NOTHING BUT text-only ads) I promise you to add the webpage to AdBlock's white list.

However, if you include anything from these: pop-ups, banners with animated GIFs, annoying center-screen messages, margin-page advertising, ads with any video and/or audio source, ads with +18 content (porn sites and all that stuff), Flash-based ads or any other invasive thing... I'm sorry, but my answer is NO.

Hope you understand it.

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Taamalus - - 46 comments

To get get on a list for accepting adds is like asking for my left eye. Call me anti-add maniac.

As soon as the bank clears it, (I don't have a true credit card), IndieDB will get a subscription from me. You guys hosted my silly stuff for years. Thank you for this from the bottom of my heart. Consider your looove returned, in less than 24 hours from now. :)

Luv Hank aka Taamalus or Phoenix

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SyberKlutch - - 5 comments

Removed adblock from this site (something I swore in life I would never do) because already within the short time I have been here I have fallen in love with the site. As for the subscription will be soon to follow.

Keep up the amazing work guys!

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SourceCodeGamer - - 6 comments

i don't use ad block here, then again i only visit maybe twice a month. i might show up more if i had more options for search customization.

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jomo_mojo - - 6 comments


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Rhasta - - 27 comments

whitelisted both the dbs I use to show my support to the site after mooching awesome mods for so long, but I just want to leave my confusing and rambling 2 cents on the virtual table:

Ads aren't just incovenient, intrusive and fugly as all hell. They leech precious bandwith that will be missed by their unwilling hosts later (a lot of ISPs around the globe, mine included, impose hard bandwith limits... another nefarious and predatory practice, to be discussed another time).

Having said that, I wouldn't be that much angry at them if they were at least PERTINENT in regards to the content of site in question hosting them. Not tracking the end-user search history or whatever, but striving to be ******* RELEVANT in what they're advertising and to whom they're advertising to.

If I were browsing moddb and saw a hardware ad or some site selling headphones and other peripherals for example, I wouldn't be ****** about the bandwith leeching (well, advertising in all forms ****** me off... but at least then it's understandable). But sucker bait? "3 easy super-secret steps to lose weight forever that totally work" or "70 year old mom looks like 11 with magic potion" like someone said above, or "you've won a rollsroyce for doing absolutely nothing and running in no contests whatsoever" ads??? They're noise. Not only are they trash in every sense of the word, I'm also indirectly paying for them to incovenience me in the privacy of my web browsing via the bandwith that they constantly leech off of me. They can go die in a fire.

There must (or there should) be a way to differentiate between the two types.

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