Developers: Teridax, AlCapowned, Doublez-Down, Tronovision, SteadZ, and Mr. Prophet

It is approximately 22 years after the Skaarj Empire's humiliating defeat at the hands of humanity in the 7 Day Siege. The Empire has been struggling to maintain their grip on Na Pali ever since, as human and alien mercenaries alike gleefully tear away at the rest of the Empire's resources.

After the deaths of all personnel situated near a string of Nali temples dedicated to the god Ehactora, the Skaarj high command had enough. The Queen's Blade, a large cruiser filled with experimental weaponry and elite soldiers, was dispatched to Na Pali in order for the Skaarj to reclaim that section of space. However, a mercenary attack forced the ship into Vandora's Eye, a massive, ancient, and seemingly impenetrable storm that the Nali have long attributed to their god of lightning.

Command assumed the worst. Attempts to reestablish contact failed; signals were able to penetrate the storm, but nothing could get out - until today. The ship's crew was, for a few minutes, able to signal command for help.
To say the least, their screams suggest that the locals are not particularly friendly. As part of an elite team, you have been tasked with finding the ship and recovering the crew.

-7 playable maps in part 1 (plus a flyby, 2 intro maps, and an outro map)
-5 to 6 playable maps planned for part 2 (plus an intro and outro)
-Some new weapons, enemies, and items
-A new HUD with the option of choosing a larger, more detailed version
-Particle effects courtesy of the Unreal 227 patch

There are currently five people on the team. Things are progressing nicely and help isn't required, but anyone who is interested is welcome to volunteer! We aren't going to update this page every week, so don't think the project is dead due to a lack of activity here.

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Due to real-life commitments and a lack of time, we're not sure when we'll be able to finish Resurgence, so we're releasing the project as-is now. The current alpha version contains one flyby levels, two introduction levels, and five playable levels. Make sure to check the readme for installation instructions.

Get it here:

P.S. Using the razik's lunge by holding down the left and right mouse buttons can get you to hard-to-reach places.

Cancelled for Unreal Tournament

Cancelled for Unreal Tournament


Though the project is still making progress, stability problems, which would be extremely time consuming to fix without static meshes, have been found...

Resurgence: An Overview of a Work in Progress

Resurgence: An Overview of a Work in Progress

News 4 comments

An overview of the beginnings of Unreal: Resurgence and the progress our team has made so far.

Unreal: Resurgence - Progress Report

Unreal: Resurgence - Progress Report

News 1 comment

Development of Unreal: Resurgence Part 1 is going well, with 5 out of 10 finished maps and more maps coming closer and closer to completion. An overall...

RSS Files
Unreal: Resurgence Alpha

Unreal: Resurgence Alpha

Demo 2 comments

This is the alpha/demo version of Unreal: Resurgence. We're releasing this now because, due to life commitments and a lack of time, we're not sure when...

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Guest - - 700,008 comments

Hola. Empecé a jugarlo y me encanta. Estoy reviviendo este gran juego gracias a este mod. Tengo un problema. Me he quedado atascado en "Hailatha Village", no se si por mi torpeza o por el juego en si. Después de atravesar una pasarela aérea que se derrumba, entro por un agujero debajo de la puerta, mato a una hormiga subo al nivel superior y no no puedo continuar. Alguna idea?

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Guest - - 700,008 comments

Completo mi experiencia. He tenido que salvar un par de obstáculos en modo "Fly" a través de la consola temporalmente. Supongo que necesito dar saltos más altos pero no lo he conseguido. Uno de los Items que se pueden activar en el juego es el "dampened" pero no veo que haga efecto. Supongo que es la herramienta para hacer los saltos necesarios para continuar, pero no soy capaz de descubrir cómo hacerlo. El resto del mod es completamente jugable, hasta que tras una puerta al cargar un mapa sale el mensaje de que no encuentra el archivo "ResurgenceFive". Efectivamente en el mod que descargué sólo hay hasta el "ResurgenceFour". Por lo demás decir que me a encantado el mod y espero que algún día esté terminado. Felicitaciones a Alcapowned y su equipo por su trabajo.

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

Hi, I used Google Translate for this so I'm sorry that this is probably all wrong.

1. You can use the Raziks instead of "Fly". You have to press both mouse buttons at the same time, and your character will lunge. We will have a tutorial in the next version.

Puedes usar los Raziks en lugar de "Fly". Tienes que presionar ambos botones del mouse al mismo tiempo, y tu personaje se lanzará. Tendremos un tutorial en la próxima versión.

2. Resurgence Five is not released yet. The current public release of Resurgence does not have a proper ending, but our next release hopefully will.

Resurgence Five aún no se ha lanzado. El lanzamiento público actual de Resurgence no tiene un final adecuado, pero esperamos que nuestro próximo lanzamiento lo tenga.

Gracias por tus comentarios. Me alegra que te guste.

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phobosvoid - - 162 comments

looks very awesome,the new weapons and etc... will be avaiable to spawn in botmatches maps? or its just for singleplayer campaings? would be cool to see the new stuff working on botmatches to add more variety in the gameplay.(if is possible to do that of course)

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

Yeah, there's a replacement mutator for botmatches.

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

I know it's been a long time since we updated here, sorry about that. We're still active, you can check out some of the changes in the UnrealSP thread here:

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Leo(T.C.K.) - - 90 comments

I have to say I myself didn't have the eightball show up and upon going to the next to last map once, suddenly flakcannon was avaiable.

Either way, this is one of the best modern Unreal mods, too bad we didn't yet see a complete release. It kind of takes place in its own universe with mods like fifth vortex being mentioned so it's kind of in continuity with that rather than original Unreal, but given that many maps feature more than just a single path to follow, this is a must play for Unreal fans. Even if it's only for Unreal 227. .

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XenophobicSkaarj - - 20 comments

How's progress so far? Really liked the concept of playing the Skaarj and the new weapons/items/pawns are amazing but the bugs and crashes can make the alpha version kinda tedious to play through...

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

Teridax finished the tutorial map and is currently working on map 5 and optimizing/making changes to the other maps. SteadZ is also working on map 5, he's making a large section that's going to be combined with what Teridax has. I'm working on fixing things and adding new pawns for use in the maps.

So while progress is slow, we're getting some stuff done.

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XenophobicSkaarj - - 20 comments

Well, if the alpha is that good and the maps feel very unique and well designed, the final version sounds very promising. Keep up the good work guys! You have my full support!

(Though I do have to say the main issue aren't the bugs or crashes, its the weapon balance that is problematic, the Raziks have a pathetic melee range so dealing with pawns that can hit you before you hit them means only the secondary fire is useful with these, otherwise they always get a free hit before you do...and the Stunner has good Crowd Control but deals so little damage even at full charge that its almost useless in most maps if dealing with more then one enemy. The rest is OK but could use a bit of balance.)

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

So far I've made a few changes to the 3 weapons that seem to give the most problems to people.

For the raziks, I fixed a bug that made them use more ammo for their primary than they were supposed to, I made it so the spin attack's camera spin effect is optional and off by default so it's much easier to use, and I increased the range of the melee attacks from 70 to 120 (the same as ChaosUT's bastard sword).

For the stunner, I haven't changed any of its damage values or the charge time, but now it's a starting weapon that regenerates ammo like the dispersion pistol. Since it doesn't have ammo pickups anymore, the other weapons get more ammo.

As far as the impaler goes, I reduced the fire rate and damage of the secondary since it was too easy to spam.

The combat shield is now a starting item that slowly recharges, so it's a lot more useful.

Another thing is that Teridax went through all the maps and made it so the weapons that didn't show up in the alpha do now. You get the hunting razorjack in map 2, the skaarj rifle in map 2b, the minicannon in map 3 (I think), and the warlord gun in map 4.

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XenophobicSkaarj - - 20 comments

Sry again, just forgot to mention a game breaking error when trying to load ResurgenceThree on my non-Gold Unreal 1: "Failed launching URL. Can't find BoolProperty in file "BoolProperty Engine.Inventory.BTossedOut""

I tried loading the next map ResurgenceFour only to have the same error..all the other maps work fine including the cinematics and flyby.

Yeah, I was also wondering while looking in the SKCampClasses.u file where these weapons would show up the alpha, its just unfortunate that the last 2 maps are unplayable...also saw that the 5th and 6th weapon slot were unused, perhaps the final release will include 2 new ones?

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

The eightball and flak cannon show up in the new version if they didn't before.

For that error, you might have to either reinstall the mod or reinstall the latest 227 patch since that's the first time I've heard that happen to those two maps.

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

Forget that second part, I just installed a fresh non-Gold copy of 227 and it says they need Upak, so it must be that one of the mappers used Upak stuff by accident at some point.

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XenophobicSkaarj - - 20 comments

LOL, and I took like the last 5 hours trying to fix this, reinstalling the mod and trying out different combinations of files, but when I removed a custom made UPak on my non-gold copy it said:

Warning: Failed to load 'UPak': Can't find file for package 'UPak'
Warning: Failed to load 'ResurgenceThree.unr': Can't find file for package 'UPak'
Warning: Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Can't find file for package 'UPak'

I'm glad you noticed this and took the time to reply to my issues and concerns, I can wait until the final version is done (for those UPak fixes especially) to fully enjoy this mod. Keep up the good work guys!

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

It turns out maps 3 and 4 use Upak's naliskel and map 4 uses Upak's location avoiders when they shouldn't. Here are the alpha versions of maps 3 and 4 with the Upak stuff removed:

I didn't actually play through them, so it's possible that I screwed up the BSP when I was rebuilding them. Anyway, next time we'll make sure that the full release doesn't use anything from Upak. Sorry for the trouble, but thanks for pointing that problem out. If you hadn't, we never would have known about it.

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XenophobicSkaarj - - 20 comments

Always glad to help out the Unreal community! I just tried out maps 3 and 4 you sent me and they worked great, no BSP errors of any kind. Even in alpha stage they were fun to play through.

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Alcapowned Creator
Alcapowned - - 129 comments

Oh yeah, another change is that any health pickups (aside from the superhealth) that you touch when you're at full health will become inventory items that you can use later on.

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