Ultimate Apocalypse is a mod for Dawn of War Soulstorm, which aims to create the most diverse possible unit and faction selection within the confines of the original DOW engine. We strive to create the most engaging and balanced Warhammer 40,000 game that we can, without sacrificing the fun factor. From hordes of Orks to the towering Titans, you can always find a new way to play UA. We invite all of you to join us on our Discord server to keep up with the development of the mod!

Report RSS A new Dawn for Ultimate Apocalypse

A lot of work has been done in the background, while we remained somewhat silent on the last months. With the new Version we have also started work on additional content. Here are some examples of WIP Images of what we have been working on.

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A new Dawn for Ultimate Apocalypse:

A lot of work has been done in the background, while we remained somewhat silent on the last months. With the new Version we have also started work on additional content. Here are some examples of WIP Images of what we have been working on:

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The old hab blocks for the Inquisition Daemon Hunter Faction have been fully remade and are now in process of being textured.


Work continues on our newest faction coming soon, the Death Korps of Krieg. With a full set of new buildings weapons and infantry models. Work has already started though also on Tanks and stuff.


Here are some more reworked buildings for the imperial factions.


We have also been working hard on reworking and creating maps.


Ultimate Apocalypse New Map Blood Ravens

There is also be a new option to change the Cover Icons in the launcher.

Ultimate Apocalypse

Work has commenced on a few new units and reworking older ones, like these nids:


We have worked on rebalancing Heroes, Turrets, Aircraft and much much more to come...

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Join our Discord and consider checking out our Patreon page if you want to support us: Patreon.com

Thanks and see you all soon.

The UA Iron

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jackal34568 - - 126 comments

Great news, I want toe recreate the "Vraks campaing".

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conner211 - - 26 comments

Reworked campaign maps? Is the campaign going to be playable with some extra bells and whsitles?

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berrу - - 114 comments

amazing! i hope this mod will be released on steam as a new game

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NEEDACODE - - 257 comments

Im so happy a new factions is coming, i love krieg thats sweet, i hope in the future we see like custodes or some of the other factions with codexs come in. Be pretty sweet. keep up the great work looks amazing.

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Guest - - 698,200 comments

Keep it up guys, i love this mod, it's great.

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Guest - - 698,200 comments

i love the death korps of krieg so much, im so excited to see them

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AssClapEarthquake - - 250 comments

fantastic!! just fantastic!! I'm especially loving the update to the nids, sorely needed and very much appreciated!! :D

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Guest - - 698,200 comments

So keen for the Krieg faction

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Guest - - 698,200 comments

Hey, Thank you so much for the mod, been playing for 3 years now and I cant imagine playing any other, unification included, I wanted to ask if the space marine mastadon will ever make it to this mod?

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downwithpublicwigs - - 2 comments

Look, I like this mod. Really, I do. But holy mother of God this needs optimisation. Especially after this latest update with all the new/improved particle effects. I kid you not, since downloading the update, I have played 9 matches with a friend of mine (2v2 against 2 AI, difficulty ranging from Hard to Insane).

Of those matches, we have managed to finish ONE SINGLE MATCH.
Every single other time, we will reach 30-40 minutes in and one or both of us will have our game crash. On top of this, the game stutters HEAVILY when you so much as look at a large engagement, occasionally causing the crashes themselves. This can cause players to lag behind others. We tried a 3v2 against AI with another friend once, and only once. 40 minutes in, and I was literally 5 whole minutes behind one friend, who was another TEN MINUTES behind the third friend.

I love this mod, but holy ****, please work on optimisation so we can actually play against AI. This is rapidly turning into a PVP only mod, just because we can't play against the AI. And my friends and I don't like playing PVP.

Edit: I should mention... both our games are on SSD's, we use literally minimum settings, have the resolution set to near-minimum, and our computers are custom-built monsters. For a computer that can run Black Ops 3 at 60fps consistently, I should not be stuttering just because I looked at a Necron Lord being attacked by 4 Leman Russ' and 6 turrets.

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trueflight-eq2 - - 4 comments

Sadly, the limitation is with the game itself. It is only a 32bit game, which caps it out at low levels of things. For instance, it can only us 2GB of RAM by default. You can force it to use up to 4GB, but that is it. The game can only use a single core of your processor as well, regardless of how beastly of a computer you have.

The best way to avoid crashes is to set your texture options to as low as possible, remove shadows, scarring, and persistent bodies, and disable the custom colors for each player. The less information that the game needs to load, the longer it will take it to run out of that available 4GB of RAM.

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Guest - - 698,200 comments

im so zoomed in at 3440×1440 its ridicules the game is kind of unplayable i was hoping this mod would fix that but its 100% the same as unmodded when it comes to zooming out for me

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trueflight-eq2 - - 4 comments

There is an add on camera mod that allows you to zoom out so far you cant even see the units anymore.

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nuclearsnake - - 309 comments

so wait when the new stuff getting added?

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StygianHD - - 6 comments

I hate to complain and I'm really happy more stuff is being added but I don't think enough is being done to fix the biggest glaring problems with the mod. The sound design being a really big one for me.

A lot of the music has been ripped off of different things and sounds vastly different to each other, some songs sound so badly compressed on my headphones that it literally hurts my ears even having the music enabled. I think it might be the stuff ripped of DOW 2, if I remember correctly, it sounds really distorted and sounds horrible.
I'm not asking anyone to get John Williams to make an entire brand new sound track for the mod, but I think you guys can at least try and replace or fix a lot of the music, so it's more uniform and is enjoyable to listen to while playing. One skilled passionate person could maybe fix most of this stuff like it's nothing.
It doesn't even have to be from Warhammer games, or you could advertise for guys to make some songs for you. The mod twisted insurrection and mental omega has amazing guys that create music for it. You never know who might show up to make things for you if you make a post asking for it.

Secondly some of the sound effects are really bad in the mod, especially on the Tyranid sub mod, I'm not the only one that has heard the T-rex roar from the hive tyrant or carnifex that completely takes you out of the game. There is a few other minor things but that one is deafening and obnoxious, it's so out of place too lol. The daemon faction is another one too that has voice acting so bad on the units that it's laughable to even play as them lol. I get they are place holders but they are so cringe to listen to while playing that it fully takes me out of the game lmao.

I honestly think sound design is just as important and as the visual and graphic stuff at least for me, so when I heard another faction is being added it just filled me with dread and I had to comment and request an improvement before a lot more stuff is added in.
I'm being brutally honest, new improved sounds and voice acting in the mod is the thing that really lets this mod down for me, this mod is brilliant, I just wanna see it at it's best.
I hope you guys can get someone passionate to fix the voice acting and things at least. I can always turn the music off if it never get's fixed, so not a massive problem. It altogether sets the mood and immersion when playing though. I hope this is constructive and doesn't come across as harsh, I just couldn't stay silent on it any longer.

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Guest - - 698,200 comments

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Joshua-Blade - - 2 comments

YUS! Can't wait to play as the Death Korps of Krieg! Gonna spam Infantry and Artillery and make every control point a fort!

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