Ultimate Apocalypse Team

creating The Ultimate Apocalypse Mod

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Hey we get it, not everyone has what it takes to join the Imperial Army, but hey, we need some meat to absorb all those bullets.  So, despite your actual plans in life, welcome to the sandbag division!

But yeah, we understand that not everyone has a lot to throw at a volunteer mod project, but maybe you want to help with what you can.  That's cool, and we really appreciate the support, as they say, every little bit helps.  Thank you for stepping up and sending us what you can!
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It's like being a conscript but we actually give you a gun.

But seriously, thanks for the little extra.  For your added support you'll be able to attend meetings on a semi-regular basis where we will discuss additional content, you will be invited to the occasional poll, and we just generally consider you less expendable.  Thanks for your support!
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