Darkness... My body hurts! Or is it my brain? The explosion! I remember it now. Maybe I'm in a coma? Or even worst, I may be already dead... Everything is so confusing... Zombies, monsters and ghosts from the past are filling my mind... Oh God, so many memories mixed with my dreams! I can't even distinguish them anymore. What if my entire life was just a nightmare? But it felt so real... Wait, what's that sweet voice? Sounds like a nurse! THAT is part of reality, I am sure. Now if I could just concentrate on this voice and try to wake up...

RSS Reviews  (40 - 50 of 651)

Just brilliant and atmospheric. Love this mod.


One of the best mods ever.

Starts as a survival horror early but later becomes action in episode 3 (lots of action in episode 3)

Lots of secrets especially in episode 1.

Episode 2 has some HL references.



Daburubareru says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

They Hunger it is a action horror series created by the iconic Black Widow Games, Neil Manke and his team did a absolute talented work in the series it has it's own universe and the game itself the level design remind me almost of Gearbox's Opposing Force and Ravenholm from Half-Life 2 but also a reminiscent of Doom/Quake Ravenholm was also inspired too by the levels that was seen in They Hunger.
You're a writer who saw some success in the past but is now
struggling to complete your latest work. Your publisher rents you
a house in the country and you are on your way there to rest,
write, and recoup. During the course of your drive the relaxing
radio music is broken by a hurried announcement, "This is BMRF
radio bringing you a special news report! Unknown atmospheric
phenomena have been reported throughout the area. Meteorologists
have been unable to identify the source of the strange electrical
displays but we will keep you informed of any developments. We
return you now to our regular programming"
In the first episode you play as the writer looking for his next masterpiece work until a tragic incident car happens and you're suddenly likely suffering in a zombie outbreak situation, you'll get your legendary killing spree weapon as the umbrella and on your way to stop a series of incoming of the undeads, later you'll might some undead cops, spiders and the leader itself as we know the sheriff you thought the town was safe but it got captured by the zombies.
The first episode focus on the survival-genre and the environment look like Night Of The Living Dead, sometime you can get lost but it is not that bad all thought some of the area feels that it need some details but it is still great in term of aesthetic.

Second Episode:
You're in jail captured by sheriff Rockwood, until something happens that a friendly survivor launch the rocket through the wall and save you of this hellhole zombie place you would encounter more new enemies such as the Skeleton, the Zork and some aquatic creatures that infest the area. Meanwhile you found the source who caused all of this disaster the mad scientist as we know ''Dr. Franklin''.

Third Episode:
In the final trilogy part, there is a nightmare sequence of a unknown world and a hell-ish creature, then you woke up all realizing it was just a nightmare after all anyways you woke up and realize that the situation get even worse as the nurse get infected and you had your weapons back as the usual meanwhile the skeletons invade the place and breaking out of the window, things get serious later a it seems that the zombies break out that train part and caused a explosion then there is some military surveillance in the cliffs later you'll use a browning gun to kill the helicopter and the horde incoming from the north later you return in the destructive franklin place you did in episode 2, even the military want to kill you and so more you meet a new familiar person which it is a deputy that would help you to get out of this place and a unique weapon appears at the end you will fight your enemy that caused all of the situation and leaving for good.

I rate 10/10 because it is more a game on it's right, Black Widow Games did a awesome job highly recommend they hunger!!!

This is an absolute classics of HL1 mods. I think almost every half-life fan played or at least heard about this mod. A comedy-horror experience, which is very unique in its own way.
It is about zombie apocalypse in a small town. Player goal is simplest – escape the zombie town. Game consists of three chapters, every single one of which introduces new enemies or weapons. Map designs and sizes are optimal for Goldsrc game, they are not too big, intuitive and simple. Most enemy NPC are recycled from original half-life but use new models, some of them have edits in their code, so they can fit into game universe – for example: barney npc was changed to always be hostile to player, zombies can use more than one model, etc. This is a really good feature for such an old mod.
This mod succeeds more at being a comedy, than it does at being a horror, that’s for sure. Zombies muttering “brainsss..” and “hunger..” with a funny voice are destroying horror factor of the game, which actually exist only in areas where are no enemies around and the player is alone.
Voice acting is fantastic, story is thrilling. The only downside of this mod is its balancing (especially for the last episode). Some damage/health values are ridiculous, so I highly recommend install a patch, that fixes the difficulty problem.
This is one of the first mods in Half-life series that can be considered as total-conversion with its own universe. It has a lot of effort put into and is fun to play even nowadays. 10/10.

Great Mod.

This was one of the first mods I ever played, got it from a PC Gamer demo disc. Rocked my world when I was a tween.


Scary Very)))

Even with its flaws, it's still a great mod and a truly fun classic to play.

The definition of classic. They Hunger is perhaps the most well known and fondly remembered HL mod, for the people that remembers it that is.

It is sometimes goofy, sometimes frustrating but a very well made classic that is still one of the best even after these years. Everyone should try it.

The mapping, textures, models, sounds...ALL is a masterpiece!
Unique bad is final, is extremely hard. Rest of mod I love it.