The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Mod swaps default camera shake style armor equip animation on small and quick custom animation.

Outfit Animations v1.0.2
Post comment Comments  (100 - 150 of 289)
Vlad_filatidze - - 23 comments

After installing your modification (via Mod Organizer 2), the "vanilla" backpack animations (not FDDA) stopped working for the game "Anomaly", which can be enabled/disabled through the settings (no MCM).

Clarification #1: if "vanilla" animations and Anomaly are enabled, then when putting on/taking off the backpack, the inventory is simply removed, BUT there is no camera animation that says that we put on/take off the backpack.

Clarification #2:
1)I noticed it first on 1.5.2 Modded Exes.
2)Deleted Modded Exes, the same error with backpacks...
3) I turned off your modification and the error with backpacks was fixed. The animation of putting on/taking off the backpack is played (there are camera animations from vanilla "Anomaly").

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Sounds like previous version behavior.
In old version I wrote code for backpack animation before I finished animation itself. Try updatimg to the last version.

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Ԟ尺Ё𝐉ƵЁɌ - - 22 comments

сделайте пж совместимость с kvmas hd models

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

данные моды не должны конфликтовать, т.к. outfit animations просто добавляет анимацию и никак не затрагивает модели

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Guest - - 700,143 comments

a totally broken mod idk if mod requires somthing but i was thinking for many Test but nothing worked with the mod

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

Will need more specifics to figure out why it won't work for you:
1. What options did you choose during install?
2. What version of anomaly do you use? What modpack?
3. Are there any UI mods installed?
4. How exactly it won't work for you? Does animation won't play at all? Or game crash to desktop, or some animations play and others don't, etc.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

I think I really should delete code that makes character hide backpack before playing animation and return to how it was done in first version (instantly switch to an animation). It probably looks bit better rn, but to be honest animations really shouldn't poke into UI functions.
This might even make this mod to work on 1.5.1 too. But I'm not sure.

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Guest - - 700,143 comments

Não funcionou no meu jogo.
E o que é esse MCM que falam? e como acesso ele?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

O menu MCM é este mod:

Amanhã pretendo fazer upload de uma atualização na qual alguns bugs serão corrigidos, a compatibilidade será melhorada, uma nova animação será adicionada e removi todo o código que afetava a UI e criava problemas de compatibilidade.

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KGBCCCPa - - 8 comments

Ты охуенный, это лучшие анимации

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Guest - - 700,143 comments

При попытке снять\применить нашивку:
Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 191
Description : fatal error
Arguments : LUA error: ...ata\scripts\a_gameplay_disguise_outfit_animations.script:12: attempt to index field 'possible_factions' (a nil value)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

check if you have modded exes installed.

also check if you have file "gamedata/configs/unlocalizers/unlocalizer_liz_outfit_animations.ltx"

This happens because I alter "menu_patch_action" function in "gameplay_disguise.script" file with monkeypatch to play proper animation when you try to apply patch or remove (in vanilla there was one animation for everything). And this function uses "possible_factions" that is private to "gameplay_disguise" script and can't be accessed from other scripts. I use unlocalizer to make it accessible without changing original script and this feature is part of modded exes.

there is also a bad solution that I don't recommend to do
but you can open file gameplay_disguise and find possible_factions variable (should be somewhere at the beginning). And just delete word "local" at the beginning of the line before variable possible_factions declaration. It will make this variable public and error should go away. But you REALLY shouldn't do this this way

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Water_42 - - 41 comments

Жду твои моды сильнее чем зарплату

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Mikagu - - 148 comments


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StronGV - - 599 comments

Братан, у тебя хорошо получается анимации делать. Может как-нть соберёшься сделать анимацию зарядки / разрядки патронов в магазин для мода Mags Redux?

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Kamov-52 Online
Kamov-52 - - 2 comments

I don't know why, but every time I try to remove the patch, the game closes without any warning
I'm playing with the Desolation mod in version 1.5.1

6 -- st_rax_fav -- execute_functor table: 0x356c92b0
7 -- st_rax_junk -- execute_functor table: 0x349472c0
Time continual is:126215
-- get_ammo_in_magazine : key = 337
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] __index
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...ata\scripts\a_gameplay_disguise_outfit_animations.script(12) :
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] g:/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(1938) :
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] g:/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script(3514) :
! [LUA] ...ata\scripts\a_gameplay_disguise_outfit_animations.script:12: attempt to index field 'possible_factions' (a nil value)
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...ata\scripts\a_gameplay_disguise_outfit_animations.script:12: attempt to index field 'possible_factions' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...ata\scripts\a_gameplay_disguise_outfit_animations.script:12: attempt to index field 'possible_factions' (a nil value)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

seems like same issue that was mentioned earlier

you need to have modded exes installed

This happens because I alter "menu_patch_action" function in "gameplay_disguise.script" file with monkeypatch to play proper animation when you try to apply patch or remove (in vanilla there was one animation for everything). And this function uses "possible_factions" that is private to "gameplay_disguise" script and can't be accessed from other scripts. I use unlocalizer to make it accessible without changing original script and this feature is part of modded exes.

there is also a bad solution that I don't recommend to do
but you can open file gameplay_disguise and find possible_factions variable (should be somewhere at the beginning). And just delete word "local" at the beginning of the line before variable possible_factions declaration. It will make this variable public and error should go away. But you REALLY shouldn't do this this way

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Guest - - 700,143 comments

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Spirit1999 - - 84 comments

This guy *****, hard.

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shazhaze - - 3 comments

Latest GAMMA, after dying with Soulslike mode, getting below error:

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CInifile::r_string
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
Line : 1266
Description : fatal error
Arguments : Can't find variable item_visual in [actor_hud_05]

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

can you describe more in detail when this error happens?
For example, what item you were equipping and how

Reply Good karma+1 vote
shazhaze - - 3 comments

Sorry realized I did not specify. Just edited original comment.
When enabled with Soulslike mode in new game, after death and before Soulslike mode kicks in, the error is thrown.

Going to test to see if it happens without Soulslike mode.
Edit: does not happen after death without Soulslike.
Interesting, it only happens when you have at least an armor and backpack equipped. Only armor, no crash.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

huge thanks for figuring out what mod conflict causes this. I'll look into it

Reply Good karma+1 vote
frostychun - - 104 comments

I was trying the new update on GAMMA modpack, last update was fine and working, outfits all worked. This newest update with the patch sewing and removing etc has caused my outfits to just not work anymore. tested with a base gamma installed.


Same error for all above outfits by the way :


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::r_section
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 1214
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't open section 'actor_hud_isg_lcs_camo_outfit'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

stack trace:

I tested a lot more with the same result. any help or guidance would be epic!

Also the new stuff works on the outfits that function.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

can you send me full log file? Never encountered this error before

Can you try to enable previous version back? Does it fix the error?
also can you try to start a new game and see if the issue still there?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
frostychun - - 104 comments

Yea I have went to old versions which work 100% fine with gamma, even new game etc with old version works fine. The latest version seems to work with only some outfits and not all entire outfits. New game and debug mode testing for about 30 minutes led me to conclude that some outfits work and some cause that error I mentioned above.

Sorry I didn't know how to actually just send it but the link just has my log in a zip lol

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

One more thing to check: could you install last version and disable armor memory feature in mcm?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
frostychun - - 104 comments

Disabling the "armor memory feature" causes me this error with latest version.

nvm forget the last error but the same error still remains :


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::r_section
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 1214
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't open section 'actor_hud_isg_lcs_camo_outfit'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

stack trace:

this is the same for having it disabled and enabled if I use one of the broken outfits.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

waaaait. I might be figure it out. One sec

Reply Good karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

nope still no crash for me
have you recently installed some mods that replace models? Like HD models etc.?
Also does last version shows any mod conflicts in mcm?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
frostychun - - 104 comments

No conflicts in gamma, I am on a base gamma game. so the base 444 mod setup. I might just re-update and see if it works again, thanks for all the help and hopefully I can get it working again xd

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Harmless_Fraer - - 15 comments

Of course, more quality animations for our immersive needs from the man himself. On the same note, how cool would animations for raising and lowering the visors of the heavier helmets be? Like, the hud visual of the half open helmet stays there until you lower the visor again, dunno, just a late night thought of mine.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

not sure if it possible at all. But would be cool tho

Reply Good karma+2 votes
oozish - - 374 comments

With the latest version, I often cannot see my arms/guns after taking off the armor and putting it back on.

Kind of like the missing hands bug with FDAA, so I have to reload the save.

This happens enough that I've uninstalled the mod for now.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

can you check that you have latest version? Cuz outfit animation to work properly uses same trick as ledge grabbing mod and temporary unequips weapons. But I made dumb mistake and forget to equip weapons back after outfit animation.
If issue in something else could you post a video?
Because I couldn't replicate this issue with fdda backpack animations and without. I probably missing something

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,143 comments

will you improve compatibility with 1.5.1 version, I like to play with this addon in desolation, but the bug that was mentioned above makes me sad(

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

well technically it's possible to make it work on 1.5.1

just need to remove some checks for FDDA since it doesn't support 1.5.1

and manually edit gameplay_disguise script to make variable possible_factions public
on 1.5.2 I use modded exes unlocalizer feature to do this. But it won't work on 1.5.1 - I tried

I'm planning to rewrite how animation is handled to make it more reliable and add option in mcm menu to disable each animation individually. So in theory you will be able to just disable patches animations and it should work. In theory

Reply Good karma+1 vote
sensation1995 - - 86 comments

Hello, will there be a patch for "Ghillie suit overhaul" mod ?

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

it's just an animation mod. In theory it should work with Ghillie suit overhaul

Reply Good karma+1 vote
sensation1995 - - 86 comments

When I have backpack in slot and then I try to equip Ghillie suit in that slot, I got this crash


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::r_string
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 1266
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't find variable item_visual in [actor_hud_ghillie]

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

I checked that ghillie mod and it's only for 1.5.1 version of Anomaly. I'm not really support this version cuz it's really old

but it seems that crash happens cuz two animations try to play at the same time.
I've been working on rewriting animation handling code to use custom system to trigger animations or use Anomaly's actor_effects script. It hopefully might fix this crash.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
sensation1995 - - 86 comments

Ok, thanks for your reply and your awesom mod!)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
aorushome - - 224 comments

Nice mod 10/10! Care to share the UI used in your pictures and videos?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

here is the link

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 700,143 comments

The game consistently crashes when I attempt to tear patch off outfit (right-click on outfit = > tear patch off) :

Time continual is:1874254
# UIInventory:ShowFaction | ui_inGame2_neutral
# UIInventory:ShowRank | Rank Number 0
# UIInventory:ShowRank | Rank Texture ui_rank_0
# UIInventory:ShowFaction | ui_inGame2_army
# UIInventory:ShowRank | Rank Number 1645
# UIInventory:ShowRank | Rank Texture ui_rank_0
* Register UI: UIInventory
# UIInventory:ShowFaction | ui_inGame2_army
# UIInventory:ShowRank | Rank Number 1645
# UIInventory:ShowRank | Rank Texture ui_rank_0
! [LUA] ...ata\scripts\a_gameplay_disguise_outfit_animations.script:12: attempt to index field 'possible_factions' (a nil value)
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...ata\scripts\a_gameplay_disguise_outfit_animations.script:12: attempt to index field 'possible_factions' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...ata\scripts\a_gameplay_disguise_outfit_animations.script:12: attempt to index field 'possible_factions' (a nil value)

stack trace:

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

seems like same issue that was mentioned earlier

you need to have modded exes installed

This happens because I alter "menu_patch_action" function in "gameplay_disguise.script" file with monkeypatch to play proper animation when you try to apply patch or remove (in vanilla there was one animation for everything). And this function uses "possible_factions" that is private to "gameplay_disguise" script and can't be accessed from other scripts. I use unlocalizer to make it accessible without changing original script and this feature is part of modded exes.

there is also a bad solution that I don't recommend to do
but you can open file gameplay_disguise and find possible_factions variable (should be somewhere at the beginning). And just delete word "local" at the beginning of the line before variable possible_factions declaration. It will make this variable public and error should go away. But you REALLY shouldn't do this this way

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,143 comments

Thank you, I actually have modded exes but for 1.5.1 (it was linked for an older version of SSS). Other functions of the mod seem to work fine. I will try to remove the "local", despite not being recommended it will still be much easier for me than breaking the ton of various custom compatibility patches of my 381+ mods list with the upgrade to 1.5.2.

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StronGV - - 599 comments

Интересно, анимация с нашивкой воспроизводится, только если вы срываете нашивку с надетой одежды?
И ещё: можно ли подружить ваш мод с модом "Disassemble All Items", в котором можно получить нашивку с 50% шансом, срывая её? Например, если шанс сработал, то ваша анимация воспроизводится, если нет, то ванильная, или может быть вы сделаете анимацию с порваной (негодной) нашивкой.

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lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

там 4 анимации: 2 для надетой одежды, и 2 урезанные для той что в инвентаре.
сделал небольшой патч для "Disassemble All Items". Ссылка:

но небыло возможности проверить. Напиши если будут какие-либо ошибки.
порядок модов для патча:
-outfit animations
-disassemble all items
-<патч по ссылке>

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,143 comments

на аномали 1.5.1 он багается и ты фиг че сделаешь(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
lizzardman Author
lizzardman - - 362 comments

ну под 1.5.1 мод не затачивался. Всетаки версия уже ��чень старая
но сейчас мельком проверил на чистой 1.5.1 и в целом вроде бы даже работает

надо поставить fdda для версии 1.5.1
и в файле gameplay_disguise.script сделать публичной переменную possible_factions
сам файл, если его нет, можно достать из ресурсов игры
в папке Anomaly есть каталог tools. Надо запустить db_unpacker.bat, который разархивирует часть ресурсов игры. Нужный файл будет в папке _unpacked/scripts.

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