Mapbase is a base mod for Source SDK 2013 which expands and improves the toolset available to modders, augmenting other maps and mods for development purposes. Level designers would create their maps based off of this mod and larger mods with their own unique changes would draw from Mapbase's code and assets.

Mapbase includes 60+ new entities (not counting filters or engine ports), hundreds of new I/O/KV (Inputs/Outputs/KeyValues), a custom implementation of VScript, custom shaders, countless fixes, and enhanced FGDs all in one single package.

Mapbase is NOT an improved version of Hammer. Mapbase is a mod for Source 2013 itself and maps using it must be played in Mapbase or a mod running its code in order to function correctly.

Mapbase can be compared to mods like Spirit of Half-Life or even Smod in many ways, but most of Mapbase's changes are quality-of-life improvements that are largely invisible in-game.

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RSS Articles

Mapbase v7.2 released


Mapbase Version 7.2

Mapbase v7.2 Release Build

Mapbase Release Build



- New entity factory manager for custom weapons (contributed by Petercov)
- Add cvar to enable player sprint while holding a prop (contributed by Crimson-X1)
- Add bounding box testing mode to `point_bugbait` (contributed by arbabf)
- Fix captions not loading from VPKs and certain directories (contributed by Petercov)
- Fix delayed closed captions appearing in the wrong order (contributed by Petercov)
- Fix HL1 style lip sync (contributed by Petercov)
- Properly assign held physcannon entity to pass into commander goal trace (contributed by Agent Agrimar)
- Fix ViewPunch random for AR2 (contributed by Mr0maks)
- Fix typo in `logic_branch` removal signal for `logic_branch_listener`
- New grenade throw AI hint for certain NPCs
- Fix `ai_relationship_classify` applying before default relationships loaded and not working properly after loading save
- Fix `CBaseEntity::CanBeHitByMeleeAttack()` not blocking damage from `CTraceFilterMelee`
- Fix `game_text` and `logic_format` not functioning properly on Linux
- Add extra trace to `npc_create` for NPCs which should use bbox instead
- Fix unarmed citizens not picking up weapons from racks
- Add optional upwards viewkick to HL2 `weapon_pistol`
- Add new VScript and particle animation events
- Add `OnScriptEvent` outputs to `ai_hint`
- Add new dynamic interaction keyvalues and utilities
- Fix dynamic interaction problems caused by walkframe sequence movement
- Fix various issues with HL2 NPCs performing dynamic interactions
- Add new response concepts (including some Alyx concepts) for all companion NPCs
- Add additional enemy criteria to NPC speech
- Add `func_tank` behavior criteria
- Fix `CNPC_BaseZombie::HeadcrabFits()` and blood impacts not working with serverside ragdolls
- Fix `AE_ZOMBIE_POPHEADCRAB` using inaccurate headcrab release position
- Add cvar to prevent zombies from flinching during actbusies and scripted sequences
- Add better circumstantial criteria to followup responses


- Add support for `game_text` and `vgui_text_display` to use fonts created by VScript VGUI (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Add recursive KV read/write on `CScriptKeyValues` (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Enable parenting to clientside HUD viewport (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Fix case sensitivity of panel classname and panel callback inputs (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Fix script fonts not being reloaded when no panel parented to the root was created (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Fix image rotation in `vgui::ImagePanel` (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Change vscript net message header size to 4 bytes from 2 bytes (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Disable vscript entity listeners on level shutdown (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Fix `mapspawn_addon` not loading from VPKs
- Fix clientside `C_BaseCombatCharacter` hierarchy
- New `Get`/`SetGroundEntity` and `Get`/`SetModelScale` functions for `CBaseEntity`
- New `SetClassRelationship` function for `CBaseCombatCharacter`
- Fix custom procedural crash
- Add command line parameter to allow VScript file read paths with dot slashes
- Fix `weapon_custom_scripted` hook calls and `ItemPreFrame` base call (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Add `Panel::RemoveTickSignal()` (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Move `CNPC_Citizen::IsMedic()` to `CAI_BaseNPC` (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Fix `CBaseEntity::ScriptGetKeyValue()` returning cached string on invalid input (contributed by samisalreadytaken)

Source Code:

- Fix warnings about conversions between `soundlevel_t` and `float` (contributed by Mechami)
- Fix syntax mistakes causing warning messages on certain compilers
- Various comment changes

This update comes almost exactly 16 months after Mapbase v7.1, and it mainly focuses on contributions and other changes which have queued up in that time. This includes a lot of fixes for long-standing bugs in Mapbase as well as stock Source 2013, as well as a few new features with interesting use cases.

Click on the button below to find out more about what this update entails:

Mapbase v7.1 released

Mapbase v7.1 released


Mapbase's v7.1 update has been released. This update primarily focuses on VScript VGUI, Linux support, and bug fixes.

Mapbase v7.0 released

Mapbase v7.0 released


Mapbase's v7.0 update has been released. This update focuses on new NPC animations, some big Alien Swarm SDK ports, changes to developer commentary mode...

Mapbase v7.0 open beta

Mapbase v7.0 open beta

News 2 comments

A public open beta for Mapbase v7.0 has begun. This article will explain why we're doing this and how to take part in it.

Mapbase v6.3 released

Mapbase v6.3 released


Mapbase's v6.3 update has been released. This update heavily involves video playback improvements, VGui text, VScript convars/commands, and quality-of-life...

RSS Files
Mapbase Release Build

Mapbase Release Build

Full Version 12 comments

This build includes the main 3 folders involved in Mapbase and a README.txt with instructions.

Mapbase Beta Build

Mapbase Beta Build

Full Version

This build contains the upcoming Mapbase release for testing purposes. Use the "Mapbase Release Build" instead for the latest stable release. Includes...

Mapbase VScript Samples

Mapbase VScript Samples


Sample scripts which demonstrate how VScript can be used in Mapbase.

Mapbase VScript Beta Build

Mapbase VScript Beta Build

Full Version

This build is a version of the release build which contains Mapbase's experimental VScript support. Please report any issues to the comments of this file...

Mapbase Compile Tools

Mapbase Compile Tools

Mapping Tool 6 comments

Custom map compilation tools (vbsp, vvis, vrad) needed to compile Mapbase maps. Slammin' Source works as well.

Mapbase Multi-Tool

Mapbase Multi-Tool

Installer Tool

A special, experimental tool used for miscellaneous Mapbase tasks, like creating tool shortcuts or converting VMT files to the new shaders.

Post comment Comments  (40 - 50 of 64)
SellFace - - 108 comments

Hi, Is there any way to make hostile citizens damage the player? I tried setting them a relationship, but it looks like the player has the same friendly fire protection, like allies and I don't know how to disable it.

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Crestfall69 - - 52 comments

Never started modding for Source Engine. Does starting in mapbase immediately instead of vanilla Source SDK viable?

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Blixibon Creator
Blixibon - - 31 comments

It is definitely viable. You won't have to account for old habits and you'll be avoiding a lot of the frustration most new mappers go through, but it might be harder for you to distinguish Mapbase content from vanilla Source 2013 content, which has its pros and cons. A lot of what you learn and begin to use as standard practice might only work in Mapbase, which might make any kind of jump to regular Source 2013 a little disorienting.

Assuming you're just going to be using Mapbase to build your own maps and mods in it, I think it would be fine.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Crestfall69 - - 52 comments

Will you improve only the mapping experience or is it possible to expand to more possibilities? (Such as changing a model of an NPC directly from editor, similar to Sven Coop.)

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Blixibon Creator
Blixibon - - 31 comments

Expanding to more possibilities is a part of improving the mapping experience. Custom model support has been added to several entities and NPCs, although this isn't always reflected in the editor itself.

I highly recommend looking at Mapbase's Trello board for a full, raw catalogue of features and changes involved with Mapbase.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
CODEGAMGD - - 8 comments


So when i open hammer and click new or load map all 4 screens are black no grid and grid is enabled and when i change 3d view to textured its still wire frame?
Any Way I Can Fix This?

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Blixibon Creator
Blixibon - - 31 comments

Sorry for the late response, but did you set up the shortcut correctly?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
alicexjsu - - 5 comments

I think the mat_fullbright is broken, I've made a simple open map to test the global light entity and when i compiled the map, it had mat_fullbright 1, i was confused at the start because i had vrad on and a light_environment in the map, I've recompiled the map but with some lights around to see if it fixes but it didn't. I've already tried to change mat_fullbright to 0 but it didn't changed anything(it didn't got all black like it usually does when vrad doesn't compiles), I've even put mat_fullbright 2 to see if it works and it didn't aswell. Not sure if it is me, but on vanilla it works just fine.

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Blixibon Creator
Blixibon - - 31 comments

This is an issue with the default compilers that I did not know about until after release. They don't support custom shaders correctly and will not recognize them for lighting.

This is fixed in Slartibarty's Slammin' Source tools, although Mapbase will have its own fixed compilers in the future so users have multiple options. For now, you can download Slammin' Source here:

I'm sorry you have to go through yet another dependency for Mapbase, but fortunately these tools are better than the vanilla compilers anyway and a lot of people already have them.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Crazyspawn - - 11 comments

I can't get a map to run after I compile it with hammer. It starts to play and then crashes back to hammer without an error. I can get my map to run using the console when I load up Mapbase episodic from my steam library.

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Blixibon Creator
Blixibon - - 31 comments

I think someone reported the same issue a while back. I asked around and someone said it fixed itself once they tried loading the map from the console. Since you've done that, could you try running it from the compile process again?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Crazyspawn - - 11 comments

Did that and still not working.

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