A base mod for Source 2013 which expands and improves the toolset available to modders, augmenting other maps and mods for development purposes. It contains new logic entities, new I/O and keyvalues, a custom implementation of VScript, custom shaders, countless fixes, and enhanced FGDs all in one single package. Mappers would create their maps based off of this mod and larger mods with their own unique changes would draw from Mapbase's code and assets.

Report RSS Mapbase v7.1 released

Mapbase's v7.1 update has been released. This update primarily focuses on VScript VGUI, Linux support, and bug fixes.

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Mapbase Version 7.1

Mapbase v7.1 Release Build

Mapbase Release Build



- Added env_projectedtexture shadow filter keyvalue (contributed by celisej567)
- info_particle_system_coordinate from RTB:R (contributed by arbabf and Iridium77)
- Infinite prop_interactable cooldown (contribued by arbabf)
- Fixed npc_sniper not acquiring player as target after SP respawn
- Fixed crash when a prop_dynamic with a model scale has no physics object
- Optimized func_fake_worldportal and 3D skybox angle render code (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Fixed func_fake_worldportal clip plane (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Added support for "custom" conditionals in KeyValues
- Fixed several bugs on Linux
- Fixed uninitialized variable in math_clamp
- Fixed Combine dropships not dropping APCs correctly after save/load (contributed by Cvoxulary)
- Fixed hand viewmodel issues on death/respawn
- Fixed crash with player use animations
- Removed prototype "addon manifest" implementation added in v7.0 (superceded by mapspawn_addon and near-unusable for Steam Workshop)
- Added NPC PVS checking for point_cameras
- Fixed metrocops using the wrong animation when pushing player with a gun


- Added implementation for creating custom VGUI panels via VScript (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Added a way to control individual HUD element visibility in VScript (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Fix CScriptNetMsgHelper::WriteEntity() (contributed by samisalreadytaken)
- Added VScript functions for checking the platform the player's computer is using
- Added GetCurrentBetaName and IsAppInstalled to VScript Steam API

Source Code:

- Disabled Discord/Mapbase RPC by default so that the source code doesn't need discord-rpc.dll to run out of the box
- Fixed some Linux compile errors
- Fix for multiply defined symbols in later toolsets (contributed by und)

This update is a followup to Mapbase v7.0. Most of the changes are bug fixes, but it does include two large new features: Custom VGUI panels through VScript and native Linux support.

Due to the positive feedback we received from using Notion to present Mapbase v7.0's contents, we have decided to do the same with this update. Click on the button below to find out more about what this update entails:

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