Q: What is Insurrection 1776?
A: Insurrection 1776 is a modification for Battlefield Vietnam set during the Revolutionary War that uses 18th century style combat.

Q: What's unique about Insurrection 1776?
A: Insurrection is far from your standard "replace all weapons and vehicles with new weapons and vehicles" type of mod. Visit the info section of this site to see the full list of changes we've made or still plan on making. 18th century combat is a totally unique kind of gameplay that can't be compared with any other FPS on the market.

Q: How far into development is Insurrection?
A: We currently have a public alpha release 0.30. The latest version has full infantry combat, artillery and forts with early versions of ships and horses.

Q: Am I going to have to spend 5 minutes reloading between shots?
A: We want to balance realism and gameplay as well as possible. Revolutionary War style combat is unique in that the firearms were very limited with a rate of fire of 3-4 shots per minute, and battles ending in melee combat with bayonets was not an uncommon occurance. We want to try and capture the feel of this era of warfare by limiting the rifles to a very low firing rate. Also, damage is much higher than it is in Battlefield Vietnam, so it will normally take no more than one shot to kill an enemy. However, the bottom line is that we intend for melee combat to be more than just a last resort. Your bayonet should see a lot of action in Insurrection 1776.

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Insurrection 1776 0.25


0.25 is here to fix bugs and make online play 10 times smoother and more fun

Unfortunetly there can't be a small patch since basically every part of the mod has been adjusted. I've always tried to keep our mod at an extremely small file size, so I know you all can grab it :) My apologies about the inordinate amount of bugs to be found in 0.2. Be sure that this version is much much cleaner. Big thanks goes out to those who gave us a try and play online.


  • Cannons all rescripted and fully operational now. (Soldiers manning cannons can be shot as well as collision all redone on cannons/mortar)
  • Weapons all heavily adjusted to make up for lag and create much better online play. Many have been rescripted in how they aim and damage dealt too.
  • Lines have been rescripted a bit and should be playable on or offline, and bots should also use them better now.
  • The_Indomitable now supports bots, however Push will not in this release.
  • Collision on fort pieces all adjusted
  • Knife does more damage

Get 0.25 Now!

Insurrection 1776 0.2 Released!


The Insurrection 1776 mod team is pleased to release their latest public offering for us to enjoy. This new version has a bunch of new features and some...

1776 Update

News 3 comments

Quick Little Briefing-- In order: Pic 1 shows a new 18lb Garrison cannon and its new smoke effect Pic 2 shows the Blunderbuss or "n00b t00b" that has...

Insurrection 1776 mapping files


Release closing in -- Lets see some maps We have put together a pretty cool little pack of statics for all interested mappers out there. As opposed to...

Insurrection 1776 Public Alpha Release


This public release is intended to show the community how the gameplay will feel, and to give Battlefield Vietnam players a new mod to toy around with...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 14)
Seneca97 - - 55 comments

This is a great mod, I like those historical themes!
Nice work!

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ytres - - 1,800 comments

Better mirror...


Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
ytres - - 1,800 comments

Found download...


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dotDarkCloud - - 2 comments

I loved this mod, I wonder what ever happened to the team? Oh well...

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Riku93 - - 57 comments

yeah i loved this mod too, the mods dead now though sadly =( atleast for bf:v im not sure about bf2, and for the team members im pretty sure that they got better jobs or just didnt have time so just plain stopped getting on the comp =( great mod though i miss it lol

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Business_Eskimo - - 3 comments

Insurrection 1776 is no longer being developed for BF:V. We are now in the process of porting our content to BattleField 2. Unfortunately, several of our team members have dropped off the face of the earth.
See us at:

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Runanddiesuicide - - 1 comments

uh, this has nothing to do with counter-strike. CS started as a mod for half-life and grew to be its own little rip off for people to yell and scream about after they payed for it.. I would know, cause I've been playing it since beta 6.

Insurrection 1776 is oddly amusing to me. I've played games like it, but this is difficult indeed. The accuracy is so horrible you're better off stabbing your enemy. They aren't kidding about fights ending with melee. Once you shoot you're completely vunerable, the time it takes to reload in the middle of battle is frightening and oddly.. thrilling. I'm uncertain about the strange group of men marching in a line with loud music playing.. but other than that the game gives people a pretty good idea of what it was like back in the day. who knows maybe one day we will see This mod for sale, and people can cry about it.

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ITORMENTBUNNIES - - 5 comments

yea but it's still like buying a mod...

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bart2o - - 1,863 comments

they sell it as a stand alone "game" though, just like dod and a few others

They are selling it with the basic half-life files needed to start up the whole mod :)

Counter-strike is not a standalone game, it still needs some files from the original hl :)

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ITORMENTBUNNIES - - 5 comments

they sell it as a stand alone "game" though, just like dod and a few others

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