Historical Project Mod Plus (HPMP) is a stand-alone update built upon HPM, building upon it with both bug fixes/QoL improvements, and an Expansion of several HPM mechanics I really liked, but felt underdeveloped. Many improvements towards the late game.


Version 6 came out a little early, but I wanted people to see the new features, and I made a github, so decided to push this out with the first github release as well. Version 6 adds the Golden Circle, along with some other requested features such as the Craftsmen and Bureaucrat fix from GFM, and bug fixes. Another major feature is the "Province selector" which for now only has 3 uses, but I hope to expand upon it. You will set a National colonial policy for you starting colonies, then you can use the selector to change to policy for each individual colonial state. You can also create a supply depot, which will remove attrition for 1 province so you can have all your units rally/organize there without constantly babysitting it, making army management much easier. There's also an option to use targeted coring and uncoring of states with this province selector.

Historical Project Mod Plus 6.0
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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Did you just straight up steal Victoria Universalis's core mechanic? Did you ask? Collab?

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

I was actually contacted by a guy on Reddit, who had done most of the work to add them, I plan to use it for mostly different things than Victoria Universalis does. As an example, manually increasing the size of mines won't be a part of HPMP, I'm hoping to use it to do stuff like define a location for "Labor Camps" and then use it to choose a province to take forced laborers from and ship them to the camp.
I also really liked the supply depot idea that Victoria Universalis has to make organizing armies much easier.
I also figured some people would like the option to have more control over what they can core.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Totally fair, thanks for clarifying, excited to see how you develop it more. Been loving your work! <3

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Glad you’re liking my mod! I asked they guy who sent me his work on the province selector if he wanted to be acknowledged and he didn’t really answer so I figured he didn’t want his name out there, if he asked I’d put in somewhere.
He did get it from Victoria Universalis, and as far as I know that’s the originator/dev of it. I only really had to make a UI that fit with the rest of the HPM/Vanilla UI and do some localizations.

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Lazy_Sorcerer - - 5 comments

It's a bit weird to talk about "stealing" with something as inherently derivative a game mod.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

To the person who asked about a 1914 start date, who knows but I don’t plan to add one in the near future.
I accidentally deleted your comment when trying to respond to it on my phone, sorry.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

can you add new Afrika as a nation?

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

I probably will, maybe as a "fantasy" nation, not sure, since the irl New Afrika organization is a 20th century thing. But I'll look into it, just been very busy moving and with Christmas stuff.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Hey Marshawn, I really love your mod and what you're doing here.

I just have one problem, since I like to play with Big Square Frame minimod (HPM cosmetic minimods). It ran just fine with version 5.0 of your mod, but with the new version it crashes as soon as I click on a province. Do you have any idea what might be causing that in the new version and could it be fixed?

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

My guess is that, that mod changes the UI that was changed to make room for the province selector, you could try opening the mod and see what files it has and see if you replace the province_bg.dds, province_colony_bg.dds, province_other_bg.dds, province_uncolonized_bg.dds, and nationalfocus_overwrite.dds in the "HPMP\gfx\interface" from HPMP into that mod
The 6.0 update also changed province_interface.gui, mapitems.gfx, and the province_interface.gfx within "HPMP\interface" so that might also be causing the issue.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Thanks, it crashes only when I click my own provinces so it is most likely due to province selector. I tried replacing the files with the ones from the Square Frames mod, but it didn't work. It's not the worst thing in the world, I'll manage without it. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

Edit: It seems like the province_interface.gui is what's causing the crash. Without that file it works, but the province window has overlap with text over the flag.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Try this, use the copy of the "province_interface.gui" from HPMP, replace the copy in the Square Frames mod with it, then edit this line of code

spriteType = "GFX_province_bg"

with this

spriteType = "GFX_provinceview_bg"

I think that would be causing the crashing, and hopefully having the HPMP copy will cause the text to be in the right place. But that's just me spit balling an idea, idk if that'll fix your problem

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Thanks! That fixed the crashing. The text is off in the province screen of other countries, but everything else is as it should be.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

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Termotanque - - 8 comments

I don't know why, but these last 2 versions (5.0 and 6.0) crashes my game before the main menu or when I pick a country, even after I deleted the map cache. Pretty sure it's my fault, I think im doing something wrong with the installation but I can't figure out what is it.

EDIT: Nevermind, I made it work again, just needed to delete some stuff, my bad.
Nice mod btw, this is one of my favourites and it's wonderful seeing how much effort you put into this.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Thanks, and glad you figured out what was wrong!

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Could you facilitate the training events of the Danube Federation?

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

What are those events? Are those the ones to get accepted cultures?

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

hey i noticed that in the game ai doesnt build many troops in hpm. so this mod is perfect for someone who want ai as powerfull as crimeamod but also wanted hpm. but something i noticed was that ai wasn't building as many troops as it does in crimeamod. could you some day make an update which increase troop building from ai so they are more difficult do deal with and not just a choir? thanks for the great mod btw.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

The AI should have pretty much the same desire to build to its troop cap as in Crimeamod, but it’s possible they just can’t afford it, especially if they have a party with “free trade” as its trade policy, that seems to be an issue for them. I believe Crimeamod has some hidden modifiers for the AI to allow it to have tariffs higher than the policy would normally allow, which allows them to field bigger armies, but I decided not to copy those over because it seems like allowing the AI to cheat, which I wanted to avoid. It might be something else I’m unaware of, but I think that’s the only real difference between HPMP ai and Crimeamod ai.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

do you plan on one day do a submod for allowing such things like higher tariff value to buff ai? thanks again for the answer.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

I could probably use a flag like I do for most of the game rules to turn it off and on, so I might add that as a “hard mode” option in an update

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

not true

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Ffs, accidentally deleted another comment thanks to my phone posting :/
So to the person who asked about the Chinese central Asian borders, I changed those back to the original HPM borders because the Russian AI never took those from China, and I wanted Russia to usually end up with its historical borders in the late game. If you really want them changed back you could look at the province ID’s from the first version the 1860 start date was added, and then copy them over into the latest version, and they should be back to that way.
It’s like 3-4 provinces if I remember correctly, they are in the “Central Asia” folder in the province history folder.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

thanks for the answer! you could make a decision for russia demanding them alongside outer manchuria, just like what happened irl.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

I might do that, do you know when they did demand it?

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

well, it started with russian expansion into cetral asia, alongside the period of humilliation in China. after the conquest of the territories of modern day kazakhstan, Russia signed in july 25th 1851, the treaty of kulja, which regulated trade on what was becoming a new border on some chinese border cities in central asia , in competition with the british trading consessions in China. this was the pathway to the Treaty Of Tarbagatai which was signed in october 7th 1864 and that was what oficially ceded chinese central asian territory to russia and shaped the modern borders we all know. russia sought to control the territory according to the treaty of peking in 1860. after the treaty of peking, the russians send surveys to the border and negotiations with the qing about the new border. in result of the dungan revolt, the border markers, which were to be set up in 1865, were not put in place until 1869.

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Termotanque - - 8 comments

First of all, happy new year!
Secondly, I think I found an issue, I was starting a campaign with Brazil and everything went fine until Paraguay declares it independence; for some reason, after clicking any of the two choice (recognize it or not) the game crashes after a few days have passed. Im 100% sure the crash is provoked by this event, I had another campaign before with the Republic of Central America and never got a single problem. I will see if I can find out anything else regarding this problem.

EDIT: After a third crash, I think I just discovered that the game crashing may be triggered by clicking on one of Paraguay's provinces/states. Maybe it is San Pedro.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Hmm, clicking on all of Paraguay's provinces for me doesn't cause a crash, so it might be that event. I'll look into it, but not sure what would be causing it, I haven't messed with that event so not sure why its crashing now.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

I can confirm this, happened to me as well. It only happens after the event 'Recognize Paraguay independence', the game crashes when you click on one of their provinces.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Hmm, ok, I’ll look into it, thanks for letting me know

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Termotanque - - 8 comments

No problem, your work is awesome!

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Thanks, any idea what the event number is, or which file its within? I tried looking for it in the Brazil and South America files without any luck

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Termotanque - - 8 comments

I just looked at it, it took a while but I found it. The event is in ''PRGhist'' on the events folder.
The ID of this event is 4661010, hope you can solve this out.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Awesome, thank you, I’ll try to figure out what’s wrong with it and have that in the next update, and it’ll be posted to github as soon as I figure it out if you don’t want to wait.

Edit: So, after messing with it I still can't recreate this crash, no idea what would be causing it. Maybe clearing you documents folder would help, but it's very strange I can't recreate the crash, and nothing in the event seems like it would cause this to happen.

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Termotanque - - 8 comments

Thanks to look up to it! I may try to do that and see if it still crashes.

EDIT: It actually worked! I just had to delete everything in the HPMP folder in documents besides the saves and the screenshots. Thank you, partner!

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Wow great!

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Termotanque - - 8 comments

Hey, its me again! Just wanted to point out a bug I found while playing as Brasil. The decision that allows you to add the Afro-brazilian culture as accepted doesnt show as it should. It says ''accept_afro_brazilians_title'' and ''accept_afro_brazilians_desc'' where it should be the title and description of the decision respectively. Its just a cosmetic bug as the decision and its consequences works just fine, but I just wanted to inform you about it.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

Thanks, updated it for the Github version for now.

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lbp22000055 - - 1 comments

Did this mod change anything about war leaders? I was playing Prussia and whenever I called Britain in my war, they would immediately become war leader, which didn't happen in HPM in any of the 6 Prussia games I played there. It's extremely annoying because they would refuse to end the war and add stupid wargoals which makes German unification essentially impossible if you call them in. Once they didn't even fulfill my assert hegemony wargoal with Austria.

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Marshawn Author
Marshawn - - 106 comments

No I haven’t changed that, not sure if you even can. I think it’s determined through military score, so the UK might have a higher one because of their massive navy which they be more likely to max out than in HPM. Other than that idk why it would be happening

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Hey I just wanned to thank you for your hard work on this, You just made my Favourite game better, thank you! I love it!

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