Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original Nintendo 64 version. Works on GZDoom and Zandronum in OpenGL mode. (Zdoom and Zandronum Software mode are not supported.) No downloads available yet. Mod still is very early WIP.


Brutal Doom 64 v2.5 (formerly Brutal Doom 64 v2 patched) is an unofficial updated version of Brutal Doom 64 v2 and is compatible with Zandronum, GZDoom and LZDoom. Please see the full description for details. I have resolved most if not all bugs from the Brutal Doom v2 release as well restoring compatibility with newer GZDoom source ports. I have also reworked the classical player mode to be more of a vanilla experience, i.e. no weapon reloading, no stamina, no kicking, no chainsaw fuel, no alt fire and reworked the Unmaker to work as close as possible to vanilla Doom 64 as well as using cell ammo. New player classes are added as well Nightmare difficulties with the Nightmare monsters from Onox792's Project Nightmare. Project Nightmare's random spawners have been integrated in and are optional. Light halos and fog can now be turned off(located in BD64 options from the main menu). Click on Read more... for installation instructions and changelog

Brutal Doom 64 v2.5
Post comment Comments  (200 - 250 of 291)
OldCactusCN - - 6 comments

Your mod is great, which greatly increases the playability of bd64, but I hope that the weapon animation can be smoothed, such as the pistol reloading of the modern class, the unmaker firing of the classic class, and the laser gun firing. Hope my comment will not be correct Your development progress is causing trouble, thank you

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Many thanks for the compliment.
I am open to improving weapon animation but the only thing I am limited by is a lack of Doom 64 style sprites to work with. I am slowly improving my skills so hopefully in the future I can work on these.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
OldCactusCN - - 6 comments

I drew some pictures of the weapons for the classic class unmaker, and what methods are sent to you such as discord

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I will certainly take a look. Could you PM me?

My time is a little limited at the moment in the run up to Christmas but I am always looking at ways to make the mod better.



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OldCactusCN - - 6 comments

Which discord server you joined I can't find you inside discord

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I am not part of any discord server. Never really needed one as I usually just use Moddb messaging.

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Guest - - 700,106 comments

this addon D4WeaponsforBDV2b for BD64 works with this mod?

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I don't know. I have never tried it. Why not give it go and see.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,106 comments

it work. One sugestion. I was playing on the v2.0. And there, in hardcore, the enemy have 2x more dmg. And we have 25% more dmg. Could you make the enemy have 2x more dmg, and we have 50% more dmg instead 25%. This would made this mode awesome. What you think?

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have checked the mapinfo for BD64 v2 Hardcore difficulty.
The main points are:
damageFactor 2.0
monsterHealth 0.75

You want this replicated to the current Hardcore difficulty, right?
I can add these values back in the next update.

In the meantime, if you are a dab hand at Slade, it is easy to edit the difficulty and change these values.
After you have downloaded and installed Slade you need to open the bd64game_v2.5.pk3 and navigate to the mapinfo file. Then scroll down to lines 49 and 50 and change the values.
damageFactor value to 2.0
monsterHealth value to 0.75
Then save the changes to the file and the pk3 and you are good to go.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

THX. I did. It was really easy like you said. The problem is that i did'nt know that had a program that opens a pk3 archive. Man i felt in a obligation to create a account to thank you. Great mod.

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

I choosed to play in torment and made this change. I noticed that your difficult is more fair than the 2.0. There the enemyy are extremely fast. Before the door open they are already shooting.

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

Sorry, I tested only map 1. Now i can see that all rocket launcher was trade for chaingun. I'll have to play the 2.0. thx for your help

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Can you elaborate the problem. I am not understanding. Rocket launcher placements have not changed and there are no rocket launchers on map 01.

If you are playing Nightmare or Torment only the monsters have been replaced with tougher versions. These are located in the difficulties in the mapinfo file.

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

sorry. what im tring to say is that i played with D4WeaponsforBDV2b for BD64 only on map 1 to test if it would work. When i go to hectic map. There in 2.0 have a rocket launcher and a chaingun on the room with the spider. in 2.5 both are chaingun.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

This would be an incompatibility with D4WeaponsforBDV2b. If playing v2.5 without this addon it should be the rocket launcher as you described.

EDIT: I just took a look the D4WeaponsforBDV2b. No wonder it doesn't fully work. The scripting is very messy with scripts for taunts and grenades from Brutal Doom which aren't present in BD64 as well as other things. The submod really needs cleaning up.

In D4WeaponsforBDV2b There is a file Decorate.Spawners. On lines 19 and 20 There is a random chance to spawn the chaingun instead of the rocket launcher. This will affect BD64 v2.0 as well. You just got unlucky picking up the chaingun instead.

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

Sad. This mod let the game amazing. But unfortonaly the creator didnt updated it and i think it will not will

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

i already liked this game before this. Now i cant stop playing. My way to play is tormento. double dmg. enemy half heath . they are 60% more rapid and i get 25% more ammo. This mod is incredible. Thx god i have played the normal 64 first lol.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have reworked the mod D4WeaponsforBDV2b fixing bugs and adding compatibility. The gauss cannon has also been fixed and can now be selected.
Rocket launcher drop is no longer replaced randomly by the chaingun. There is now a random chance to pickup the machine gun instead of the chaingun.

EDIT: Link removed. There is now the reworked DOOM4VoxandWeapForBD64 available for download below which is more stable than the other Doom 4 weapon mod.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

i really didnt expected that. sorry make you worry about this.

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

I was testing this mod: DOOM4VoxandWeapForBD64V3.3.4 before i see your message. Its look nice. But have a lot of bugs. Like shots passing through enemy. And other things that is completely stranger lol. I still didin't sleep. Im testing mods for 3 days lol.

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

Could you help me? I made a lot of changes here, the mode is good now. But i cant remove the shells of shotguns that stay on screen when i fire. I have no ideia to solve this.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have completed the rework for DOOM4VoxandWeapForBD64. All the console errors and bugs have been fixed. Like before there were many left over decorate scripts added for Brutal Doom which are not used in BD64 as well as lots of duplicated actors.
Here is the download link:

Hope this works for you.

EDIT: I noticed a few minor bugs remaining in DOOM4VoxandWeapForBD64. Try the download again.
EDIT: I also noticed that certain weapon tags were incorrect. Fixed now.

I don't have time to look at the HUD sub-mod for the moment.

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

the hud mod that i said(CatsVisor), have two versions. One for zandronium and other for gzdoom. I use the gzdoom one. I forget to say that. sorry.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Is the reworked DOOM4VoxandWeapForBD64 working for you? Are all the issues resolved?

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

Until now, i dont see any issue. I think its all okay

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

I played more. Im sure its fine now. This mod has its on HUD. But the hud is very messy and occupy a big space of screen lol.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Glad to hear it works fine and my effort has paid off :)

I have finished the CatsVisor Zandronum mods. I also had to edit a couple more things on DOOM4VoxandWeapForBD64 as a couple of the weapons were missing the kicking ability.
Here is the link to all the files:

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

I found a bug in the catvisor. When use command "give all". The ammo hud stops working. You will make the catvision work with gzdom too? Im asking because i play on it. Merry christmas for you xD.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Merry Christmas to you as well :)
I have made another revision to the DOOM4VoxandWeapForBD64 redefining weapons from the keykonf file to the player decorate file. The Catsvisor was becoming confused due to detecting 2 conflicting inventory items which you get if you use give all.

Retry the download from my link above.

I will take another look at the GZDoom version but do not have anymore time today.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

The ammo problem is solved. Now i saw something i did not noticed early. I think the armor icon is not working as intended. I am sorry. I wrote the post in the wrong place before lol

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

i found a problem. The upgrade box replaced the backpack completely. So there is no way to increase max ammo.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Retry the download. There is now a 50% chance to trigger a backpack or upgrade station.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

Another bug. When take backpack all ammo appear on screen side. and armor icon of the hud dont work too.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Both fixed. Retry the download. CatsVisorC1.10.3_Dynamic_BD64v2.5D4 - Zandronum & DOOM4VoxandWeapForBD64 files have been revised.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

The ammo problem is solved. O armor icon appear a number under armor that not make sense.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I cannot do much about that. It is the armor protection value (how much damage your armour can absorb from enemy strikes). It is usually a hidden value but the Catsvisor shows it. It will change depending upon what armour you are carrying (33% for armour shards, 60% for green armour, 80% for blue armour).

Reply Good karma+2 votes
fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

ok. Now its make sense. I didnt know that. With this armor thing solved. Only thing left is make it work with gzdoom. And it will be all finished, because there is no bug left

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

I played more to confirme. And i cant found any bug. So bug free

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

I made it work with GZDOOM. THX for all your help swc132994.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

GZDoom is more developed. It supports ZScript and better Decorate functions as well more OpenGL options (Bloom, tone map, etc) Zandronum is based off a much older version of GZDoom. The only bonus of Zandro is better multiplayer support and autoloading through the skins folder.

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fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

there is a way to increase the hp of specific enemy or only for general?

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Yes, but you would have to edit each individual monster decorate script and set the health for each. It would also mean that health would apply to every difficulty.

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OldCactusCN - - 6 comments

Hey I've sent a new super shotgun sprite inside discord, can you check it out

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Bloom5515 - - 2 comments

Hi. How to fix this?

"Execution could not continue.

Script error, "bd64game_v2.5-OLD_RIFLE.pk3:cvarinfo" line 2: cvar 'bd_lowgraphicsmode' already exists."

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

This an alternative full game file and should not be run with BD64game_v2.5.pk3. Sorry for the confusion.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Bloom5515 - - 2 comments


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styd051 - - 169 comments

Hi all !

I am announcing that I will help swc132994 for future updates for mapping, we are already working on the next R31 update, I am planning to improve the Brutal DOOM 64 campaign to make it even better, as I find the campaign is not perfect, I plan to do The Lost Level episode very soon for BD64 V2.5 and after for TC REMAKE, since I am not working on any other addon at the moment I pledge to help swc132994.


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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Styd051,

Many thanks for your help. This is most appreciated.


Reply Good karma+3 votes
doomguy199333 - - 62 comments

hi styd051 nice! thank you for the future update that will be! soon!

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styd051 - - 169 comments

hi doomguy199333 !

for the next update the campaign BD64 will have a big change will be better than before, and all these fixes i will do for campaign BD64v2.5 i will also do for TC REMAKE but later.

stay tuned till the update R31 is released.

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doomguy199333 - - 62 comments

I'll be waiting thanks!

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Hell_Zerberus - - 1 comments

What will R31 update include exactly that makes it better than before? And will it include Lost levels too, or they will be needed to wait more?

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styd051 - - 169 comments

Hi Hell Zerberus

the update R31 will include a total overhaul of the campaign BD64, and other surprises that we prepare SWC and me for BD64.

for The Lost Levels will not be available for the update R31, I will make it for the update R32 in the future it is planned.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
fullwargreymon - - 22 comments

I loved lost levels, Its extremely challenging. I'll be waiting for it. THX.

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