Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original Nintendo 64 version. Works on GZDoom and Zandronum in OpenGL mode. (Zdoom and Zandronum Software mode are not supported.) No downloads available yet. Mod still is very early WIP.


Brutal Doom 64 v2.5 (formerly Brutal Doom 64 v2 patched) is an unofficial updated version of Brutal Doom 64 v2 and is compatible with Zandronum, GZDoom and LZDoom. Please see the full description for details. I have resolved most if not all bugs from the Brutal Doom v2 release as well restoring compatibility with newer GZDoom source ports. I have also reworked the classical player mode to be more of a vanilla experience, i.e. no weapon reloading, no stamina, no kicking, no chainsaw fuel, no alt fire and reworked the Unmaker to work as close as possible to vanilla Doom 64 as well as using cell ammo. New player classes are added as well Nightmare difficulties with the Nightmare monsters from Onox792's Project Nightmare. Project Nightmare's random spawners have been integrated in and are optional. Light halos and fog can now be turned off(located in BD64 options from the main menu). Click on Read more... for installation instructions and changelog

Brutal Doom 64 v2.5
Post comment Comments  (150 - 200 of 291)
Guest - - 700,095 comments

I wonna the casing of the zombieman’s weapon and when I use the chaingun to kill the zombieman, the zombieman will drop two guns

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Good pickup. I shall add the Zombie bullet casings for the next update. I am now investigating the cause of the double weapon drops.

EDIT: I have found and fixed these issues as well as a few other things. Update 28.4 has now been released.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Update 29 has now been released focusing adding more performance options. I noticed the Zandronum ketchup options were not working correctly instead using the GZDoom ketchup options for both sourceports. Therefore these sub menus have been simplified and included into the the main BD64 options page.
I have also added the option to turn off the floor/ceiling shot/blast decals for those who do not want them or need the extra performance. Wall decal range has been increased and the option to disable wall decals completely if set to none.
Lastly I noticed on some map packs door locks are defined using map ACS meaning the BD64 key actors are not recognised. To resolve this the key definitions have been reverted to vanilla doom keys (the only loss is the fancy the flashing light emitted from the key)

N.B. As this update has reworked ACS scripts and keys, old saves will not work. Before updating remember to make a note of your inventory and level progress. Use console commands to get back to where you were after updating.

In a future update I will be looking into setting a gore limit so if you encounter slowdowns you have options to quickly remove excess gore. Currently the janitor/cleaner option only starts working for monsters killed after it has been turned on and will not deal with monsters already killed before this point.

Edit: 05/11/21
At some point I also intend to look at the brightmaps for other textures as well.

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SteelFGC - - 3 comments

Hello, thanks for working on this great mod! Is there a way to disable the particles/fog, the kind you see under the lights in the first level? In the main summary FAQ for BD64, it says:

"A: I will add a CVAR that allows you to disable the fog and reflection effects."

But I'm not sure what to do, or if it was ever added? Thanks!

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Thanks for your message and the thumbs up to this mod.
The ability to disable fog was never added. Now that you have flagged this I shall investigate a way to disabling it.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
SteelFGC - - 3 comments

Great, looking forward to it. I'm playing on a laptop with a ryzen 3 3200u in GZDoom and it stays over 60fps just about everywhere, except when there's a lot of that fog on the screen.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi SteelFGC,
I have released update 30 to remove the light fog. After disabling from BD64 options the change will take effect on starting a new level.

Hopefully this will keep the framerate up. As an added bonus if disabled the enhanced night vision now looks better.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
SteelFGC - - 3 comments

That made an incredible difference, it runs so smoothly now.

I did notice that the fog is still there if you load the Absolution TC Remake addon maps. I guess that has to be updated separately?

Thanks a lot!

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I am glad it is running better. Indeed, I updated the TC remake 1.4 addon as well. Just download the latest version and all should be well.

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Sraigius95 - - 93 comments

Hey swc, i found a localization issue with flawed grammar in one of the intermission texts. Specifically, the ending text.
The current ending text goes like this:
or as seen in the game:

If your moddb profile says the truth, english must be your native language, so both of us can agree that this text has some grammar mistakes. Mind you, english is not my native language, but even i can tell that the finale's intermission text contains broken english.
This is how i would recommend correcting it:
The mother of all demons is dead!
For the first time, the demons know what fear is.
You become a legend in hell, known only as "Doom Slayer".

You receive a message on the radio:
"Whatever you did, it worked! They are all falling back to the portal!"
says the commander, but you refuse to answer.

You don't want to come back.
Just let them think you are dead.

You know that hell can't ever be destroyed.
So you decide to remain in hell, to rule it and ensure that no demon ever rises again.

The end.

I hope you can update it! And thank you for your tireless dedication for the development of this mod.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hello Sraigius95

I will be honest and admit that I have only completed the mod a few times and that was a long time ago. Since then as soon as I spot errors or have ideas, I am right back in Slade3 making edits (truthfully I have now spent more time editing BD64 than playing it). This is the ending intermission straight from v2.
Reading it now, it does indeed need work and I shall amend it for the next update.

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Sraigius95 - - 93 comments

For testing purposes you can quickly warp into the finale's cutscene + last intermission text by typing in
changemap endingma

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Guest - - 700,095 comments

good guy

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I just released update 30.1 with the revised ending intermission text. Hope you like it :)

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Sraigius95 - - 93 comments

The new epilogue is nice. It's not precisely as it used to be, but perhaps it's even better! :)

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Sraigius95 - - 93 comments

Today i found a game breaking bug that is exclusive to "modern" gamemode.
Chainguns that are scattered across the maps cannot be picked up.

The only way to acquire a chaingun in modern gamemode is by killing 64chaingunguy. I summoned chaingunguy with "summon 64chaingunguy" command, killed him and yeah, i managed to pick up chaingun just fine. However, it is impossible to pick up these chainguns that are scattered across various maps (or spawned in with "summon chaingun" console command).
Summon chaingun command works just fine in classical and tactical gamemodes.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Sraigius95,
I have just checked. The chaingun is picking up fine for me in Modern class.
Are you using any sub mods that have different chaingun decorate scripts?
By chance are you using the add-on "New deaths for Brutal Doom 64"? If so, you will want to delete the chaingun decorate scripts from that mod.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sraigius95 - - 93 comments

I do have new deaths for BD 64. Right, so i deleted DECORATE.minigun from that mod:
And that's it, once again i can pick up chainguns just fine. Thank you for a good advice. 👍

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Mr.Blazkowicz - - 36 comments

Can you add this to the mod?:

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Mr.Blazkowicz,

Funnily enough I have already asked for permission a couple of days ago from the author to integrate this so I can expand upon it to include the nightmare monsters.
Styd051 asked previously for the Absolution TC remake. However he was rejected. So we shall wait and see.

In the meantime I have already patched the add-on, removing bugs and unnecessary decorate scripts.

EDIT 25/11/21
I have decided to go ahead and expand upon the submod and will work on adding extra deaths for the nightmare monsters.
link can be found from my ModDB profile page:

Credit to the original author: idkfa3215

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Mr.Blazkowicz - - 36 comments

Thank you!, also, do i load this after the mod?(BD64_addon.pk3?)

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

This replaces BD64_addon so it is no longer needed.
I have updated the add-on to now include extra Nightmare imp deaths. Check my Moddb profile page for the download link.

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Doomflayer - - 15 comments

Have you stopped working on the new deaths addon? I saw you had even added to it, i downloaded it from your page a few days ago but checking today it's gone.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Typharius
I have temporarily removed the link it as it is undergoing extensive rework.
There are still a few thing left to resolve.

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Doomflayer - - 15 comments

Thanks for the reply, I was just curious as to what the situation was haha! I will wait for you to release it when you feel it's ready :)

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have now finished the rework of the New Deaths for BD64. It is now included as an optional addon in the main mod download with the name NDBD64_Enhanced

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Doomflayer - - 15 comments

Phenomenal work, well done and thank you sir :) keep up the great work, we all appreciate what you're doing.

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Doomflayer - - 15 comments

Brilliant work, thanks so much for updating this for the fans. Can I ask, what is the "Modern" game start? And if I leave monster/weapon options at default can I still experience everything the mod has to offer, and get the unmaker upgrades etc.?

One thing that's always bothered me with every version of BD64 I have tried, including this one, is at the start of the first level I noticed the textures behind the grill straight ahead in the corridor go all warped when you back up to the door with the berserk pack. I've never delved deep into BD64 to verify if there are other texture bugs anywhere.

Any idea what the cause for this is? I have no issues using any other Doom mods, like Brutal Doom, Project Brutality, Aliens Eradication and many others with no glitches.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Typharius,
Thanks for the comment.

Modern mode is the same as tactical pistol start but with the stamina mechanic removed. If playing with BD64 maps then you should experience everything except seeing the nightmare cacodemons, nightmare spectres and annihiltor. Many of the options are for when playing non BD64 maps.
Could you PM me a screenshot of the texture distortion.


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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Thanks for letting me know about the distortion behind the mesh. I have just released a small update fixing this issue. It turns out it was actually a map error.

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Doomflayer - - 15 comments

Hahaha np, at last my ocd can rest! :D

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Sraigius95 - - 93 comments

Something's not right with the loading order of fun maps. I finished map 24 and i was simply redirected into map 28 absolution after the intermission text screen.
I DEFINITELY remember seeing an option to enable or disable fun maps in older builds of BD 64, but now i searched again and that option was missing?
WTF? How do i access them? Whatever that you did in update 24 completely broke the access to fun maps.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

There is no need to be rude. Update 24 added the fun maps as normal playthrough so map24 went to map25 and so on.
However, some people didn't like this as is wasn't Doom 64 style. Doom 64 skips these maps and goes straight to map28. Sgt Mark's v2 goes straight to map 28 from map 24 too.
In update 28 the order was put back and I added a secret exit in map24 to get to map25. This is written in the update notes too.
The TC Absolution Remake handles this differently where the maps are accessed from various secret levels instead.

Only Doom 64 itself unlocks options to play these maps from the menu

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Sraigius95 - - 93 comments

I was not being rude, please do not misinterpret my message if it appeared to be like that on first glance. I think that major changes to the game without fallback option shouldn't be initiated just because one or two people complained in the comments section.

I managed to figure out how to find the secret exit to map 25. When the chamber that contains two cyberdemons opens up, you must lead the cyberdemons away from you and just run inside and head to the end of the room, the map's going to end and you'll be taken to map 25, but that's neither here nor there.

I think that a better method of problem-solving the fun maps topic would be like this. There should be no secret ending for map 24, you must kill both cyberdemons to end the level. Fun maps should be disabled by default in BD64 options menu, but can be toggled on or off, just like enemy randomizers, weapon replacers and performance enhancements. I think that is a way better way to solve a problem than deconstructing a map and making major changes to it that locks THREE MAPS behind an easily missable secret. thx

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

You used uppercase (shouting) and a wtf statement then went to accuse me of completely breaking the map progession. Is this not rude?
I have not found a method to do the maps the way you desire. Other D64 mods also have not found a method to do it either. The mapinfo file sets the game map progession. As far as I can tell it cannot be manipulated through ACS and cvars.

The current map setup follow vanilla D64 setup. At least they are accessible as opposed to not all. You stated that I shouldn't do something just based on a few comments. To turn it around are you implying your comment is more important than theirs. A compromise was needed, hence the current setup.

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Sraigius95 - - 93 comments

You know swc, after thinking for longer, this change actually makes sense. Fun maps are hard, right? And the ending of map 24 is a fight with twin cyberdemons. You have a choice, either fight like a man and kill both cyberdemons or run away from them like a coward. And perhaps, mother demon hates cowards, so she punishes you for your cowardice by putting you through a gauntlet of sadistic challenges (fun maps). But if you don't run away and you kill both cyberdemons she will respect your bravery and immediately open a portal to her hub, so you can settle the final boss fight immediately. This is actually a pretty solid non linearity choice. And fun maps still exist, as a punishment for not fighting cyberdemons.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Thanks for the feedback and understanding. This is pretty much what I had in mind i.e. If you take the fast way out and not kill the final guardians to the mother demon you have to go through another way by completing trials.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

My apologies for the multiple update upload today. I noticed a few last minute changes needed for he zombie marine death state that were missed.

It is all corrected now.

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plazma82 - - 71 comments

is there a way to turn of the recoil for the chaingun in slade? were would i look for it? is it in DECORATE.Minigun?

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plazma82 - - 71 comments

i figured it out. it was in the DECORATE.Minigun

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

That's good.
I was assuming it is the tactical chaingun that was giving you grief.

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plazma82 - - 71 comments

no its good the entire mod is perfect!! i was just in the mood for no recoil today lol

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plazma82 - - 71 comments

i NDBD64_Enhanced.pk3 breaks the second level with the blue key card after you kill the imps the door never opens. I'm thinking it because the names in DECORATE.Imp file for the imps in Brutal Doom 64 v2.5 with this addon installed to change from 64DoomImp to 64DoomImpEx so when you kill the 64DoomImpEx in the blue keycard room on level 2 the door stays closed because its waiting for a death trigger for 64DoomImp.

i could be wrong I'm no mod maker hope i explained that right
i tried Mutiple time with the NDBD64_Enhanced.pk3 active with no door open then with it inactive and the door opened fine
i hope its not on my end lol

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Thanks for letting me know about map02. It is indeed a small bug with NDBD64_Enhanced. I have just released an update which fixes it and anywhere else where this could happen.

It was to do with the map thing tid transferring to the brutalised 1 arm monster. It is found in the SpawnitemEx lines.

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plazma82 - - 71 comments

you rock thank for fixing it and glad i can help

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

After releasing update 30.7 containing NDBD64_Enhanced, a couple of things were missed off which have now been rectified in u30.7_2
1. Monster deaths were not triggering events such as opening doors, raising platforms, etc.
2. New Zombie deaths were not always giving the correct amount of soul ammo to the player.

My apologies for the many uploads these past couple of days. Touch wood, all is good this time.

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OldCactusCN - - 6 comments

Your mod is great, which greatly increases the playability of bd64, but I hope that the weapon animation can be smoothed, such as the pistol reloading of the modern class, the unmaker firing of the classic class, and the laser gun firing. Hope my comment will not be correct Your development progress is causing trouble, thank you

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Many thanks for the compliment.
I am open to improving weapon animation but the only thing I am limited by is a lack of Doom 64 style sprites to work with. I am slowly improving my skills so hopefully in the future I can work on these.

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OldCactusCN - - 6 comments

I drew some pictures of the weapons for the classic class unmaker, and what methods are sent to you such as discord

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I will certainly take a look. Could you PM me?

My time is a little limited at the moment in the run up to Christmas but I am always looking at ways to make the mod better.



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OldCactusCN - - 6 comments

Which discord server you joined I can't find you inside discord

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I am not part of any discord server. Never really needed one as I usually just use Moddb messaging.

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