Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original Nintendo 64 version. Works on GZDoom and Zandronum in OpenGL mode. (Zdoom and Zandronum Software mode are not supported.) No downloads available yet. Mod still is very early WIP.


Brutal Doom 64 v2.5 (formerly Brutal Doom 64 v2 patched) is an unofficial updated version of Brutal Doom 64 v2 and is compatible with Zandronum, GZDoom and LZDoom. Please see the full description for details. I have resolved most if not all bugs from the Brutal Doom v2 release as well restoring compatibility with newer GZDoom source ports. I have also reworked the classical player mode to be more of a vanilla experience, i.e. no weapon reloading, no stamina, no kicking, no chainsaw fuel, no alt fire and reworked the Unmaker to work as close as possible to vanilla Doom 64 as well as using cell ammo. New player classes are added as well Nightmare difficulties with the Nightmare monsters from Onox792's Project Nightmare. Project Nightmare's random spawners have been integrated in and are optional. Light halos and fog can now be turned off(located in BD64 options from the main menu). Click on Read more... for installation instructions and changelog

Brutal Doom 64 v2.5
Post comment Comments  (50 - 100 of 291)
kyomotion - - 9 comments

BTw: Any plans to convert Beta64.wad (a terribly underrated megawad for Doom64EX(imdoom64 engine) into this TC?

Kind regards

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styd051 - - 169 comments

hello kyomotion

I can do a remake of the 32 maps of beta64.wad and compatible with brutal doom 64, but sa would take way too long.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Styd051,
As a reference, how long did it take for you to remake the Absolution TC maps (I imagine a lot of time)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
styd051 - - 169 comments

Hi swc132994

I’d say about 1 month ^^

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kyomotion - - 9 comments

It might be a nice 1 month project ;)
But if you have to redo the whole thing (placing textures etc) that must be really a lot of work. I hoped you pro-guys would have some (semi) automated tools to pull that off ;)

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styd051 - - 169 comments

of course I will put it in my schedule of maps to redo everything here is my schedule Oucast level remake, Redemption Denied remake, The Reckoning remake, beta64.Wad remake and the lost levels remake.

(of course there will be the nightmare spectre, and nightmare cacodémon, and Annihilator that will appear in it’s levels ! )


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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Sounds like in the future Brutal Doom 64 is going to get a lot bigger, which sounds nice :)

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I didn't even know about this megawad until just now. It looks intriguing. I wish I had played a long time ago.

I intend to keep this patched version just purely as a patched up version of Sgt Mark's release.
The reason is that this can be used as a base for development of add-ons and megawads such as Styd051's TC Absolution Remake without inheriting the bugs from the original release.

if I do additional features or get around to map creation (my map making skills are non existent at the moment) then these would be a separate add-on using this patched version as a base.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Update 10 released.
I brought over the Hellhound sounds from D64 Absolution TC Remake. Much appreciated styd051. I also patched up some weapon ammo icons and resolved some console error messages.

Be warned, this update may break a current save game

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Shockwave_S08 - - 134 comments

Zombies are making a rather anti-climactic thud noise when berserk-kicking them to pieces, sounding more like you're kicking a wall than squelching them into a million pieces; the Imps don't exhibit this issue.

EDIT: Another longstanding issue is the fact that the lens flares and other "dynamic" lights look like absolute trash when GZDoom's Enhanced Night Vison mode is enabled, and you pick up some Infrared Goggles. Any way you can utilize some Decorate trickery to have the infrared mode ignore these particular sprites, in this case?

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have just about fixed the kick but need to test it out properly. It shall be released tomorrow.

Unfortunately light sources are going show up bright on the enhanced night vision. In Gzdoom what I have had to do is turn off the setting for the enhanced light vision and use normal light vision instead.

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Shockwave_S08 - - 134 comments

Found another bug: If you're completely out of Shells, and you empty your Super Shotgun, it will click repeatedly as it tries to pull nonexistent ammo from something that ain't there. If the standard Shotgun is pulled out whilst the SSG is doing that, it will do its pumping animation, as if you had finished reloading that particular weapon.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I will look in to it for the next update.

EDIT: update 10.2 has been released with this fix

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Shockwave_S08,
I have finally figured out how to optionally disable the light fog under the overhead lights. In BD64 options is an added option to disable. You can now enjoy enhanced night vision.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
kyomotion - - 9 comments

Thank you very much for those regular thorough and regular updates. Particle performance (rain from the absolution -> BD64 Absolution TC) has improved a lot btw :)
BTW: Your mod has been the only mod of bd64 that really adressed this nasystamina-slowdown (except mayby my own clunky try). As I said, thats much more then a patch it should be a 3.0 instead ;)

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Thank you, I hope that with this last update the patched version should now be complete. When I first started this patching I didn't think I would get as far as I did. I even gave up for a few years (children came in the mix putting non essentials on hold). But I got the patch there in the end.

With Styd051 bringing the Absolution maps back to life and more, this should give Brutal Doom 64 much more replay value.

Who knows when Sgt Mark will return to Brutal Doom 64 but for now I am glad he is busy with other projects.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Update 11 released.
This is an important milestone. I have resolved all of the unknown actors in the console errors logs.

This release also resolves a very old bug where using the console give weapons cheat would result in a clash of weapon types between the player classes. Now the console givle weapons cheat will only give all weapons to the relevant player classs.

Lastly a small fix where the weapon tags were not correctly defined or missing entirely as well as weapon ammo pick-up tweaks.

Have a good weekend everyone,


Reply Good karma+1 vote
Cepton - - 38 comments

First of all: thanks for your work.
I just launched the first level and I notice that the eyes of the Pinky don't glow in the dark like in the non-patched version (I like playing with low-brightness + flashlight). You know why?

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have re-uploaded the file. it should work now

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Cepton - - 38 comments

Indeed, thank you!
But now I have this new problem:

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have checked this on both Zandronum and Gzdoom and cannot see an "!". It's displaying a blood splat as normal.
Could you try a fresh install without other mods to see if this continues.
If this fails I could reupload just encase there is an issue with the download

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Cepton - - 38 comments

Sorry my bad, I was launching the game with the DOOM 1 wad ^^'
I didn't know the game was able to launch with the wrong wad.

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Xeno1979 - - 36 comments

great job! i have been waiting for this a long time! do you know if there are also some brightmaps or PBR stuff is for this addon? i have found PBR stuff on zdoom forum but is only for Doom64: Retribution. Thank you for keeping this alive!!

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Xeno1979,
Thank you for the compliment.

I think you are referring to this - Doom 64 Retribution PBR Materials : Vaseline Edition

I have tried looking for this myself a couple of weeks ago but came to a dead end. Unfortunately my skills in this area are rather poor (non existent) at the moment to solve this myself.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have uploaded update 12.
When using Freedoom2 as the base IWAD instead of Doom2 I noticed that the Freedoom messages were overriding the mod messages such as weapon/item pickup messages, weapon tags and obituaries.
This is because Freedoom uses a DEHACKED lump which no matter how you change the load order of mods will always display the Freedoom messages instead.
Therefore I have added a DEHACKED file to the mod containing the messages. Now Doom messages should display correctly if using Freedoom2.wad

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Xeno1979 - - 36 comments

Alright, thank you for reading my message. keep it up!

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Guest - - 700,097 comments

hi, it looks really good so far, thanks for your work. i've encountered a bug on the first map where i pick up the blue key, i see it in my inventory but the door still says i need the blue key.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I just did a quick run of MAP01 using Zandronum and GZDoom. In both cases the blue key card opened the door.
I also tested with Doom2.wad and freedoom 2.wad without issue.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,097 comments

Many thanks for looking at this, apologies it seems to another pk3 file that was causing the issue. Thanks for this, it's really good to play it via gzdoom :)

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candida - - 44 comments

Very nice as usual.

I've noticed that the super secret level from "Staging Area" leads to "Cat and Mouse" and not to "Hectic" (which is a mandatory secret level after C&M). Exiting Hectic brings you to Staging Area back and not directly to "Terraformer". Is this intentional or a bug?

What I'm really missing in Brutal Doom 64 are the alt-fires (sniper mode of the shotgun and assault gun, for instance) and the flashlight as many areas are very dark.

Notwithstanding the intention to keep the game in "the survival mode", unlike Brutal Doom "normal", IMO, it would be great to have the classic Brutal Doom weapons, including the ones added by Sgnt such as railgun, combat shotgun and so on.

I think this is possible without touching the core of the atmosphere of the game.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

The cat and mouse level is part of the TC absolution remake and not part of my mod. I also noticed that after Hectic you are returned to the staging area and mentioned this to Styd051 the author of the mod.

The intention of the patched version is just to patch the core BD64 and not add extra features. Any extras would come as an add-on instead. I will take a look at alt fire states of weapons and see what I can do, it will take some time though.

There is a good flashlight add-on which I used with mod. However most good flashlight mods use zscript meaning incompatible with Zandronum. I will see if I can track another one down or use the one from Brutal doom as a seperate addon.
Brutal doom Black edition flashlight:

Reply Good karma+2 votes
candida - - 44 comments

Wow, thanks for your very quick reply!

A bit off topic, but the best would be the total combination of Brutal Doom v21 weapons and creatures with Doom 64 maps (or at least making it selectable in the menu).

I experimentally tried BD V21 on Kaizer's mod via GzDoom. Mostly it worked flawlessly, however some triggers, especially in secret levels did not (Hectic lift did not go down, The lair exit pillars were not lifted, so noclip was a must in some maps).

IMO, Doom 64 creatures and weapons are not only unbalanced (some of them like pinkies are too weak while the others e.g. hell knights or cacodemons are too powerful), but texture-wise ugly as well. Imposing BD 21 on BD 64 would solve this problem IMO.

As for flashlight, thanks, it works perfectly.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I am not sure Doom 64 is for you if you want Brutal Doom weapons and monsters.

If all you need is Doom64 style maps you could try this mod.
Doom 64 for Doom II:

There may also be other projects just focusing on the Doom 64 maps.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
candida - - 44 comments

What I meant and tried was Doom 64 maps (with original textures, not with Doom 2 ones) + BD 21 weapons (I tried it with the combo of BDV21 and Kaizer's).

I know Doom 64 for Doom II, it works as well, but it lacks the athmosphere of Doom 64 due to the old textures.

By the way, I also noticed a very strange bug (or not?): Chainsaw has ammo and eats bullets.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I will see if I can dig up doom64 maps with textures for use with others mods besides Brutal Doom 64.

The Tactical Chainsaw uses ammo but has its own fuel ammo, not bullets.
The Chainsaw without fuel is used in Classical mode.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have checked all the Doom64 map packs I can find i.e.
Doom64: Retribution
Brutal Doom 64
Brutal Doom 64 Absolution TC Remake

None of these packs are completely compatible with Brutal Doom V21 and would require working on one or both of the mods to make them work together flawlessly.

As it stands this request is outside the scope of what I want to do as I just want to stay in the realms of BD64.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
candida - - 44 comments

I tried all of them, but none of them work / work perfectly as you mentioned.

Would it be possible to take BD21 weapons over into your patch (I know that there is a mod to transfer Doom 64 weapons to Doom 2, but who would do it at all)?

IMO, the limited number of weapons and their weakness constitute the weakest point of BD64 in spite of its great atmosphere, tension and fear, weak monsters can be compensated in "watch me die" difficulty.

Maybe it's the next step for Sgnt, who knows :)

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

When I have some time I will take another look at the BDv21 Weapons and see it I can package them as an add-on or add as an extra player class. No promises though as there are a lot of scripts in there to wade through.

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jmorganpapworth - - 2 comments

Was really excited to play this mod, however, upon picking up the blue key in the first level and going to open the blue door, all I get is the message "You need a blue key."

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jmorganpapworth - - 2 comments

Never mind, the mod just moved the blue key to a different location which was confusing...

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have just added the 13th update. Please check the description for the details.

Many thanks to styd051 for helping me test the changes.

I hope you all enjoy and please let me know if you spot any bugs :)

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Guest - - 700,097 comments

hello! i bind the key to kick but it's not working. any suggestions?

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have checked again and it is working. Which mode are you using?

Only tactical mode has kicking. Classical mode doesn't have this feature.

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randir14 - - 21 comments

For some reason the music doesn't change when I transition levels. For example the main menu theme continues playing even when I load into level 1. Is there some way to fix this? I'm using the latest version of GZDoom.

-edit, I was able to fix it by using ZD64MUSIC.PK3 from the regular Brutal Doom 64 release.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Thats correct. I do not include the music as there is no patching required and it would increase the size of the download by quite a bit.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have just released a new update.
In this I have patched a couple of minor bugs and added Nightmare and Torment difficulties which should be truer to their names.

If you play of Nightmare or Torment you will be facing the Nightmare equivalents of monsters.

Zombie marine replaces Zombie man
Chaingunner replaces Zombie marine
Nightmare Imp replaces Imp
Spectre replaces Demon
Nightmare Spectre replaces Spectre
Nightmare Cacodemon replaces Cacodemon
Annihilator replaces the Cyberdemon

Torment difficult is similar to Nightmare but with faster monsters.
It will be very hard so you have been forewarned.

Many thanks to styd051 to testing


Reply Good karma+1 vote
styd051 - - 169 comments

hi swc132994

I think I’ll add also knight of hell nightmare, baron of hell nightmare, mancubus nightmare, and hellhound nightmare for this difficulty.

best regards


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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

This is an excellent idea. Although I am wondering if a nightmare hell knight is needed as that would be be four similar monsters. This would almost be a full set of alternate monsters. The only two remaining would be the Revenant and Arachnatron.

Kind regards,


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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have just released a new update 20 bringing over Brutal Doom 64 Project Nightmare's random spawners. These are options which can be toggled on/off from the BD64 options.

These options are:
1. Enable special random item & weapons spawners:
Laser gun can randomly replace the plasmarifle
Unmaker can randomly replace the BFG9000
Demon artefacts can randomly spawn from Berserk packs, Blurspheres and Soulspheres

2.Enable random nightmare monster spawners:
Nightmare imp can randomly spawn instead of the doom imp
Nightmare spectre can randomly spawn instead of the spectre
Nightmare cacodemon can randomly spawn instead of the cacodemon
Hellhound can randomly spawn instead of the Demon
Annihiltor can randomly spawn instead of the cyberdemon

3.Enable to replace hellhounds with archviles
This will switch all hellhounds on maps to archviles (hellhounds can still
spawn from the random nightmare monster spawner

These options can be useful when playing non Brutal Doom 64 maps to access Brutal Doom nightmare monsters and special pick-ups

N.B. I have modified the mod ACS Scripts meaning this update will not work with older saves.

Hope you all enjoy the update


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godnevermess - - 62 comments


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Shockwave_S08 - - 134 comments

Major bug, regarding music: The music does not switch properly when changing levels. For example, the Brutal Doom 64 intro music will still play when starting the "Campaign (Skip Intro)" mode, or the transition between the intro map and MAP01.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Shockwave_S08,
The music is working fine for me. If you are using Zandronum, Is the music file present in the skins folder?
I have checked and it is working with both "ZD64MUSIC.PK3" as well as "DOOM64OST.PK3"

I do not include the music with the download (it would make the mod download much larger in size). You can use either the "ZD64MUSIC.PK3" from Sgt Mark's V2 download or the "DOOM64OST.PK3" from the add-ons section.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Hi Shockwave_S08,
Just checking if the music issue is resolved?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Shockwave_S08 - - 134 comments

Yeah. Just had to copy the music over from the original BD64 archive.

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

I have noticed a coupled of issues with the new monster spawners.

1. Minor issue: with Nightmare monster spawners enabled, the replaced monsters lose their AMBUSH flag meaning they are alerted by sounds and will come looking for you instead of staying put and waiting.

2. Major issue: Whether the monster spawners are enabled or not the Cyberdemon will not appear on Map08 - Final Outpost. It will work fine if I remove the cyberdemon replacer.

I have been working on an update to fix these bugs and other minor things. But if I am unsuccessful on fixing issue 2, I will have to try a workaround or temporarily disable the Cyberdemon replacer until a fix is found.

EDIT: Issue 2 is now resolved the fix will be released with next update

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styd051 - - 169 comments

Don’t worry, I’ll try to solve this problem, I’m good at mapping and script !

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swc132994 Author
swc132994 - - 389 comments

Thanks for taking a look.

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