I am a modder for C&C Generals and C&C Red Alert 3. Join Shock Productions discord to follow my mods!

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 305)
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

Unfortunately, sometimes some bugs will seep through... However, maybe if this mod gets a remake, it could become more robust. Thank you very much for enjoying the mod!

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Command And Conquer : Generals Evolution

Hello everyone who is still wondering and asking!
The next patch is still under development.
Progress is underway behind the curtains, and it'll be great, so long as you keep some patience.


Good karma+9 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Generals2 Remastered v1.5(CN)

It doesn't seem to be English patch? All the strings seem to broken.

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Command And Conquer : Generals Evolution

Coming for version 0.4, which is after the upcoming one.

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Command And Conquer : Generals Evolution

Are you brain deficient?

Good karma+7 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Babushka's Revenge Installer v1.1

You need to install it over Rise of the Reds 1.87. 1.87! Not 1.85 or 1.86. Come on guys

Good karma+2 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

I might address this in future patches. Stay tuned.

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ GLA Airfield

This is very tempting ;p

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Enigma_0

Thank you!

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

Yes you can, you simply need to change the address of the shellmap in Gamedata.ini

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Contra X work in progress - News Update 1

Good luck lads! Best wishes from me

Good karma+10 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Source Code: Genesis Project (CWC Map Generator)

This is really useful for modders, thanks a lot!

Good karma+5 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT'S OUTDATED [ Generals Evolution ] Beta 0.1

Great job as usual Gunship Mark! Here is to your future successes! This will be a milestone in RA3 Modding.

Good karma+6 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Babushka's Revenge Installer v1.1

no Russian language pack unfortunately, for now

Good karma+2 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Babushka's Revenge Dev Talk

Thanks :)

We removed:
Repair Drone
Spy Drone / Predator Drone
EMP / Laser Patriots
Assault Crawler / Attack Outpost
Floating Disc ("UFO")
Rhino (just no longer buildable, but still drops in)
Radar Helicopter

and a lot of other units become unique to certain generals and so on.

Lots of their purposes are now basically combined with other units.

Good karma+2 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Choose the Imperial nanocore construction system

this idea is very unbalanced, please don't include it :)

Good karma0 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Babushka's Revenge Installer RC1.0

you can find it on forums or discord.

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

you can get it from the discord or the forums

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

more variety will be coming to the Generals eventually! My and the team are currently working on balance and mechanics

Good karma+3 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

I like both the new and the old designs :P

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

usually the install directory

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

bad installation, did you remember to install 1.87?

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Enigma_0


Good karma+2 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Missions Mod Developers


Good karma+2 votes
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

I'll look into it ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Rise of the Reds: Babushka's Revenge

the icons are icons... literally you can change the launcher icons for them. They're not in-game.

Good karma+1 vote
Enigma_0 - - 305 comments @ Toxin Serpent

This model and it's textures were provided to BR with permission from the creators of Shockwave.

Good karma+2 votes