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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered (v 1.1) (outdated)

Experimental - the newest version

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered Experimental (WIP)

HUh, what do you mean by "add"? I've never touched any monster's code as rule. Everything was from doom2.wad and gzdoom.pk3 files. Some code was added as technical (based at original source but with little changes for some effects or for fixes of some stuff). Only one thing that not attached with doom and was added from deep internet... is a cat peacture :), just for fun and also technical reasons (not used in the game in properly way). So if you want so, you can find some randomizer mod (for example Shades of Doom). In my case i would like to keep original code (which at least you can meet in the game).

By the way, I have an ambivalent attitude towards realm667. I know that some really good mods use it as source of sprites, but in same time 9001 times used sprites associated with some bad quality mods without any original idea.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered Experimental (WIP)

300 wut? It's probably "impcest" (old bug of brutal doom and mods based on it). There nothing that i can do unfortunately, because bug inside mod's code.

For map666 you need find 3 items on the map12 and press E at the special place. You will see where it is when you'll find all of them. If all ready, sound will play, when you press.

A little tip: The one who was traped by the creatures - sufferd inside walls. The infinite light, cursed and forgotten - in a box was delivered back. Blood of siner, who was catched at the place of a crime - was spilled as punishment. Unhuman heads must complete the ritual. (btw I wish I could add this stuff to the game as text message, but then it will be look like sh**y terry-trap wads)... So, no backstories from messages :)

You need to clear all place to find it, btw.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered Experimental (WIP)

Well... Delta Touch is kind of problem by itself (not in the bad meaning of course. It's great port). All i know, that DT has a kind of different API, for optimization for mobile platforms. If i remember correctly, try to switch in options version of OpenGL.

Unfortunately i can't check this thing by myself... well because of... reasons. But i remember problems with old DT, when even newest versions of GZDoom could not draw lights at water surfaces (old problem with water transparency)

Also, check the settings of GZDoom inside port. Options/Display options/Dynamic Light Options/Lights affect sprites (full options mode). It should be turned on. If this will not help, so problem inside API.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered Experimental (WIP)

it works, but you need activate 4 power supply shield around before.

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered Experimental (WIP)

Huh... really interesting how i missed that. Currently fixing, probably upload soon. Thx for report.

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Impcest (that's how i called this bug) is really old one problem with blrutal and PB (as derivative). Looks like it was old broken code. This happening inside water sector with "swimable" flag. I think problem inside feature when imps trying to jump at the ceiling. I can't fix it from my side (btw BD particaly fixed it).

About darkness. If you use Reshade with fake HDR (or similar shaders) you will drown in dark. Eye adaptation filter can help particaly. I think some people with HDR featured mointor have same problem. In this case you can change gamma or brightness/contrast inside GZDoom. Stock lights is bright enough btw.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered Experimental (WIP)

May be after 10 or 20 years of development... right now i have a lot of other purposes and a lot of stuff to do with wad.

Good karma+7 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered Experimental (WIP)

Туда можно попасть схожим образом, что и в оригинале (через map02). В оригинале нужно нажать на кусок стены в месте с импами, который открывается после поднятия красного ключа. Теперь там выключатель. Дело за малым, осталось найти лишь проход неподалёку. Разумеется это может быть и не классическая "дверь" :)

Ах да.. по поводу карт. Вообще эта версия подготовка к масштабной работе, которая будет включать больше карт. Пока говорить сложно, но скорее да, чем нет.

Good karma+3 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered (v 1.1) (outdated)

Not using often. I don't remember when i was there last time.

About texture packs, well, idk. I have not thought about this question. Try to look something at

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered (v 1.1 FOGZ) (even more outdated :3)

Это очень древний баг. Толи связан он с недопиленной фитчей плаванья в БД и его форках, толи с механизмом импов, которые прыгают на потолок. Точно сказать не могу, но причиной тому являются импы в затопленной зоне. Перемещаясь из воды (которая сделана 3д сектором) и обратно, почему-то у них происходит копирование актёра, что изменяет фактическое количество. На смерти так же указывает большое количество "rip and tear" бонусов, остающихся на их месте. У других мобов в этой же зоне такого бага вроде нет.

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered (v 1.1 FOGZ) (even more outdated :3)

I don't know what "freedoom" is actually. So the most compatible mobile app is "delta touch" with GZDoom on it (not all actually works perfect but playable at least).

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Nice :) Btw, you can turn off insta killing lava. Use console command honte_instakill 0

Good karma+2 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Well GZDoom 3.7.0 has been released today. So, try it.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Hmm... that's problem of last versions of GZDoom. Typical problem of development, when some features unexpectly stop working. Try last one SVN build here:

BTW. Found bug at GZDoom 3.6.0 - some plases with 3d sector around another 3d sector not rendering. So, you can see "holes" in the water. Looks like this bug will be fixed in next versions... i hope so.

And yee... actually i raritly recommend to use PRE builds, but it working more stable then current one. Anyway, use it on your own risk :p

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ +Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+

Unfortunately, no way to do it.

In-first, you need pack of PBR textures. I tried to make them, but result was not good at all.

In-second, you need remake all lights to new format, because old one not supports PBR (probably this will be fixed, but not sure). New lights working a little bit different, but it's not critical. The problem is - old versions of GZDoom can't work with them.

In-third, that was old render of lights (from QZDoom). Unfortunately, in new versions of GZDoom, you can't reach shine effect like this.

Disapointment, i know. But i was disapointed too. Probably some one will make good pack and i'll try something to do, but now, it's anoter abandoned feature for me.

Good karma+2 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ +Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+

Nope. I like original set of monsters, and have no time anyway for keeping 4x versions of maps. Since last year, i'm really busy.

But! I can advise to find some mods that can multiplie objects at maps, such as rapefactor.wad or some more new analogs. I don't remember name of wad, but sure that it exists.

Good karma+2 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered (v 1.1 FOGZ) (even more outdated :3)

Whoops... yeah that's right. Wrong links. I'll fix it.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered (v 1.1) (outdated)

Well, you can play with contrast 1.3 + brightness 0.2 or 0.3 (Options/Display options). Also you can check a new options like "saturation" or set some tonemaps like "Linear" but not sure that you can do it on D-Touch (idk, what version GZDoom in last D-Touch build)

For example, this is screenshot from MAP01 with:

"Contrast" = 1.3/
Brightness = 0/
Saturation = 1.25/
"Tonemap" = Linear/

Also, check "force additive lighting" in Display Options/OpenGl Options/Dynamic Lights Options. It sould be turned off.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Well. Moving that switch was a not good decision, now i think. So if you want to start crusher, you need to get in blue key area and find switch (right side of blue key).
(that's screenshot of this place.. damn BBcode not working -_-)

P.S: I think i'll fix that in next version and get it back to normal position. I don't remember why i did that. May be because that was so easy...

Good karma+3 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

It's can't be physically. How do you imagine this? You can't load them in same time, because both wads are mappacks which loading same maps files (replacing old maps).

May be i can't just understand but what do you mean, when you say "work with Maps of Chaos"?

Good karma+3 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

It's old one bug of Brutal Doom (and of course Project Brutality because it based on it). It's one problem, that actually i cant fix (like freezes after headshot in water). BTW in the last vesion of Brutal Doom, this problem has been solved. IDK why PB missed this, but IMPs are really crazy in water. I think this happening because something wrong in code. PB has "states" for swiming monsters, but this feature was unfinished.

In other cases, PB working without any problems (except lags on Barrels 'O fun, because this happening even on original map).

Hope so, that after new BD release, PB will be based on it.

P.S: Sorry for same reply. Something wrong and my last message was as reply of last comment.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered (v 1.1) (outdated)

I trying to fix some bad things like really bad lags in some places, but this can't help in whole. I can't cut all things for good FPS, unfortunatley. So, this is dark side of wad, you can't play actually if your PC is bad. And unfortunatley, all that i can advice, it's set some options lower. You can play, for example, with smaller resolution (ultra HD 1920x1080 -> Full HD 1280x720 and window mode for more confortable gameplay for eyes). It gives you a good FPS boost. Also you can try to kill explorer.exe process, e.t.c.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

After some tests i can say, that all is working right (include skill levels) if class# checkboxes will be set on. About ACS, well, still can't find solution. It's really somwhere in my WAD, but idk where is.

Good karma+2 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Well. Found what is actually wrong. Monsters not spawning because they have no any class attachment (no one class was set). Looks like Lithium has class flag check.

ACS warrning still apear. IDK what's wrong with that. And yeah, i don't know when i will upload a new version of wad, so if you can't wait anymore, you can just open WAD in Doom Builder, map by map choose all things on them and correct info (set class 1 - class 5 checkboxes).

And yeah... After this you can't to chose skill level actually, because all will be spawned anyway.

P:S: I played with different mods with class-chose feature, but this first WAD that actually have troubles with that.

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+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Well... Nope! Problem not in same script names. I trying to figure out, but something really strange just happened. For example, without any reason some lights disappeared.

Good karma+2 votes
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

The main reason why this happened - it's same ACS scripts names in wad scripts and Lithium scripts. But it's only theoretical. Need to check this.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Well... found reason of bad FPS at GZDoom 3. I'm an idiot (good reason enough :)). I mean i forgot turn off shadow maps. Without this fail... i mean feature i have same FPS. So... looks like problem in PC config (i really have no lags in this places). I really think that problem with videocard. (Nvidia GTX 745 working without any bad issuses).

That fact, that game crushing without any logs, just one more piece of mystery. Because i've never seen something like that.

Hmmm, anyway i'll try to do someting but.. idk i can't promiss that i'll fix that.

Good karma+1 vote
+Ku6EPyXOBEPTKA+ - - 38 comments @ HontE Remastered

Well... Thats sounds strange, because still no crushes for me. The only one hint - PC configuration. May be problem in not enough memory (but i don't think that's actually reason in this situation). Btw, can someone actually post logs of these crushes (and what port has been used, mods, external soft).

About lagging, i can't actually do something with that. Optimization gives nothing (because i alredy tried). And i really don't want to cut effects of some details.

Also, reason can be in your videocard. Idk, but try to update videodrivers.

About MAP22. It's may be because torches. Map22 not so detailed as some another maps. Looks like i need to make some tests.

About MAP02 - Yep, FPS fall, because no FPS sync or lock. It's same effect that when you watching forward and then turn down.

Also. You can set less resolution. It gives you a lot of additive FPS. But i don't think that actually you will be glad to see advice like that.

Also. Guess what! I check FPS on GZDoom 2.2 and GZDoom 3.1... And result was 200 fps on first and 80 fps on second. What the hell?

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