Name: Krychur (alias) Gender: Male Age: 23 Occupation: part-time Goro Majima roleplayer About Me - I like DOOM, Half-Life, Fallout, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Resident Evil, Team Fortress 2, Quake, Hotline Miami, Portal, POSTAL, Left 4 Dead, Killing Floor, Garry's Mod, Deus Ex, Borderlands, Blood, BioShock and especially the Yakuza/Like a Dragon franchise. I also run a small YouTube channel @krychur4956.

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POSTAL - New Vegas

Krychur Blog

I have recently been looking across the various attempts at bring POSTAL 1 to the 3D world, and I haven't really found a whole lot of success unfortunately. I would love to see some more POSTAL 1. the dark, gritty and psychological themes really make an interesting game, not to mention the amazing soundtrack that creates a horrific scene between levels. I am planning a POSTAL mod for Fallout: New Vegas which includes levels from POSTAL 1 (planning to include Super Postal, Special Delivery and The Carnival from Redux all mashed together in the style of Excess Postage), weapons (some new weapons as well to pad out the inventory as New Vegas' weapons system is not the same as the boomer shooter lineup style seen in POSTAL 1 or any other for that matter), interiors, new enemy variation, POSTAL-styled audio, loadscreen recreations, a taunt system and new outfits. the player will be stripped of their possessions upon starting, but will be given The Dude's trench coat, an SMG (still debating between an MP5 and a Thompson) and a perk to help immerse the player just a bit better. if anyone would like to help me with this, I will mostly need modelers and animators. I can handle most of the programming and I wanna get myself into the whole level designing scene so I can make more elaborate projects in the future. for now though, this is my passion project -he said like a million times in the past- any help is appreciated. will upload small demos and prototypes every so often.

"beta mods"

Krychur Blog 4 comments

I think we're old enough to talk about this pandemic of "beta mods" flooding Half-Life and Half-Life 2. I will tell you my stance on a real beta mod here, and I'm not gonna hold back. a real beta mod is not just a pack of maps and/or skins, it is a re-creation of what the game would have looked like prior to release. this doesn't mean just maps, but it means to make the game function as it did, play like it did, and overall feel like it did before release. these mods calling themselves "E3 2003" or "E3 2002" are not beta mods, they are just skinpacks with maps. if you're going to make an actual beta mod, learn C++ and start programming. otherwise, as blunt as this sounds, the mod should not exist. at least not in the mods section. the only place it should go is in the addons section. if they contain assets that aren't made by the creator, then they shouldn't be on Moddb at all. this is a very blunt statement, but I'm not just "hating", I'm giving my honest view on the topic. same goes for Half-Life 1 mods. just because you dug out a bunch of beta skins out of your stolen Gamebanana assets folder does not mean you've made a beta mod, it means you've compiled a skin pack. if you make the game run and feel like it did back before its 1998 release, an argument can be made, especially if you make it function similar to the E3 1998 demos. this sounds blunt, but this is my honest-to-God opinion, tailored by the amount of "beta mods" plaguing Moddb these days. that is all I wanted to say. thanks for reading.

Project Death House

Krychur Blog

so lately, I've been under the radar a bit. I've been working on a Fallout: New Vegas modification with the working title Project: Death House. it is a horror mod inspired by games like Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, DOOM III, Silent Hill: Homecoming, and a few other ambitious horror titles. the gameplay will be nothing like you've come to expect from New Vegas and will test your limits like no other mod. you'll come to use new weapons, new methods of exploration, a survival-horror feel over the typical run-n'-gun you might be used to and discover many secrets inside an old mansion built in the year 1788 that has seen many generations housed. the mod will feature many melee weapons, though you'll still find plenty of guns without it turning into a shooter title. I should probably mention it will be disturbing to some players with an emphasis on gore, loud noises and lights (not jumpscares), themes of agony and emotional/mental dysphoria and games played with common phobias. I do not have any screenshots ready yet, though they will be in the future. for now, this mod is to be considered only having begun development. stay tuned for updates and feel free to ask any questions.

The horror

Krychur Blog

the aliens are coming... more updates on They Came in Numbers soon. lemme go ahead and describe these extraterrestrial beings for you. you see, most people think of "Alien Greys" whenever someone says alien. I don't think these little 3'5 men from Mars running around with blasters and kidnapping cows are a scary thought. the scary thought is not actually knowing what they look like. the extraterrestrial beings you'll know by the end of this story will look eerily human-like. they have armor, stand 6'2 on average, and carry large assault rifles. they have their own space craft, security systems, etc. you won't look at the word "alien" like you normally do for this one. they don't kidnap humans for dissection, they kill them for disobedience. you can't fight them on your own. you either die of the feral virus, or you die a slow death under the rule of these extraterrestrials. take your pick.

The official Krychur Discord Server!

Krychur Blog 1 comment

hello everyone. it's Krychur again. I have something to tell you!

So, I probs haven't told any of you, but I have a Discord server, and I'd love for you to join. we can talk, send memes, play video games, and just chill. maybe drink, and sing together drunk. nah, that last part's a joke. anyway, here is a never-expiring and unlimited use link. hope to see you there.


Krychur Blog 1 comment

hello friends. Krychur here. ever wonder what would happen if humans tried genetically-engineering humans to have cat ears? it would not be healthy, and shit could always go wrong. I personally find this whole Neko shit to be pretty weird, but hey, to each their own. what relevance does this have to what I'm about to talk about? none whatsoever. so the topic here is about a novel I plan to write. it's called They Came in Numbers. the novel is about a world post-alien invasion. now, I actually had a dream about this shit one time not too long ago, and it seemed like a good story material. so anyway, the year is 2025. science has made many advances, including a very special machine that will allow Mankind's most sought after dream to become reality: the ability to touch other galaxies. imagine finding life on another planet. this is where the problem occurs. these extra-terrestrial beings use the rift made by scientists to begin an invasion, and lead a mass genocide on the human race. a war ensues, ending in favor of the aliens. with inferior numbers, firepower, surveillance and tactics, the humans were easy targets for the aliens. humanity as a whole; that is, not just a single country/territory, Mankind as a whole, surrenders to these aliens. fast forward to the year 2038. the Earth is now in a pathetic state of decay under the rule of the aliens. all countries and territories have been torn up and replaced with "districts". each is given a number & a designated color (ex. District 11 - Green). these districts are monitored 24/7 by round-the-clock security (troops marching up & down the streets, giant floating monsters looking down on the city, cameras, the works). food and beverage is also pretty limited. you are given 2 cups of bland, flavorless noodles a day, and drink whatever water you can find. there are no established living quarters either, nor is the city ever cleaned, so you'll be lucky if you can get a cardboard blanket and a spot inside a burned-out building to sleep. even if you find some such material, sleep wont come easy. the engines of the floaters, the boots of 100 alien soldiers pounding against the ground, anything in the background burning, execution squad gunshots, and screams are not the only sounds you'll hear each and every night before exhaustion finally takes its toll on you, and you somehow fall asleep. if you were thinking of simply packing up and leaving your district, think again. there are giant walls guarded by electric fences surrounding the corners of the district, and large machine guns active 24/7 that will shoot you down if you near the walls. some small secret resistance groups have found ways to sneak around the districts, however. the underground sewers and service tunnels have not been touched by the aliens, and thus have dried up and remained quiet since the invasion. however, you are still not safe down here. while you'll find no cameras or troopers down here, disease and sick still exist within the rotting corridors filled with fossils of human waste and trash down here. another point of interest would be the Ferals. a Feral is a creature born from a human being like you and me. during the days leading up to the invasion, a virus was discovered. this virus spread like wildfire, being airborne, thus allowing it to travel through human breath. the symptoms started out simple enough: slight cough, sneezing, common cold signs. the symptoms would slowly worsen into a deeper cough along with sweating, headaches, and dizziness. they would later worsen to full-blown migraines, nausea, shakiness, and occasional blacking out. the symptoms then worsen to a hacking cough, dementia, and high aggression. the final stage is the subject losing all human intelligence, and turning feral. they are much like zombies, but the host is still alive, just not aware of what they've become. the ferals are your main concern in the tunnels. even if you use the tunnels to escape your district and enter uncharted territory, you won't find much. just a burned landscape, charred remains of what was once Earth, and roaming ferals. pick your Hell: a dead city run by aliens, or a wasteland overrun by ferals. I will post a link once I get the first few sections done. as you can tell, this story is heavily inspired by stories such as War of The Worlds, Half-Life 2, and so on and so forth. I look forward to sharing this and seeing what you guys n' girls think of it!

Something I need to talk about

Krychur Blog 1 comment

Hello everyone, it's Krychur. if you're wondering about my wellbeing, I'm fine physically. if ever I start acting... off, here's why. I suffer from Bipolar. as such, my mood is never stable, and I've been on mood stabilizers since I was young. seems like they might be wearing off now. I've not been active due to my practicing social isolation. I barely eat (I have plenty of food, this is my own choice.), cannot get a good night's sleep, always groggy throughout the day, never feel satisfied (not just with my cup of coffee, my personal hygiene, etc. just with my life in general), and prone to randomly having emotional breaks seemingly over nothing. I never opened up to any of you (or anyone in general) about it over fear that I might drive them away. the last time I opened up to somebody (who happened to be one of my best friends), she essentially told me that she didn't want to talk to me anymore and left without saying so much as a goodbye. I feel like I burdened her just as I burden everyone around me with this bullshit. please do not worry or concern yourself with my mental state of being. I already hate myself enough as it is, and it would further my hatred towards myself if I knew I was concerning any of you by sharing this. take care, everyone.

Get to know me

Krychur Blog 5 comments

well first off, how the hell did I even get my name to begin with? I was reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and was introduced to the character Kreacher the house elf. spiteful character with a murky past. I not only thought the name was interesting, but I could relate to Kreacher's spiteful personality and hate towards others. I named my character Krychur to avoid confusion, and because it was easier for my 14 year old mind to remember. personally, my interests include:

-FPS games (DOOM, BioShock, Half-Life, etc.)

-Heavy and Industrial Metal

-Memes that are actually funny

-Overly brutal and violent/graphic imagery (enter DOOM 2016)

-Coffee (as in the drink, not the... adult activity)

these are a few things I can think off the top of my head. things I don't like include:

-Tasteless humor (gay jokes, 9/11 memes, racism, etc)

-People basically dragging me into political discussions

-toxic games and communities (Call of Duty, Fortnite, PUBG, etc.)


-games having 20 million DLC

-The Final Destination movies (the deaths are too random. like, what are the chances of that happening!?)

If you wanna reach me easily just to hang out or chat, here are the two places I'm most active.


Discord: Krychur#3042

for now, that is all I can think of. enjoy talking with you. see you on the flipside.