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Comment History
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Damn, y'all still mad about it huh? Guess the new update doing nothing but making performance worse really burned you guys, keep following the dead mod.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Arrival - Anomalies

Not a bad suggestion, but the problem is the radiation changes are tied to scripts that make other changes, how would I know what I'm changing by overwriting it with vanilla Anomaly scripts?

I have the game unpacked already, I make some small mods here and there, I'm just not sure what would need to be replaced that wouldn't affect the rest of Arrival

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Arrival - Anomalies

How can I remove the radiation changes? The overhaul is too unbalanced, I would prefer the regular anomaly system.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ JSRS Sound Mod 5.0a Preview for 1.5.2

mp5sd6 is only playing muffled sound, occasionally I will get the regular sound, but it will be overridden by the muffled sound. Not sure what's going on there.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ [Old World] Gunslinger Complete

Unfortunate the file structure is a nightmare for MO2.

I'm lazy yes, lol.

Good karma+2 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ SVT-40 REANIMATED

Same issue for me

Edit: Actually I lied, it says the SVT 40 is not marked for override?

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ [1.5.2] NPC Die in Emissions (For Real) (UPDATE 9)

This mod was causing unkillable NPC's to spawn.

Well, unkillable to gunfire. If you throw grenades at them they T-pose on death.

I also found this caused crashes upon killing certain NPC's.

Most definitely a mod conflict because I run so many mods, but I unfortunately had to stop using it. I don't want to run through my whole list and find the conflict.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)


Unification is crushing this mod fanboy, stay salty ;)

Good karma-13 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)


Sorry I'm not the only one lmao, the performance is widely panned. Is it the engine or my computer? Make up your mind. Just save yourself the trouble next time and admit you don't know what you're talking about. We can avoid these pointless interactions. Stay mad fanboy.

Good karma-10 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)


Shows how little you know, sure the engine is a problem but having 1k textures on buildings with a hundred light emitters isn't helping. The AI alone will relentlessly build extra buildings they don't need. I have tech tier V off and the performance is still terrible without titans. Chaos Demons will wreck performance a lot faster than Nids because their buildings have 10x more effect emitters than any other race. If the AI was better at managing strategically instead of just mass production it would be a lot easier on performance.

Mod runs like total garbage with stuttering and performance drops, it's a nightmare and frankly un-fun. Cap the units or fix the models/textures because it's literally unplayable after 20 minutes in a match. That's what needs to happen, fanboy.

Good karma-8 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)


great mod, 4 fps, stutters like ****, broken *** engine and an unoptimized mod that adds tons of content is a real good combo

Good karma-6 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Another Weapon Loadout Mod (32:9 compatible mods only)

No that's all you dude. My issue with BAS is that I game on a 32:9 monitor (5120x1440 res) and 70 FOV + BaS scopes cause issues at such a wide res, like stretched scopes, or gun models being way too close to the camera. I made this mod without BaS for anyone else in a similar position, and my own personal use. If I make a mod, I upload it.

I'm glad my mod could be of use to you though, please feel free to ask if you have any questions or suggestions!

Good karma+2 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Another Weapon Loadout Mod (32:9 compatible mods only)

Couldn't tell you, it has nothing to do with my mod. This is an LTX script, there is no executable. The admin team approved the mod which involves a virus scan. I would check the defender logs and see what's being flagged.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ The extinguished fire doesn't flicker (update 1.1)

thanks, this was driving me nuts

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Friendly Mercs

I think so, but this wasn't really about lore and more about my personal preference. I added it because why not? You know?

That mod will probably give this guy exactly what he was looking for, great suggestion!

Good karma+2 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Friendly Mercs

Done, check the description!

Good karma+3 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Friendly Mercs

Sounds out of my depth lol, ltx editing is easy, I can script but I don't know a thing about scripting in Xray.

Good karma+2 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Friendly Mercs

I am not sure how to do that unfortunately, what I see in the LTX is that mercs are defined as one group. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can chime in and help me figure out if that's possible.

Google Translate:
К сожалению, я не знаю, как это сделать. В LTX я вижу, что наемники определены как одна группа. Надеюсь, кто-нибудь с большим количеством знаний сможет присоединиться и помочь мне понять, возможно ли это.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Starting Loadout Rebalanced v1.2 - Multiple mods support

You should be using Mod Organizer for anomaly, chances are you overwote this file with another mod that uses the same file. This is why using a mod organizer is important.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ KUSH's Better Weapon & Outfit Condition On Drop

Use mod organizer, dropping mods in gamedata is caveman method.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Enhanced Graphical User Interface INC v.0.6.4

Does this scale to 32:9? Vanilla hud/pda/inventory is stretched at my res and I'm wondering if this might fix it. 5120x1440 lol

Good karma+2 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ [Ultrawide] 32:9 Scopes for Anomaly

I'm trying to fix that lol

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ [DLTX] T.H.A.P. Rework 2.2

Using MO2, the mod does not work. Directory structure is correct, nothing changes in game. Lots of people with this issue so if you're reading this, don't waste your time with it. I'm not going to overwrite files in my main directory and ruin my install for this one mod, if that even does anything different.

Edit: Just installed to main dir, nothing again. Mod doesn't work, author is unresponsive. Avoid this mod ladies and gentlemen.

Final update,the mod found here works perfectly with MO2

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ Blindside's Weapon Reanimation and Rebalance - "Loner"

59s in the vid.

Where is he getting these shells from lol

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ [Ultrawide] 32:9 Scopes for Anomaly

Hey, finally getting around to this, the added weapons from Provak's are missing in my file since I do not run it. It's calling for a scope that does not exist in my files, the sv98. I can add it to that file as a separate mod if you want. I need a copy of your scopes_21.xml file since I don't see a host for Provak anymore.

Good karma+2 votes
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ [Ultrawide] 32:9 Scopes for Anomaly

Sorry I can't imagine why this would make it crash, my guess is my file is missing something his has. If I have the time I'll look into his mod and see if I can combine the two for you.

Good karma+1 vote
KNGJN - - 27 comments @ [Ultrawide] 32:9 Scopes for Anomaly

I guess you could but not sure why you'd need to

Good karma+2 votes