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Comment History
AugustoPinochet088 - - 4 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Shows how little you know yourself, if you had joined their discord the UA devs have explained multiple times what the issues are, who was responsible for those issues and how they are going to fix those issues. How about you do some actual research before talking mad **** like a spastic retard.

Good karma+9 votes
AugustoPinochet088 - - 4 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

LOL you sound like someone who has trouble even turning their PC on. How about you take a helicopter ride without a parachute and rid the world of your own stupidity.

Good karma+2 votes
AugustoPinochet088 - - 4 comments @ UA 1.89.53

Looking forward to this!

Good karma-1 votes
AugustoPinochet088 - - 4 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

This mod is really nice, lots of big battles and its actually a challenge to play which is nice. I've seen too many mods just make their stuff OP to steam roll everything but this mod actually feels like the devs really gave a damn about balance and gameplay.

Good karma+1 vote