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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 96)
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

UPDATE-After Doom v5.3 :
°"The Shores of Underworld" has been remodeled (now this map is more compacted, connected, with more details and more freedom of exploration)

°New secret boss added to "The Shores of Underworld" map (blue skull key required)

°On all maps, there are now clues in the environments to find secrets

°Apocalipsis (dual wield) now has PAINCHANCE and QUICKTORETALIATE was removed

°Rotten Apocalipsis has a 50% chance of firing a barrage of missiles

°Cyberdemon with flamethrower is now much less aggressive, but its attack is more lethal

°Rotten Mother now has a stronger attack

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ Ion Fury: Aftershock Epic Sound Mod

It's a big improvement 10/10

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

aca te ayudo, decime, tenes el winrar instalado? sino proba descargar desde este link:

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ 00_Zombie_00

thanks :)

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ DoomRaro 3.0

bien capo

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

In this place (3:37), there is a hidden button, which you must shoot :

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

Hello thank you very much! Here are some videos showing the secrets:

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom


Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ Porta Inferni

It is a wonderful map in the best Hellbound style, very replayable 10/10

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ IdTech4 File Unpacker 1.5

I found it very useful, thank you very much

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

Muchas gracias. Así es, uso muchos recursos de Duke Nukem 3d para las ciudades, porque a mi parecer, ese videojuego tiene los mejores entornos de ciudades y que encajan muy bien en Doom.

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom


Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

In this latest update (After-Doom-v5.2) the graphics of the monsters and projectiles now appear correctly in True Color SW Rendering and Doom Software Render in GZDOOM. I only made it for those who want to use the sprites in other projects, and can use those rendering settings if they want. After Doom required opengl or vulkan render (Render mode: Hardware accelerated), so that the environments look correctly.

Some minor bugs have also been fixed.

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

You need a mod that replaces the sounds with those of Playstation Doom, like these:

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

° Redesigned the "Icon of Sin is Dead" map
° Redesigned the cyberdemon with flamethrower and the Icon of Sin
° There is now compatibility with mods that replace the music of Doom 2 (for example, a mod that adds the music of Doom Eternal now works with these maps)

Good karma+4 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

todos esos cambios los podes conseguir metiendo mods. Justamente esos detalles están sin alterar, para que cada uno personalice su experiencia metiendo los mods que quiera.

Good karma+3 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

Hello, the last thing I will do is improve the first 4 maps, and that's it. I'm too old to put up with naughty Internet children who have fun insulting.

Thank you for your support, I look forward to your video review and music video

Good karma+3 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

hello. The YouTube videos are no longer available because there were people insulting me in the comments.

In this update, I only modified the "readme.txt", deleting my personal information.

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

I didn't know about Elysium's Curse [Episode 1] and Waterlab GZD (Waterlab GZD interests me a lot) thanks for the recommendations

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

hola, tenes que usar zandronum, o gzdoom, o lzdoom, o zdoom (cualquiera de esos sourceport funciona). tenes que seleccionar el After-Doom-v4.7.pk3 , arrastrarlo y soltarlo encima del .exe del sourceport que estes usando

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

These mods are compatible with After Doom:
Sgt. Daniel's Violent Doom
Project Brutality v3
Samsara Reincarnated 2.0

Personal opinion of these mods:
Sgt. Daniel's Violent Doom; really fun and difficult, possibly my favorite "Brutal Doom" along with Brutal Platinum.

Project Brutality v3; it has very good effects, but it needs a powerful computer.

Samsara Reincarnated 2.0; Awesome mod, very complex, I really like playing with the Painkiller character.

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

Thank you very much for your comment. I haven't tried the latest version of GzDoom yet, so this is useful for me.

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

I was in a bad mood today, until I read your message. thanks for putting "After Doom" among your favorite mods.

I don't know any of the mods you mention, so I'm going to try them.

Thank you very much for words.

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

hey gracias gran maestro del Doom

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

I have fixed a very serious bug, so I have updated After Doom.
The fatal bug occurred in the map "Inferno City", the boss of this map could receive telefrag from other monsters (it is very rare to happen, in 5 years it happened to me once). I also took the opportunity to include a few minor adjustments:

Good karma+3 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ Kills_Alone

hello, i had sent you a private message asking about your youtube channel, but now i see your answer here. i am very sorry, it is very unfair.

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ Cyberdemon with chaingun

hello, yes, sure, use it

Good karma+1 vote
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

this new version of After Doom is now compatible with Brutal Doom Platinum.

Good karma+3 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

MUCHAS GRACIAS!! ME ALEGRO QUE TE GUSTE!! No hice los mapas pensando en los brutal mod, pero permití la compatibilidad para quienes prefieren jugarlo así.

Good karma+2 votes
00_Zombie_00 - - 96 comments @ After Doom

the last update includes a new optional challenge, in which you must defeat all the bosses of After Doom, at the same time (I was 6 days without internet, that's why it took me a while to answer).

Good karma+3 votes