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UPDATE: After Doom v5.3

00_Zombie_00 Blog

After Doom v5.3 :
°"The Shores of Underworld" has been remodeled (now this map is more compacted, connected, with more details and more freedom of exploration)

°New secret boss added to "The Shores of Underworld" map (blue skull key required)

°On all maps, there are now clues in the environments to find secrets

°Apocalipsis (dual wield) now has PAINCHANCE and QUICKTORETALIATE was removed

°Rotten Apocalipsis has a 50% chance of firing a barrage of missiles

°Cyberdemon with flamethrower is now much less aggressive, but its attack is more lethal

°Rotten Mother now has a stronger attack

"El Camino de un Guerrero" by @Slayercito

00_Zombie_00 Blog

by @Slayercito

Impresionante video, refleja el duro recorrido de nuestro heroe, un guerrero que sigue luchando aun cuando parece que todo esta perdido.

Aprovecho este momento para mencionar que muy pronto habra una nueva actualizacion de After Doom, que reformara el mapa "The Shores of Underworld", entre otros pequeños cambios en los demas mapas y un nuevo Boss oculto.

"Iron Shambler" is ready for battle

00_Zombie_00 Blog


@00_Zombie_00: 2d / 3d art

@DanGmz: Level design, 3d art

@DrugodTV: Programming, level design

More progress 04/24/2024 "Call of the Void" mod for Quake 2 remastered

00_Zombie_00 Blog


@00_Zombie_00: 2d / 3d art

@DanGmz: Level design, 3d art

@DrugodTV: Programming, level design

"Call of the Void" mod for Quake 2 remastered

00_Zombie_00 Blog

Hello! I am making the characters for the next mod called "Call of the Void" for Quake 2 Remastered.


@00_Zombie_00: 2d / 3d art

@DanGmz: Level design, 3d art

@DrugodTV: Programming, level design

Monster Design: Quake 2 - Call of the Void

00_Zombie_00 Blog

Participating in a new project, as a 3D modeler, making the characters of the next mod called "Call of the Void" for Quake 2 Remastered.

Here is a playlist showing the progress of the designs:


parasite dog v2 exito huesos nue

shambler with rocket launcher v1

hellknigth berserkv8


@00_Zombie_00: 2d / 3d art

@DanGmz: Level design, 3d art

@DrugodTV: Programming, level design