

@cybervesna / cybervesna.tumblr.com

She/her | Reblogs at @cyberspacerunner | President of Baddieghest and Kurt Hansen's Personal Assistant | OCs: Vincent Giovanna, Wiosna Blazkowicz | OTP: Vento Aureo | SHIP: Wires | Asks open | PFP by @fengren-art | BG by @caffeinatedrogue ❤️

Dogtown Nights | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

Flashes of moments of tragic Wandering souls, they fall along the way Tell me, you will never leave me forever and ever I gotta be, I gotta be in your arms, hear me


🚫 Do Not Re-Upload/Edit My Shots/Art Without My Permission🚫


Finally finished my mission briefing shard animation. the Hud template I used for the Tiger claw that Raven has to eliminate is by @cybervesna the rest of the assets are made and animated by me. had fun making this. changed the music to some from in game as it fitted better than what I was using before.

I wonder if I can imbed the video in my fic so people can watch it XD think I can only do that with pictures lol would be a cool element to add to a fic though *ponders*


hey ! not sure if you're aware but firefox flags your briefing template as containing malware


Hi there! Not sure what I can do about it, I sent a report already that my file isn't infected. I repacked it so now they're directly in the zip and not subfolder inside the zip, maybe that will work? Here's the scan of the file > Results <

It's just .zip with .txt, .png, and .psd file


*Added LoveSky SMC as one of the available corps! Feel free to use it! If you want to put it in your OCs story or whatever I will be more than happy to see it! IF you have any questions about it, don't be afraid to ask! **Huge thanks to @ouroboros-hideout for BAKKERS logo!


LoveSky Space Mining Corporation

Variations: LoveSky, LoveSky SMC Type: Space mining, Cargo transport Established: 2000s Headquarters: In orbit over Poland Locations: Major branches in Copernicus (Luna), Miroslav (Mars), Smaller offices in most major cities on Earth and space colonies Founder: Antoni Kochanowski Leaders: Antoni Kochanowski (2000s - ), Krzysztof Kochanowski (2049-2070), Wiosna Kochanowska (2077-)


Finally got around to commissioning the lovely @cybervesna for a custom pose pack, so I can finally make a photo story I have been wanting to make since I wrote Present & Future the final part of my No Relic AU main story.

so here it is using some of the poses from that pack, more coming soon on Nexus.

====================PART 1=======================

=====================PART 2======================

===================FINAL PART====================

🚫 Do Not Re-Upload/Edit My Shots/Art Without My Permission🚫



In my Blaze of Glory AU, Michiko becomes prominent character, mostly trying to cause chaos between Vincent and Hanako for her own amusement. As her attempts became fruitless she turned into kind of paradoxal supporter, still messing with them, yet helping in her own way, as whatever the two of them doing is weakening Saburo’s influence among elites. I headcanon a lot Michiko and Hanako got closer, mostly for beneficial perks, but ended up forming kind of “sisterhood” as a result (while still being aware the other can stab them in the back). Usually silent Hanako becomes more outspoken, either because of the bond, or the fact that it’s Vincent’s influence on her to be more assertive and independent.  As for Vincent, he saved Michiko’s life at the Arasaka’s board meeting + killed Adam Smasher, which triggered in Michiko a fascination towards him (is he a psychopath? a genius? or a simple, lucky gonk?), and how of all people he ended up with the perfect girl - Hanako, having Saburo Arasaka pull his hair out. Overall Hanako and Vincent became Michiko’s case study.  



Thanks @olath124 for the tag!

Sneak peek at the new template I'm working on! The new meds I got make me a zombie, so I couldn't do any heavy processing, thus I'm ripping off in-game HUD 😎 AAAAAAND! sneak peek at Dogtown Nights episode that shows what's happening before Part 4 of Wires! Also working on a new posepack, but that stays secret for now!


I feel like there's this conception in many fandoms, especially cyberpunk, that the more 'expensive' experiences you have, the bigger of a fan you are.

It may sound ridiculous, but I frequently see people being congratulated for being big fans of cyberpunk when they spend a ton of money to go do fun cyberpunk things. While that is sometimes a testament to being a big fan, it’s also important to remember that money isn’t and shouldn’t make a person the pinnacle of a fandom. On the same note, somebody isn’t ‘less’ of a fan for not being able to afford these experiences.

I'm just here to say that somebody who meets the actors, gets all the cool merch, has the best PC rig, and is known by name by the devs is not automatically a bigger fan than a person who has none of that stuff. In fact, I think it's quite ironic that we look up to people for spending money on these experiences as though the game we play isn't criticizing wealth inequality, lol.

That is not to say that you can't buy merch or have fun— I'd be a total hypocrite if I was claiming that since I do like to splurge on cyberpunk related things from time to time. All I'm saying is that it's unfair to think of someone as the pinnacle of a fandom solely due to their privilege. I'm also not vagueposting about anybody in particular here; just referring to multiple miscellaneous instances of this that I've seen.

Your fan status is determined solely by how much you like the game. Not how much stuff or experiences you have under your belt.


No one can tell you if you're "big enough fan". It's no secret I'm now in a more privileged position (it wasn't always like that), so knowing both sides I can tell you, that if you put your value on the opinions of others, you will never be "dedicated enough". Take from someone who had a dedicated hater server that shitted on me for over a year, that I "don't deserve anything" and "waste my talent to do shit mods instead of making better gameplay" and, "she probably didn't even once finish the game" or "bitch doesn't even know the lore".

Before that, I wasn't "dedicated enough" because I didn't post VP everyday, didn't release mods all the time, and I skipped some of the streams of a certain dev. It didn't matter that I loved the universe. It didn't matter that it lived rent free in my head.

I'm saying this to show you, that no matter how much you will do to prove you're a fan, there will be people who won't believe it and the best you can do is to stop proving anything to anyone.

Life is so much better when I just do whatever the fuck I want to please me, and me only.

About the rig - 4090Ti doesn't take better pictures if you have no skill. Those who brag about the best rig do the most boring VP I've ever seen. I spent the majority of time on Radeon TM RX470 that wasn't even a minimal requirement and I had so many people telling me "I wish I had RTX On like you", and I was like, "what RTX??? My Choom I play on the lowest settings 😭". You don't need a great rig to do great content. It's just a tool.

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