


UK based Digital Artist, Writer of FanFiction, I Play D&D & I'm a proud Dice Goblin. follow me for art and whatever im currently obsessed with mostly Goro Takemura, my OC's, Cyberpunk 2077 and other Character obsessions. linktr.ee/DreadRedQueen
Name: DreadRedQueen
Age: 39
Pronouns: - She/Her
Bio: Digital Artist/Modder & Virtual Photographer from the UK obsessed with Goro Takemura, Cyberpunk 2077 and anything medieval, D&D or Dice Related

----I Make Stickers, Car Decals, Art Prints, T-shirts & Pin Badges-----


-------Pay what you want: Virtual Photography & AMM Presets-------

------(for vp send me your oc/character presets and or the NPC---------information and what your after eg: romance, couple, action shot,--------------------------------portraits ect)-------------------------------

----------Goro & Raven Master list-----------


Tagged by @alongtidesoflight! <3333

Tagging (apologies if you were already tagged): @gloryride, @corpocyborg, @aceghosts, @crystalt3a, @harellan, and anyone else who thinks it looks fun!

rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).


  • Full Name: Valerie Irene Powell
  • Alias: V
  • Age: 35 (as of 2077)
  • Height: 5'10"/178 cm
  • Eyes: Dark steel blue
  • Gender: Cis woman
  • Pronouns: She/her
  • Sexuality: Bisexual


  • Friendly and clever, always has a smile on her face, laughs easily, playful but recognizes when it's too much
  • Very empathetic and a great listener
  • Also very loyal and committed--She'd never be unfaithful
  • Loves doing little everyday gestures to show she cares (bringing you lunch or your favorite hot beverage, helping with chores or errands, etc.)
  • Incredibly sensual, passionate, and attentive in bed--Gets off getting you off
  • Can be as kinky or vanilla as you want/open to experimenting with toys, positions (she's very athletic and flexible), etc.
  • Her affection will make you feel like the most important person in the world (true even if it's just a platonic relationship)


  • Bad at setting boundaries and recognizing when she's given too much of herself
  • Tries to repress her sensitive nature which can lead to bursts of frustration and resentment
  • Gets very passive-aggressive and spiteful during intense conflicts
  • Doesn't always clearly communicate what she expects from a partner/expects them to be a bit of a mind-reader
  • Will stick around in a bad relationship longer than she should due to fear of change (although she will end things if the other person won't)
  • [Potential con] If you're not into a very doting partner, she could come across as overbearing
  • [Potential con] If you're the jealous type, the attention she pulls for her charisma and looks could cause insecurity


  • Valerie did sleep around a lot when she was in her early 20s, but those days are long behind her by 2077. Sex is best for her when she's deeply in love.
  • She leans slightly more to the submissive side, but not in a pillow princess kind of way. She prefers to take a very active, vocal role during sex.
  • She is 100% sober--No booze, cigs, or recreational drugs for her. She's okay being around light drinkers (like in social situations or with a meal), but heavy drinking or hard drug usage are a deal-breaker.
  • Valerie is, however, a very heavy coffee drinker. She keeps gum and mints on hand at all times, but coffee breath is an inevitability at some point.
  • She's fluent in English and Japanese, and she can carry very basic conversations in Spanish.
  • She likes crisp, faintly woodsy scents and often smells like bergamot, white tea, and sage.
  • Might not be a great dancer, but is an adorable one:

Additional propaganda:


🚫 Do Not Re-Upload/Edit My Shots/Art Without My Permission🚫


This game is going to break my heart, I just know it.

If you love dark fantasy games about ghosts, folklore, with a fantastic plot with Excellent Character writing I highly recommend this game.

I have not finished it yet, I'm still pretty early in the game but its got me hooked, the morality choices are are full of grey there's no black and white in this game.

Each haunting is complex and choosing weather to ascend or banish a ghost to save the person who is haunted as is your duty as a banisher or to blame the haunted sacrificing them to bring you lover back from the dead, I'm going to stick to my duty in the first playthrough but It will be interesting to see what happens to them as a couple if I go the resurrection route.


who else would ever stay?

(this is an alternate version of marked for death, which didn't hit the highlights I wanted it to but is still pretty good. short. ~500 words)

On the second day after Saburo-sama’s death, Goro wakes up in a dark, strange room. Those first few minutes of tired confusion are the best ones he’ll ever have again, unburdened as they are by the knowledge of his greatest failure. He feels half-dead himself, not only from the wound in his side but from the loss of so much of his cyberware functionality that he wonders how he will even begin to do all that must be done, alone in this disgusting excuse for a city.

He’s managed to prop himself up when the door to the room opens, and the ripperdoc who has pulled him back from the brink of death enters. Exhaustion seems to have aged him nearly a decade, but he dutifully sinks into the chair next to Goro’s bed and pulls up the diagnostics on the tiny portable panel next to his cot.

“Really shouldn’t be sitting up just yet,” he says, distractedly. “I know you’re tough but you’ll heal even faster if you take it easy.”


i just want everyone to know that you should never be afraid to share your VP because you think it might not be "good" or anything. I struggle with that thought too but the more i've shared my photos of my Cyberpunk oc's, the more comfortable i've gotten. Its fun at the end of the day (for me at least).

Even if some of my photos don't get reblogs or even likes on them, i still am proud of myself. Sometimes i do take photos cause i think it'll make a great post but there are times when i'm bored and i'll just go around Night City taking photos. If i like them enough, i'll share them. If not, they just stay in my folder.

But either way, never be afraid of sharing something you're proud of. Even if you don't have the fancy pc (i sure as hell don't), your VP's are super cool and you should be proud of them and yourself !

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