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 (tûr′gīt′, -jīt′)
A sclerite forming part of the tergum.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Zoology) zoology a back-plate of an arthropod or other similar animal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This new species is unique in this genus by the combinations of having 5 pairs of long setae on pronotum, the ultrashort chapped craspedum on posterior margin of abdominal tergites, and the shape and relative locations of setae on tergite IX.
Metasoma slender, tergite I 2.6 times as long as posteriorly broad, with convergent lateral carinae present only anteriorly; sternite I with an apically acute, thorn-like ventral projection posteriorly, tergite II-IV 1.2-1.4 times as long as posteriorly broad with presence of two smooth tubercles.
Abdominal syntergite 1+2 and tergite 3 without median marginal setae; tergites 4 and 5 with a row of median marginal setae; discal setae lacking on syntergite 1+2 and tergites 3 and 4; abdominal setulae gradually increasing in size posteriorly, more visible on sides of the tergites 4 and 5.
The diagnostic characters of the species are the enlarged dorsal-longitudinal ridges on the basal half of the ovipositor, and the setose sclerotized posterior margin of the male seventh tergite. Setae are occasionally present on the eighth tergite (Gagne & Etienne 1996).
The abdominal apex (particularly the medial apical sclerotized processes of ninth abdominal tergite) also resembles that in Gorochov (2005).
Van Veen (2004) provided the diagnostic characters for the male as: lateral margins of abdomen black, at least on tergite 2 or completely black, vertex triangle covered with distinctly black or black and yellow hairs as against the similar species Paragus abrogans Goeldlin, 1971 which was listed from the Indian sub-continent by Ghorpade (2015).
T2 with two small basal foveae about 0.15 as long as tergite, between foveae with a longitudinal carina not longer than foveae, otherwise smooth.
Body: General color and external characters as in male, with body and wings slightly larger, antenna slightly shorter, fourth abdominal tergite dark brown with irregular spots, sometimes orange-yellow on basal half and brown on apical half, fourth abdominal sternite dark brown, sometimes uniformly black.
consistent: wing venation [21]; spiracle of eighth abdominal segment (female)--opening on the eighth tergite versus on membrane (see [4]; also see Table 1).
Dactylochelifer is widely distributed in the Holarctic region [6] and can be recognized by the following combination of features: presence of coxal sacs situated within the coxae of the fourth pair of legs of males, each sac with a well-developed atrium (Figure 7(a)); tarsus with simple subterminal seta (Figures 7(c) and 7(d)); presence of a median seta on each half tergite; tarsal claws not divided; and female with one cribriform plate (Figure 11(e)) [9].