term limit

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term limit

n. often term limits
A provision, as in a state constitution or city charter, that restricts the number of terms an elected or appointed official may serve.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"While we will push for federalism, I think there is a way that the Senate will agree, that we push either for four years no term limit, or five years three term limit.
Incoming House Speaker Cayetano's longer term limit suggestion: Starting on the wrong foot, or delivering the wrong message.
The term limit law would force out the most senior deputies who have most of the power in the institution and bring a new generation of legislators to power after the next parliamentary election, which will be held in February.
The post Togo term limit law allows president 10 more years of rule appeared first on Cyprus Mail .
And while it is true that a term limit will prevent a voter from choosing to vote for a particular candidate again and again, there is great intrinsic value in letting voters infuse new blood into the government.
'The term limit of the posts of prime minister, mentri besar and chief minister will be limited to two terms.
IX, [section]4(a), to provide a consecutive eight-year term limit for school-board members.
Chinese authorities may argue the term limit elimination is necessary to give Xi an extended mandate so he can continue sustainable economic growth and make China strong.
Here's what is at stake, and why ending the term limit matters.
Geoff Diehl of Whitman for introducing an amendment to retain the eight-year term limit. All 34 Republicans voted in favor, most Democrats (110) voted against, and thus it did not pass.
On the other hand, governors who retire, resign, or simply choose not to run for reelection may lack accountability even if they do not face a term limit. To control for these influences on accountability, we include two additional variables indicating whether a governor sought any elected office following his or her term and whether he or she left the governorship voluntarily.