task element

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task element

A component of a naval task unit organized by the commander of a task unit or higher authority.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
One might argue that if any complex human-machine task were broken down into sufficiently fine elements, each element would have to be assigned to either human or machine; but then how could one accommodate dynamic task allocation, in which sometimes a human does a task element manually and at other times assigns the element to automation (Moray et al., in press; Parasuraman et al., 1996)?
* Establishing a Project Management Office (PMO) at the UN level to define the expectations and methods to be used in working in the very early stages of projects; defining the major task elements, interdependencies, durations, risks, benefits, and organisational roles, processes and structures
The DACUM process employs a group interactive activity to produce a sequenced chart of major duty categories and associated task elements of an occupation.
Wickens (1991) describes three cognitive processing issues: (1) multitasking can compete for the same levels of cognitive resources, leading to degradation in the primary task; (2) multitasking can lead to confusion when the task elements are similar; or (3) multitasking might not interfere with performance on different tasks when the elements are incompatible with each other.

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