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short for moustache
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References in classic literature ?
Why, diving after the slowly descending head, Queequeg with his keen sword had made side lunges near its bottom, so as to scuttle a large hole there; then dropping his sword, had thrust his long arm far inwards and upwards, and so hauled out our poor Tash by the head.
Do ye know the white whale then, Tash? Does he fan-tail a little curious, sir, before he goes down?
Friend Rena Muraski added: "Tash has done so well, I'm so proud of her."
While researching her Serbian heritage, Tash discovers her meeting with Emilia may not have been a waste of time.
There are regular calls to ban Tash Ma Tash, but it is said to be one of King Abdullah's favourite programmes.
CEO Tash said 200 employees -- 150 full-time and 50 part-time -- accepted the enhanced retirement benefit, or 40% of staffers aged 50 and up with five years' service or more.
Tash Wharrad as Supergirl at the Nostalgia and Comics shop.
Scouse songbird Tash is due to tie the knot with Riad Erraji next month.
Tash's brother Kev, just out ofprison, is determined to go straight, leaving his friend Jamal as the drugs king of the estate.
In one call, a tired and emotional Fran told Atomic Kitten Tash he misses her terribly.
`I don't know about future lives, but I've definitely been here before,' says Natasha (Tash) Hamilton, 19, whose baby boy is due in August.
where a, b, c and d define a point on the TASH surface.