

1. Tasmania
2. Tasmanian
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
This transaction strengthens the company's industrial services offering and adds an in-demand, internal recycling asset for TAS.
Go gather data--not just impressions--from your own TAs....
During our two-year project, we collected a variety of quantitative and qualitative data, with each stage of our research leading us to collect further data and refine our understanding of the needs of TAs. Because our methods of data collection communicate and shape the philosophy of our PD, we discuss our methods in detail throughout the article, but we offer here a brief overview of the three tools we designed to enact our responsive methodology.
On a practical level, this participatory model of research resulted in buy-in from the TAs. Programs we sponsored were fairly well attended and the responses to the programming, according to formal and anecdotal evaluations, were almost unanimously positive.
Thus, in his case, I had him take responsibility of some full-class discussions earlier in the semester than I might do with other TAs. This immersion approach allowed him to face his fears early so that he could move past the paralysis.
Ask current students how many of their classes are inspirational, and how many are led by TAs. Consider that some top professors may be teaching only graduate courses.
Moreover, this sytem is said to virtually eliminate VOCs from TDI and methylene chloride, as well as powder particulates, without using carbon absorption beds, In contrast, carbon-bed systems trap no more than 90% of VOCs, according to TAS. This technology has been running in commercial production for almost three years at Prestige Fabricators, Inc., Asheboro, N.C.
With additional time constraints imposed on faculty to "publish or perish," research-oriented faculty are encouraged to exert less energy toward the duty of teaching, much less the training of TAs. Generally, faculty are reluctant to expand their own teaching techniques beyond traditional lecture and rarely seek feedback about their own teaching (Guskin 1994; Shannon, Twale, & Hancock, 1996; Terenzini & Pascarella, 1994).
In general, there has been little research examining the effects of the typical training afforded to TAs. Previous reviews of research on TA training (Abbott, Wulff, & Szebo, 1989; Carroll, 1980) have called for more studies designed to assess the effectiveness of TA training programs.
When averaged across the nine Marsh factors, the TA self-rating for those with a degree in education was 4.55, compared to 4.53 for the other TAs. The ratings received by students, however, were not as consistent.