shaft of light

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.shaft of light - a column of light (as from a beacon)shaft of light - a column of light (as from a beacon)
heat ray - a ray that produces a thermal effect
high beam - the beam of a car's headlights that provides distant illumination
light, visible light, visible radiation - (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window"
moon ray, moonbeam, moon-ray - a ray of moonlight
sunbeam, sunray - a ray of sunlight
laser beam - a beam of light generated by a laser
low beam - the beam of a car's headlights that provides illumination for a short distance
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References in classic literature ?
A level shaft of light illuminated the whole side of the tree as I sprang to my feet in terror.
Suddenly upon the beach he saw what at first he imagined must be an optical illusion - a long shaft of light, invisible in itself except that it seemed to slightly change the density of the mist.
The sun was striking in at the great windows of the court, through the glittering drops of rain upon the glass, and it made a broad shaft of light between the two-and-thirty and the Judge, linking both together, and perhaps reminding some among the audience, how both were passing on, with absolute equality, to the greater Judgment that knoweth all things and cannot err.
"Isn't that beautiful?" said Leslie, after a brief silence, pointing to the exquisite effect of a shaft of light falling through a cleft in the rock behind them, across a dark green pool at its base.
I point to the door, now closed, open a short time before, under which a shaft of light is visible.
The shaft of light shifted, and out of the darkness, illuminated with ghastly brilliance, they saw thrust a hand holding a revolver.
Vivid orchids and wonderful colored lichens smoldered upon the swarthy tree-trunks and where a wandering shaft of light fell full upon the golden allamanda, the scarlet star-clusters of the tacsonia, or the rich deep blue of ipomaea, the effect was as a dream of fairyland.
In the last verse, here, another shaft of light is thrown upon the Immaculate Perception or so-called "pure objectivity" of the scientific mind.
A communication of great trap- doors in the floor and roof with the workshop above and the workshop below, made a shaft of light in this perspective, which brought to Clennam's mind the child's old picture-book, where similar rays were the witnesses of Abel's murder.
There is one shaft of light. Even though many homes have needlessly disappeared from the landscape of a huge tract of north Anglesey the ancient hedges and trees remain in the silence of JCB's and chainsaws.
But to see traditional rivalries put aside to honour Leicester's fallen hero, with shirts of opposing teams among those left at a makeshift shrine, is a shaft of light. A reminder that in football more unites than divides us.
And there are bad Ofsted reports with the odd shaft of light.