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1. (General Physics) the production of a shadowgraph
2. (General Physics) radiography or the production of images using radiation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


See also: Radiation
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Shadowgraphy or ombromanie is the art of performing a story or show using images made by hand shadows.
It covers studying pulse processes, photographic methods of experimental research and high-speed photography, Fourier optics and Fourier spectroscopy, methods of spectroscopy, interferometry and shadowgraphy methods, holographic methods, electromagnetic probing, measurements in the x-ray region of the spectrum, corpuscular investigation methods, and methods of experimental data processing.
Phase Doppler (laser diffraction technique for the analysis of atomization of multi-ingredient gasoline) also gives good results [23, 24], just like the optical shadowgraphy that characterizes the injection [25, 15].
* Exhibitions- Cognizance has been a host to exhibitions from National Power Corporation of India Limited, Indian Army, Defense Research Development Organization, A-SET Dancing Robots, Amar Sen Hand Shadowgraphy, 3D Street Art etc.
Quick change artists included practitioners of 'chapeaugraphy' who could change their appearances through distortions of their faces under different hats and 'shadowgraphy' in which performers used the shadows of their hands to create different shapes.
Day two saw two exciting performances - "Hand shadowgraphy" performance by India's Got Talent performers Amar Sen and Sabyasachi Sen followed by a mesmerizing Gotipua (Folk Dance from Odisha) performance by Vijay Sahoo and troupe.
Speidel's essay is followed by a broader look at Conrad's oeuvre with Stephen Donovan's "Gorgeous Eloquence: Conrad and Shadowgraphy." Here we are invited to consider the motif of light and darkness in Conrad's fiction from an original perspective, that of "the popular practice known variously as shadowgraphy, shadow theatre, shadow-play, ombres chinoises, or Chinese shadows" (99).
Willem's performances of colonial resistance in Outcast of the Islands and Almayer's Folly, the popular theaters of his fiction, moving from stage to screen, post-impressionism and the cinema, shadowgraphy, Shakespeare and Conrad, and his operatic mode.
The researchers have combined modern high-speed digital video with techniques known as shadowgraphy and schlieren imaging, which date back centuries.