
Related to schematism: scheme


The patterned disposition of constituents within a given system.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the general form, arrangement, or classification of something
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


the combination or configuration of the aspects of the planets and other heavenly bodies.
See also: Astronomy
the form or character of a syllogism.
See also: Logic
the form, disposition, or outline of a thing or concept. — schematist, n.
See also: Representation
the form, disposition, or outline of a thing or concept. — schematist, n.
See also: Form
the representation in outline of a particular systematic arrangement or of a particular concept. — schematist, n.
See also: Philosophy
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
According to the writer, the future shaped primarily by the allen-compassing technology does not provide a better grasp of reality; on the contrary, the individual is inherently destabilized in the cynical falsification of the real, reduced to an ontological schematism by the state mechanisms.
Second, theologians may refer to Jesus as divine, by identifying his disposition as exemplifying the "archetype of perfect humanity." Third, Judeo-Christian history poses an empirical problem that theologians can solve by interpreting Jesus's divinity according to the schematism of analogy.
After Reinhold, the idealists knew that Kant is best read backwards, from the primacy of the practical to the theoretical: the regulative use of reason must figure in apperception (and the schematism) if the understanding is to be free--if there is to be Wissenschaft.
Through a detailed interpretation of the schematism in the Critique of Pure Reason Heidegger argues that time is the pre-view we take of phenomena on the basis of which the self 'lets itself be encountered by, concerned by, or in Kant's terms affectively modified by another' (280).
This is where a reworking of Kant's schematism may prove a trustworthy old avenue for new thought.
Only when the problem of Temporality is pinned down can we succeed in casting light on the obscurity of his doctrine of the schematism. Furthermore, in this way we can also show why this area has to remain closed to Kant in its real dimensions and in its central ontological function ...
it from Tale's schematism. Joong-rae's weeping, prostrate prayer before three bare trees complicates our sense of his character,
Alas, these techniques are not up to the task of modelling that dynamis of imagination that generates the 'schematism of our understanding; (..) an art concealed in the depths of the human soul' (Kant, CPR:B181).
The schematism of the binary opposition of temperaments proposed in this passage (active and contemplative, pragmatic and philosophical) would suggest that for Levi-Strauss the opposition itself extends further than mere empirical individuals, beyond the simple reality of an interpersonal situation experienced by the ethnographer in the field.
(Schematism, the substitution of ideology for psychology, solemn proclamation, the automation of thought, the loss of the essence of the word - we have here all the signs of the violent demise of language.) All of that "Soviet Kazakhstan" literature, if we are to look at it with detachment, recalls a sick man's feverish dream.
Language is the key integrator here; the central category of "the word" is at once theological and supremely anthropological (human being as linguistic being).(63) Behind the schematism of the different forms of the word-event is discernible not only Barth's "threefold form of the word of God" (i.e.
I am myself inclined to think that Wittgenstein's rule-following considerations can plausibly be construed as an attempt to solve or at least treat the Kantian problem of concept-grasp (or "one-over-many") that is at the heart of the "Empirical Schematism" section of Kant's Analytic, though Bix would reject this interpretation for reasons I will sketch shortly.