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 (skĕrt-sän′dō) Music
adv. & adj.
In a light playful manner. Used chiefly as a direction.
n. pl. scher·zan·dos
A scherzando passage.

[Italian, gerund of scherzare, to joke, from Old Italian; see scherzo.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(skɛəˈtsændəʊ) music
adj, adv
(Music, other) to be performed in a light-hearted manner
n, pl -di (-diː) or -dos
(Music, other) a movement, passage, etc, directed to be performed in this way
[Italian, literally: joking. See scherzo]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(skɛrtˈsɑn doʊ, -ˈsæn-)

playful; sportive (used as a musical direction).
[1805–15; < Italian, ger. of scherzare to joke]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Of the three movements the concluding Allegro scherzando is the most interesting, the imitative exchanges between clarinet and violins at the start acquiring a structural presence as they progress towards a delicious ending that defies expectations.
One notes the candid, syllabic vocal style of quasistaccato, scherzando quality.
Questo testo e una lunga e particolareggiata narrazione che dissimula l'incontro fisico tra due amanti, per lo piu tramite terminologia tecnica militare, e rivela tutta la violenza dell'"amoroso assalto", come per esempio nei versi seguenti: "Una bocca omicida / dolce d'amor guerrera, / cui natura di gemme arma ed inostra, / dolcemente mi sfida / [...] / Entran scherzando in giostra / le lingue innamorate; / baci le trombe son, baci l'offese, / baci son le contese; / quelle labbra ch'io stringo / son l'agone e l'arringo" (vv.
This material returns following a more energetic Allegretto scherzando middle section.
Invece le successive tre rafforzano in qualche modo l'ego del personaggio, esaltano il suo orgoglio: "-Come scrive bene, don Carlo!" esclamera don Luigino dopo aver letto le sue lettere (XVIII: 174); E don Carlo e'nu varone, canteranno i ragazzi, riconoscendolo quale membro di una classe sociale superiore (XIX: 176); lo stesso fara scherzando 1a zambra Parroccola: "--Non faccio per te, don Carlo."(XX: 191).
Concinit mater Actoris, referens confessiones M.: <<Mio figlio si confidava spesso con me, mi parlava dell'imminente matrimonio, quasi scherzando sceglieva gia il nome che avrebbe dato al suo primo figlio>>.
The melodiousness particularly manifests itself in the "pastel colours" of Oenek Pavlik's violin (the fifth movement, the beautiful theme on the G string), Ivan Klansky's effulgently poignant piano (the third movement, the Allegretto scherzando of the fourth movement, the Lento maestoso of the sixth movement) and Marek Jerie's heroic cello (the second movement--Poco adagio, the Cadenza, the main theme of the fourth movement, the introduction of the fifth movement)...
In the next piece, Philippe Gaubert's Nocturne et Allegro Scherzando. mother and daughter all the more forged a tight rapport and played with gusto.
Words that apply to the characteristic movement, such as maestoso, scherzando, vivo, mesto, etc., are often the most important description in expressive pieces.
Petrenko meanwhile kept the Phil tight around his fellow Russian, driving the pace keenly from a grandiose sweep of opening allegro brioso through a dreamy, cock-eyed, Tim Burtonesque minuet to a final allegro scherzando that was simply - and beautifully - bonkers.
Special holiday passports let them collect stamps as their holiday progresses and they learn new skills, such as Hobie Cat sailing at the Reggae Beach Sailing School, or steel pan playing at the Scherzando School of Music on Nevis.