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Related to protanope: deuteranope, protanopia


(Pathology) a person diagnosed with protanopia
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We also found that Variantor accurately simulated protanope vision both when considering pseudoachromatic stimuli identification ([h.sub.uv], op.
Out of these 8 subjects, 5 subjects were deuteranope and 3 subjects were protanope.
They were: equivalent to standardised photometric measurements for common observers (Experiment 2); similar to the expected distortions for simulated (Experiment 2) and real (Experiment 3) aged tritanomalous observers; concordant with the expected distortions of protanope observers (Experiment 4).
A most experienced subject, well-documented as a protanope, described a pair of lights which were white and green as "red" and "green".
Table 1 Examples of colours that might be confused by colour deficient observers Colour deficiency Examples of colours that might be confused Protanope Blue--green/white/red Pale blue/purple/magenta Red/orange/yellow/green Deuteranope Purple/Grey/greenish blue-green Red/orange/yellow/green Red/brown, green/brown Tritanope Yellow/white Violet/yellow-green Red/red-purple
Followed by which presence of colour blindness were noted and again the colour blindness was divided into protanopes and deuteranopes depending on the response.
Out of 26 affected males, 9 (2%) were protanopes and 17(3.8%) were deuteranopes while among females 6 (0.6%) were protanopes and 4 (0.4%) were deuteranopes (Table I, Fig.
(1) Protanopes and deuteranopes are able to match all red-green mixture ratios.
Previous work (Lillo, Moreira, Alvaro, & Davies, 2012; Moreira, Lillo, Alvaro, & Davies, 2012) analyzed dichromats' (protanopes and deuteranopes) use of Basic Color Terms (BCTs).