

(Pathology) of, relating to, or affected by protanomaly
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Thus, trichromats (persons exhibiting trichromacy) can be either protanomalous, deuteranomalous, or tritanomalous, while dichromats can be either protanopic, deuteranopic, or tritanopic.
They noted that, in eyes after macular hole surgery, the Rayleigh equations were shifted toward a protanomalous setting compared to fellow eyes and concluded that recovery of the visual acuity may precede that of the optical density in cone photopigment of central retina.
With the progression of the retinopathy, colour perception can also be disturbed, typically manifesting as blue-yellow deficits and associated protanomalous defects in the red end of the spectrum.
A colour TV picture properly adjusted for most people may appear too green to a protanomalous (weak red) observer, or too red to a deuteranomalous (weak green) viewer.
No statistical analysis was done using the deuteranomalous and protanomalous subgroups because of the small number (5) in each subgroup, but a clear trend of increasing response time with increasing severity is apparent for the deuteranomalous participants for both R and Y signals (Figure 4).
The matching ranges of protanomalous and deuteranomalous trichromats form two separate distributions outside the normal matching range.
Most protanomalous trichromats have two L/M chimeras.
A woman (connected with a marine organisation) is clearly protanomalous. She looked at two different red lights and called the darker on "red" but the lighter one "yellow".
server; the protanomalous observer will need more red in the mixture whereas the deuteranomalous trichromat will need mare green (Figure 1).
Birch (17) reported that when classification was made only when the anomalous trichromat reported seeing a single digit, 47% of protanomalous trichromats and 57% of deuteranomalous trichromats were classified correctly.The efficiency of classifying anomalous trichromats increased when patients who saw both digits were asked about the relative visibility of the two figures and the one that was more visible was used to arrive at a diagnosis.
A protanomalous trichromat has two cone types with a photopigment spectral sensitivity peak around 530nm (Figure 11b).