parallel cousin

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parallel cousin

A cousin who is the child of one's mother's sister or one's father's brother.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Nevertheless, you still might hear someone mention a "second parallel cousin twice removed" Just in case you are asked if you have such a relative, here is a clear explanation of how to classify your cousins.
A parallel cousin is a child of either sex of your father's brother or mother's sister.
Determination of cross or parallel kin is consistent throughout the network in such a way that a parallel cousin's cross-cousin is without exception a cross-cousin and always falls into the affinal category.
The terms 'cross' and 'parallel' are most often used in relation to cousins: first cross-cousins are mother's brother's child (MBC) and father's sister's child (FZC), whereas parallel cousins are mother's sister's child (MZC) and father's brother's child (FBC).
On the status of women, Muslim women are denied certain fights that men have, such as the fight to choose a marriage partner (rather, endogamous marriages are arranged with parallel cousins), the fight to pursue an education, property fights, and the fight to pursue a career after marriage.
Two significant features of Dravidian systems include the division of the social universe into two "supercategories" of cross and parallel cousins in which the former are always potential affines and the latter consanguines, and persistent bilateral cross cousin marriage.
Intuitively, opposite sex cross-cousins are potential spouses and their children are therefore classified with ego's siblings and parallel cousins while same sex cross-cousins are potential in-laws and their children are classified with ego's cross-cousins (Trautmann 1981; Godelier et al.
Same sex cross- cousins are distinguished from siblings and parallel cousins and equated with affines in Dravidian manner: inoli [male] MBS = [male] FZS = WB = [male] ZH, inomas [female] MBD = [female] FZD = HZ = [female] BW.
Kriol speakers also use cousin in compound terms to describe parallel cousins: cousin-brother and cousin-sister.
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