Parallel columns

(Printing) two or more passages of reading matter printed side by side, for the purpose of emphasizing the similarity or discrepancy between them.

See also: Parallel

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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These notes were published in parallel columns in The Boston Advertiser, October 19, 1876, and proved beyond question that the telephone was now a practical success.
Note in four parallel columns, two for the romantic action and two for the others together, the events in the story which respectively are and are not presented on the stage.
It was a very simple-hearted fraud, and it was all done with an innocent trust in the popular ignorance which now seems to me a little pathetic; but it was certainly very barefaced, and merited the public punishment which the discoverer inflicted by means of what journalists call the deadly parallel column. The effect ought logically to have been ruinous for the plagiarist, but it was really nothing of the kind.
Leeming and Georges's son John present the original French material, richly illustrated and with English translation in parallel columns. Tchalenko contributes a biographical essay and Leeming introduces the historiography of Qal'at Sim'an and Symeon Stylites.
Throughout Ill Will, Chaon plays with the novel form: second-person narration, emails, shifting perspectives, emojis and, most radically, parallel columns of prose that show concurrent thoughts and episodes in characters' lives.
When illustrated in parallel columns, the result might look like this:
In each, the words SELF and PORTRAIT sat atop parallel columns of synonyms, with EGO beside PORTRAYAL, ONESELF beside HEAD, and so on, a sequence that yielded nonsensical yet evocative phrases such as ONENESS DELINEATION and SPIRIT MIRROR.
His measuring of Sethe's head, his instructing his students to list her human and animal characteristics in parallel columns in their notebooks, expose education's function in promoting the illusions of those who are privileged and institutionalizing the oppression of those who are not.
English translations of the two texts are presented in parallel columns with marginal notes.
The volume presents, successively rather than in parallel columns, the 1549, 1559, and 1662 editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, freshly revised from original texts.
With a few exceptions, Israeli scholars adhere to the classic model of the "diplomatic edition," a transcription of one manuscript as the "base text" and the recording of variants from other textual witnesses in the apparatus criticus; German scholars, on the other hand, have largely embraced the "synoptic edition," whereby all, or at least representative versions, of the text are offered in their entirety, arranged in parallel columns (thus the term "synopsis") or in sequence.