parallel universe

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parallel universe

1. A universe, especially one of an infinite set of identical universes, hypothesized in some interpretations of quantum mechanics to exist along with our own universe, obeying the same physical laws, but each in a different quantum mechanical state with no possibility for the transfer of information between universes.
2. A universe hypothesized in some cosmological models to exist along with our own universe, possibly obeying different physical laws and having the potential for the transfer of information between universes.
3. A universe in a work of fiction that exists alongside another universe in the same work or series of works, with each universe often having the same characters living in different circumstances.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
If parallel universes exist, what does parallel universe Randall do for a living?
Scientists from Tennessee have developed a portal-like instrument that will help them prove the existence of a parallel universe. Through their experiment, they are hoping to access a mirror world.
He overlapped video of many riders to create what appears to be a continuous timeline of multiple people following the same path, seemingly in a parallel universe at the same time.
"Paying people hundreds millions of pounds a year when we have food banks and people on benefits is wrong in a civilised society." Another angry shareholder told the board: "You live in a parallel universe. Your pay awards totally distort the world in which we are living."
Some questions remain open at the end, particularly around why the lab's biggest villain is so obsessed with a baby in a parallel universe, but they don't diminish the book's fun and excitement.
The unique combination of indie, folk, and acoustic alternative influences can be heard in her 2015 debut album, 'Human Eyes.' After coming back with singles in 2017, she also represented the Philippines in Music Matters, Asia's premier independent music festival, and One Voice: The Best of ASEAN Performing Arts in Singapore.# FeelTheShangVibe sees Clara Benin perform her hits, including 'Parallel Universe' and 'Tila.'
The parallel universe theory may explain Tesla's "conflicting guidance," Barclays analyst Brian Johnson tells investors in a research note titled "Parallel universes of 'guidance.'" The analyst sees "at least two, possibly three," parallel universes issuing from Tesla and its CEO Elon Musk, with a wide range of implied revenue guidance.
One of the most exciting and controversial theories that has come out of quantum mechanics is that of 'parallel universe' or 'multiverse,' sometimes referred to as the 'many worlds' theory.
Well, reliable evidence is yet to come to our notice, but, according to an international team of scientists, they could be living in a parallel universe, says an article posted on
But of late, this scrutiny of Hollywood has resulted in some positive outcomes such as Black Panther that is situated in a parallel universe of Wakanda that only has people belonging to one race.
They might in a parallel universe, but not in this one.
phrase fall on their own swords springs mind - but might be misinterpreted in this parallel universe

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