list server

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Related to list server: Mail server

list′ serv`er

Computers. any program that distributes messages to a mailing list.
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Customers also receive a mailing list server and website statistics.
As we roll out this expanded DT process in the coming months, information will be disseminated using FM's List Server. If you have not subscribed to it, you may do so by sending an email to; SUBJECT LINE: SUBSCRIBE FMCFMT.
This ambiguous file search make server busier and hence increase its utilizations, so Unicasting file list server is better performed.
Membership is free and comadres can submit requests for services or announcements of particular interest to be distributed on the group's list server. Political endorsements are not allowed and participation in comadrazos is voluntary, although attendees must bring a component of the meal.
Over the next year, members can expect a series of new and improved offerings, including a daily morning summary of important legal news, an expanded AAJ Exchange, upgraded list server communities, and a new TRIAL Web site.
The INTELST (List server acronym for "Intel List") was created in April 2000 to provide an information-sharing forum to discuss current and future intelligence doctrine, and to share and request ideas, and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) between intelligence professionals at all levels regardless of their location.
* A newly created Web Site which includes a calendar for any member to post events, links of interest to chapters, and a list server for all members to post Q & A's and open forum for discussion.
Through the IRS' Guide Wire list server, subscribers will receive notification of, and links to, IRS announcements, notices, revenue procedures, and revenue rulings as they are issued.
Version 10 includes mail archiving to SQL Server and functions as a list server so that companies can maintain and distribute company news.
If you are a member of AAAI and would like to be notified when a new edition of AI Alert has been posted, and also receive other AAAI announcements, please subscribe to our AAAI membership list server by writing to with the following text in the BODY of the message: subscribe aaai-members.