Lister planter

Related to Lister planter: lister plow

Lister planter

A planter designed specifically to plant in a listed furrow. The deep furrow planting that was applicable to drier geographical regions used a lister (double-moldboard plow) to make the deep furrow needed. Early planters consisted of a planter mechanism attached to a walking lister and driven by two spiked wheels riding in the furrow. Later, a planter mechanism was combined with one- and two-row riding listers to produce what was referred to as a lister planter. See also the Lister discussion.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
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Paul's "wish list" for the future includes more pieces like the spreader and the lister planters. "I know they are rarer," he says.