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An analog of human insulin, used to treat diabetes.

[Alteration of lys(ine) + pro(line) (amino acids whose configuration is reversed from their configuration in insulin).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Later in May Lilly announced Insulin Lispro Injection is now available for order in pharmacies for people who use Lilly's insulin and need a lower-cost option.
INDIANAPOLIS, June 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/--Two phase 3 studies show that Eli Lilly and Company's (NYSE: LLY) ultra rapid lispro (URLi) provided non-inferior A1C reductions compared to Humalog[R] (insulin lispro) at 26 weeks in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
The results showed a faster onset of action for Dance 501 inhaled insulin compared to comparable doses of subcutaneously administered insulin lispro.
INDIANAPOLIS, May 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/--Eli Lilly and Company's (NYSE: LLY) Insulin Lispro Injection is now available for order in pharmacies for people who use Lilly's rapid-acting insulin and need a lower-cost option.
has introduced a lower-price version of Humalog (insulin lispro injection 100 units/mL).
Results from the collaboration contributed towards the regulatory approval of Insulin lispro Sanofi, a rapid-acting insulin biosimilar launched in the market by Sanofi.
Drugs used by patients with diabetes also took up half of the next 10 spots in the list: gabapentin was 11th, insulin detemir was 12th, metformin was 14th, insulin lispro was 16th, and metformin-sitagliptin was 20th, according to the MEPS data.
Spending on drugs used by patients with diabetes, 2015 Insulin glargine 1 Rosuvastatin 2 Atorvastatin 4 Insulin aspart 7 Sitagliptin 8 Insulin isophane (NPH) 9 Pregabalin 10 Gabapentin 11 Insulin detemir 12 Metformin 14 Insulin lispro 16 Metformin-sitagliptin 20 The number in each bar represents the drug's place in the top 20 for spending for all drugs.
Insulin lispro or insulin aspart, as the common rapidly absorbed insulin analogues, offers an advantage over regular human insulin used in insulin pumps to achieve better glucose control and quality of life.
Keywords: Insulin biphasic aspart (BIAsp), Biphasic lispro (LisproMix), Insulin degludec aspart (IDegAsp), Insulin detemir.
Meanwhile, the insulin lispro, another product of Sanofi exported to the US, has undergone the same process.